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Most recent update: December 18, 2005 at 11:00 p.m. Atlantic Time (GMT-4)
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ECIA 2006 National Conference The South Australian Chapter of Early Childhood Intervention Australia is holding its 7th Biennial National Conference. The theme 'Early childhood intervention: Whose landscape is it?' is intended to reflect the diversity of family experiences, service delivery models, policy perspectives and inclusive practices within early childhood intervention. The focus of the Conference is on the benefits that the provision of inclusive, positive, community-oriented opportunities bring for children with additional needs and their families. From EdNA Online on December 18, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

Nominations Now Open for Sir Douglas Nicholls Fellowship Indigenous men and women with a demonstrated commitment to improving the lives of people within Victoria's Indigenous communities are eligible to apply for the Sir Douglas Nicholls Fellowship for Indigenous Leadership. Interested parties are invited to nominate themselves or someone else for the Fellowship. Nominations close 18 February 2006. From EdNA Online on December 18, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

Penguins - Out in the Cold Out in the Cold discusses the impact pollution, over-fishing, and shrinking habitats, has had on the life of a penguin. It isn't getting any easier. From EdNA Online on December 18, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

Sir Douglas Nicholls Fellowship for Indigenous Leadership The Sir Douglas Nicholls Fellowships for Indigenous Leadership provide support and assistance to selected Fellows to enable them to concentrate their efforts on personal and professional development, to undertake projects to improve the social and economic well being of Indigenous Victorians and to pursue their vision for a better future for Indigenous communities. Fellowships may be used for: professional and personal development - training, study, attending conferences, travel; projects; and support. From EdNA Online on December 18, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

Healthy School Communities - Queensland Health General Nutrition and Activity Website This site includes information regarding dietary requirements, food allergies, infant and toddler feeding, and better eating at school. From EdNA Online on December 18, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

RMIT - The Refugee & Asylum Seeker Project The RMIT Refugee and Asylum Seeker Project exists to create meaningful relationships between RMIT's staff and students, and refugees and asylum seekers. The project works to increase educational access for refugees and asylum seekers living in the community, and to provide direct support to the "not for profit" community groups they rely on for their day-to-day existence. From EdNA Online on December 18, 2005 at 9:30 p.m..

SC: 18/12 New Phishing study and survey published A new study identifying the issues and techniques involved in on-line identity theft has been published by the 'Identity Theft Security Council' ... From MCS Safe Computing Bulletins on December 18, 2005 at 5:15 a.m..

SC: 18/12 Dasher worm brings gloom to unpatched PCs A new worm named 'Dasher' (after one of the reindeer that is believed to pull Santa's sleigh on Christmas Eve) can infect and damage Windows 2000 and Windows XP computers that missed the October 2005 patching cycle. This is not going to affect anybody whose system is up to date, but it might affect machines which are bought new for Christmas and which are installed and connected to the Internet without a personal firewall being activated before connection ... From MCS Safe Computing Bulletins on December 18, 2005 at 5:15 a.m..

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