P2P Litigation Summit: First Thoughts
On Thursday, I attended and spoke at the
P2P Litigation Summit. It was an enlightening, interesting, and exhausting day. Keeping with my reporting from FMC, here are my first take-aways in
podcast form. Next, I'll post a version of the presentation I gave. Highlights: 1. Hearing the story of David Andora, an innocent person targeted by the record industry. 2. Learning about the intimidation tact
A Copyfighter's Musings on November 5, 2005 at 5:45 p.m..
P2P Litigation Summit: Take Two
If you're not already sick of my voice, here's a
second podcast, a revised version of what I presented at the conference. It's not totally fleshed out, but it's got the main points. A video was taken of the conference, so maybe you'll get a chance later to see what I actually said. Perhaps I'll be able to type this up in more succinct format later, but for now I had to just talk it out. For more analysis, see
A Copyfighter's Musings on November 5, 2005 at 5:45 p.m..
La lata de atún y tus derechos
Que una lata de atún lleve una etiqueta de radiofrecuencia (chip RFID) me preocupa hasta cierto punto pero que Estados Unidos exija un chip RFID en los pasaportes con el nombre, nacionalidad, género, fecha, lugar de nacimiento y una fotografÃa digitalizada del titular ya son palabras mayores. Con la ... From
eCuaderno v.2.0 on November 5, 2005 at 2:52 p.m..
Susan Crawford appointed to ICANN
Great news! Susan Crawford has been appointed to the ICANN board. She is a tireless fighter to keep the Internet open and free. She's also wicked smart and wide-open hearted. I am a total scrawford groupie. [Tags: icann SusanCrawford]... From
Joho the Blog on November 5, 2005 at 1:45 p.m..
Get Back in the Box
Thought Virus #1: One Thing
Over the next ten weeks, I'll be posting short excerpts - thought viruses, really - from my upcoming book,
Get Back in the Box: Innovation from the Inside Out. Yes, this is promotion. Promotion of the book and, more importantly, promotion of the ideas within it. For the suggestions I'm making to the business community (and hopefully beyond) are ones I believe can help transform commerce into a force more aligned with our collective goals. Plus, they should make work more meaningful and fun. Each week, I'll share a com From on November 5, 2005 at 11:45 a.m..
Our polite president
Asked what he would say if he ran into Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela who had just spent two hours denouncing the US to a cheering crowd of 25,000, our president said: "I will, of course, be polite That's what the American people expect their president to do, is to be a polite person." A seemingly reasonable answer. We do, after all, expect our president to be polite. Then why does this strike me as so disconnected from reality as to constitute a reverse paranoia in which you think no one is out to get you? 1. I imagine... From
Joho the Blog on November 5, 2005 at 10:45 a.m..
Tip for the Ungetting-it
If you want a quick read on whether your local newspaper understands the impact of RSS, check to see if the online versions of its movie reviews tell you the highest number of stars it can award. If instead a review shows you, say, three stars but not three out of how many, then the paper doesn't understand that people are getting there not because of a previous relationship with the paper but simply because the page is part of the World Wide Cuisinart Web. [Tags: media entertainment Web2.0]... From
Joho the Blog on November 5, 2005 at 10:45 a.m..
Vatican: Don't Knock Science
As part of a project to help end the 'mutual prejudice' between science and religion, the Roman Catholic Church urges the faithful to consider scientific reason. From
Wired News on November 5, 2005 at 7:45 a.m..
Call It 'Gorilla' Marketing
Smashing cars to bits may seem like an odd tactic for promoting a car-sharing service but it's undeniably satisfying, in a primitive sort of way. From
Wired News on November 5, 2005 at 7:45 a.m..
Internet phone calls on the rise - BBC
A third of people in the US and Europe will abandon phone lines in favour of wireless and broadband telephony come 2009, a report from Gartner has found. Broadband telephony is gaining ground among consumers as people become more confident users of their From
Techno-News Blog on November 5, 2005 at 1:49 a.m..