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Most recent update: December 11, 2005 at 11:00 p.m. Atlantic Time (GMT-4)
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SAP, University to Study Government ROI (US) The Center for Technology in Government (CTG) and SAP are collaborating on a research project regarding public-sector return on investment (ROI), focused on improving the government's ability to analyze individual information technology projects. The Center, an independent research organization, is part of the State University of New York at Albany. SAP has contracted with CTG to take part in the research project, which aims to create a comprehensive, nonproprietary public ROI methodology. FCW Media Group, 6 December 2005 From EdNA Online on December 11, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

Tools for Teaching - Collaborative Learning: Group Work and Study Teams Various names have been given to this form of teaching, and there are some distinctions among these: cooperative learning, collaborative learning, collective learning, learning communities, peer teaching, peer learning, reciprocal learning, team learning, study circles, study groups, and work groups. But all in all, there are three general types of group work: informal learning groups, formal learning groups, and study teams. From EdNA Online on December 11, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

Secondary Teacher Training Course A comprehensive training course (not a one-off workshop) spread over time to develop your skills and try them out in the classroom. These courses are a truly unique approach to professional development. You will learn skills and concepts and have the opportunity to try them out and discuss the results. You will build your resource collection of age appropriate songs and games. From EdNA Online on December 11, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

Improved Learning Outcomes for Anangu Students from the use of ActivBoards Mimili Anangu School in South Australia researched the introduction of Interactive Whiteboards and investigated how improved learning outcomes for Anangu students from the use of ActivBoards. From EdNA Online on December 11, 2005 at 9:30 p.m..

Mountain Voices: Oral Testimonies From Mountain and Highland Regions Around the World This website presents interviews with over 300 people who live in mountain and highland regions round the world. Their testimonies offer a personal perspective on change and development. This project is part of Panos' Oral Testimony Programme, which aims to amplify the voices of those at the heart of development: people who are disadvantaged by poverty, gender, lack of education and other inequalities. Collecting and disseminating oral testimonies allows the least vocal and least powerful members of society to speak for themselves, rather than through outsiders or "experts". From EdNA Online on December 11, 2005 at 9:30 p.m..

Flexible delivery and transition to post school options (senior students with a disability) Research conducted at Hamilton Secondary College in South Australia investigating the flexible delivery and transition to post school options (senior students with a disability). From EdNA Online on December 11, 2005 at 8:30 p.m..

Tracking students' progress through their R-7 journey using a school based digital data collection system ICT Research completed by Brighton Primary School, in South Australia in 2005. They investigated tracking student's progress through their R-7 journey using a school based digital data collection system. From EdNA Online on December 11, 2005 at 8:30 p.m..

Eugenics Archive A handsome, well-documented exhibit here documents the odd and damaging movement called eugenics that gained a large following in the first part of the 20th century. Attributing behavior to simplistic gene science, the movement advocated planning and control of human populations. The archive is a project of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. History From Golden Swamp on December 11, 2005 at 3:30 p.m..

SC: 11/12 Critical Windows Update expected Microsoft is planning two software security fixes for Windows on 13th December - at least one of them rated as critical--as part of December's release of security updates, next week ... From MCS Safe Computing Bulletins on December 11, 2005 at 5:30 a.m..

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