Facilitating Situation Awareness in Visual Displays
This issue of InfoVis focuses on the problem of facilitating quick and accurate situation awareness in the design of multifunction displays for airplanes, ships, and other mechanical systems. I believe the same concerns and precepts apply to the design of effective web displays to facilite the search and retrieval of educational resources. The home page of a repository must quickly guide the attention of new users in the same way that an airplane display guides new pilots; as the user and pilot become more experienced, then more refined tools and displays can be utilized. (I From
EduResources--Higher Education Resources Online on December 11, 2005 at 10:45 p.m..
Social Networks Research Report
Im Kern ist dieser Report ein Ratgeber für alle, die mit dem Aufbau eines Netzwerks beschäftigt sind oder sich für die wichtigsten Dienste der bestehenden Angebote interessieren. Lesenswert macht ihn der sehr praktisch orientierte Vergleich von Angeboten wie MeetUp, Ryze,... From on December 11, 2005 at 5:46 p.m..
Goochland is Blogging
Buried deep in my gmail account I found an e-mail from John Hendron from the Goochland, Va. school district who wanted to alert me to
the new podcast that he's been doing for the district and the fact that the whole district has moved to blogs in a big way. Every teacher in the district will have his/her own blog, and student blogs seem to be close behind (though the audience will be restriced to the within the district.) I'm hoping I can do a
Gizmo call with him to flesh out some of the detai
weblogged News on December 11, 2005 at 3:45 p.m..
Google Earth for Mac OS X
Yesterday the AppleInsider posted about a beta of Google Earth for Mac OS X that has been showing up in Europe. This morning I see that John Johnson of Sandaig Primary School points to a beta that can be downloaded from a link here: Is a Mac Version of Google Earth Coming Soon? From
Education/Technology - Tim Lauer on December 11, 2005 at 1:47 p.m..
Emerging Tech getting better
Having chided the O'Reilly Emerging Tech conference for its gender imbalance, it's only fair to praise it for working on the issue. This year's list of twenty-two speakers includes five women, up from last year's one out of twenty featured on the home page. And the agenda is better for it. Gender aside, it looks like a great line-up. E-Tech is one of my favorite conferences because it combines community-building (hence the extra special need to get more gender balance) and sessions that are over my head enough that I learn lots. See you there, March 6-9 in San Diego..... From
Joho the Blog on December 11, 2005 at 1:46 p.m..
Get Back in the Box:
Final Thought Virus: It's Supposed to be Fun
My new book should be on the shelves of your favorite bookstore by Tuesday so, in celebration, here's a final "Thought Virus" from Get Back in the Box. It's from early on in the Preface, when I'm trying to get the reader to open up to some new possibilities. You might recognize a bit of Maslow in here, but with a twist.After this, it's back to more normal blogging. I've found the excerpt is a great way to give away some book - but that text doesnt' really translate properly from one medium to another. Writing for a blog is really different than wri From on December 11, 2005 at 12:45 p.m..
Two heroes die
The Maple Tree The maple tree that nightwithout a wind or rainlet go its leavesbecause its time had come.Brown veined, spotted,like old hands, fluttering in blessing,they fell upon my headand shoulders, and thendown to the quiet at my feet.I stood, and stooduntil the tree was bareand have told no onebut you that I was there. —Eugene McCarthy, 1916-2005 [source] I went through every phone book in Africa, and I didn't find one goddamned Pryor! — Richard Pryor (1940-2005) [source]... From
Joho the Blog on December 11, 2005 at 11:45 a.m..
Fixes coming for Windows flaws - Joris Evers, CNET News
As part of its monthly patching cycle, Microsoft plans to release on Tuesday two security bulletins with fixes for flaws in Windows. At least one of the alerts is deemed "critical," Microsoft's highest risk rating, the company said in a notice posted on From
Techno-News Blog on December 11, 2005 at 1:45 a.m..
Steve Johnson on Hong Kong
On Dec. 2 Steve went to Hong Kong to talk to TV execs and he has a few gem-like posts on his trip here, here, here and here. (How else are you going to find out why all those women were sitting on newspapers spread on the sidewalk?) [Tags: SteveJohnson HongKong]... From
Joho the Blog on December 10, 2005 at 11:48 p.m..