Distributed Learning Object Repository Network

Most recent update: October 31, 2005 at 11:00 p.m. Atlantic Time (GMT-4)
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Starting School: How Do the Perceptions of Prior-To-School Educators, Schools Teachers and Parents Compare This paper presented in Dec 2002, extends the previously reported results of the Starting School Research Project about what various stakeholders see as important in children's transition to school by considering responses from parents, prior-to-school educators and school teachers to 20 statements summarising beliefs and expectations about children starting school. Responses from 149 parents of children who have just started or are about to start school, 102 school teachers and 33 prior-to-school educators are analysed to ascertain differences and similarities among the groups. From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 9:30 p.m..

Study and Survival Guide This guide, produced by the Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia (SSABSA) for South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) students, contains study and revision tips, exam rules, past exam papers and the SSABSA public examination timetable. From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 9:30 p.m..

OneWorld's Kid's Page Narrated by Tiki the penguin, this website from OneWorld UKis suitable for primary students. It provides some fun and some more serious information and interactives about pollution, climate change and food. There is good use of music and glossary screens to explain key words. Stories, photos and sound give insight into organic farming in Uganda, Africa, the Antarctic, island life, Peru and tribal peoples around the world. There is extensive use of Mime format so those with slow connections may choose to work offline. From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 9:30 p.m..

Learning to Understand Cause and Effect From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 8:30 p.m..

Kids Around the World American Peace Corps' Global TeachNet's Kids Around the World introduces primary school students to the lives of kids in developing countries. The website features interviews with children between the ages of six and ten who live in Africa, Asia, Central and South America, and Eastern Europe. Students can listen to the interviews, which are often conducted in the child's mother tongue, and also read a transcript in English. Along with each interview is a gallery of pictures showing the child doing the kinds of things they do every day. Kids Around the World offers resources for From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 8:30 p.m..

Victorian Parenting Centre The Victorian Parenting Centre offers a variety of resources and education for parents of young children. From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 8:30 p.m..

Face the Facts A revised publication of Face the Facts has been launched. The newly updated version of Face the Facts aims to provide clear and accurate information to counter myths and stereotypes that often surrounds debate on these issues. The publication provides factual, easy-to-read information about refugees and asylum seekers, migration and multiculturalism and Indigenous people. From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 8:30 p.m..

Radio Adelaide Professional Development for Teachers This 3 day workshop for teachers offers an introduction to basic radio skills including panel operation, digital recording and editing, script writing and presentation. Class limit of 10 people allows for maximum flexibility to meet individual needs. Teachers with current skills may complete extension sessions to build these skills. The workshop will also cover the basics of working with Radio Adelaide as an RTO (ie student activities and projects, useful resources, record -keeping and assessment tools to meet the requirements of the Film, Radio, TV & Multimedia Training Package). Accreditatio From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 8:30 p.m..

October 2005 Internet Safety Newsletter: Bridge the gap and keep children safe October 2005 Internet Safety Newsletter: Bridge the gap and keep children safe From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 8:30 p.m..

Only With Your Voice: Millennium Development Goals Youth Action Guide A 28 page booklet created by the Millennium Campaign, TakingITGlobal and the Global Youth Action Network to provide information about each of the eight Millennium Development Goals and suggestions for organising education and action programs to highlight the campaign at a local level. From Recent Items on October 31, 2005 at 8:30 p.m..

Pixar Animation Studios Pixar Animation Studio's website includes short films and a section on how animators have created the films. From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 7:30 p.m..

ELL Literacy with NASA: LUNAR CYCLES Informative and fun site for moon lovers. Be sure and explore the link. I did notice that one of the links within the site appears to be down. However, there is plenty else to discover. Have fun! From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on October 31, 2005 at 11:30 a.m..

ELL Literacy with NASA: Our Effect on the Earth This site is a nice jumping off point for students that are aspiring to become NASA scientists and that also care about the Earth and the effects we as humans have on it. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on October 31, 2005 at 11:30 a.m..

ELL Literacy with NASA: Troubled Ozone Solid website for the Earth Observing System. Here, kids can learn how we are monitoring some of the damage that we are doing to our precious planet. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on October 31, 2005 at 11:30 a.m..

Cat Library The collection of cat information here is part of PetPlace.com — an example of reliable knowledge from a non-academic source. The motive for accuracy at PetPlace.com is quality that will gain the respect that will attract online visitors. Animal sciences From Golden Swamp on October 31, 2005 at 10:30 a.m..

Dansmath These online tutorials aimed at community college students, provide an introduction to basic mathematical topics including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, functions and graphs, calculus, statistics and number theory. Other features include mathematical games and puzzles, and notes on nested circles, prime numbers, pi, paradoxes and bogus proofs, tessellations and polyhedra, and supercomposite numbers. The site is maintained by Daniel Bach, a mathematics teacher at Diablo Valley College, California. From EEVL New Learning Materials on October 31, 2005 at 7:30 a.m..

History of mathematics This website is the result of a research project by students of the Department of Mathematics at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada. Using a timeline approach, a selection of topics from the history of mathematics in Europe, Egypt, China and India is presented in a series of brief articles. In addition there are outline notes from lectures delivered by Christos Obretenov in 1988 on the historical development of mathematics. From EEVL New Learning Materials on October 31, 2005 at 7:30 a.m..

Numb3rs Based on the TV drama "Numb3rs" about an FBI agent and his mathematician brother, this web site provides information about the show supplemented by learning resources which show how real life crime cases have been solved by the application of probability theory and statistics. Learning activities for grades 7 to 12 (available as activity worksheets in pdf format) are based on the stories in each episode of the TV series. The learning resources are part of the Math Education Program sponsored by Texas Instruments Inc, in association with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics in the U From EEVL New Learning Materials on October 31, 2005 at 7:30 a.m..

CRAYON: Create Your Own Newspaper CRAYON (Create Your Own Newspaper) is a free personalised web-based news service that allows users to maintain a page of custom news and headlines with the daily information they are most interested in. From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 4:30 a.m..

W3Schools Online Web Tutorials W3Schools is a free online training website where you will find Web-building tutorials, from basic HTML and XHTML to advanced XML, Multimedia and Javascript. From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 3:30 a.m..

AusWeb06 Since its inception, AusWeb has been the primary forum for the Australian educational sector, industry, government and cultural institutions to discuss the rapidly evolving technologies and usage of the Web. AusWeb provides an informal and supportive environment, with the programme being designed to facilitate open discussion and debate. From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 3:30 a.m..

Screen It! 2005 National Competition Closes Soon Screen It! is the national moving image competition for primary schools. In the spirit of the Commonwealth Games 2006 the theme of Screen It! 2005 is 'Playing Games'. Students under the age of 13 are invited to submit a moving image work that responds to this theme. Closing date for entries is 24 November 2005. From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 3:30 a.m..

Curtin University Research Fellowships - Internet Studies Curtin University Research Fellowships - Internet Studies Fellowships available across the university offering 3 years full-time research with options to extend for 2 additional years and then to convert to a tenurable position. Dr Matthew Allen (Associate Professor Internet Studies, Associate Dean Teaching and Learning, Humanities) is looking in particular for a candidate from Internet Studies. Anyone interested in applying in this area should contact him directory for advice on applying. Applications close 16 December. From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 3:30 a.m..

Postdoctoral and Invitation Fellowships in Japan The Australian Academy of Science is inviting applications from Australian humanities and social sciences researchers for postdoctoral fellowships to Japan under a program with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). The JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Foreign Researchers (12-24 months) provides opportunities to Australian postdoctoral researchers to conduct, under the guidance of their hosts, cooperative research with leading research groups in universities and other Japanese institutions. The program aims to help such researchers advance their own research while contr From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 3:30 a.m..

Balancing Approaches: Revisiting the Educational Psychology Research A new review of research into the teaching of literacy and numeracy skills to students with learning difficulties asserts that there is no one single instructional method that deserves sole claim to being 'best practice.' Instead, the common wisdom of research points to the need for balanced approaches to accommodate the diverse needs of students. The latest Australian Education Review, 'Balancing approaches: Revisiting the educational psychology research on teaching students with learning difficulties', examines what contemporary research, largely meta-analyses from the fi From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

New Approaches in Biometrics - Technology Trends Seminar Hosted by Macquarie University and CSIRO, the seminar will be presented by Paul Watters from the Division of Information & Communication Science's Postgraduate Professional Development Program at Macquarie University. Cost: Free. Parking: $7, with the parking ticket machines accepting $1 & $2 coins only. From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

RssPublisher RssPublisher is a free downloadable RSS Publisher that can be used to create, edit, import and publish your own RSS feeds, Blogcasts, Podcasts, Vblogs and Photoblogs. From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Metadata for Learning Resources (MLR): as a simplified Kernel and a Complex Schema This metadata model presents a highly simplified, 'kernel' element set for those wishing to work with only very basic metadata records. RSS, folksonomies and social bookmarking practices have all recently and powerfully demonstrated the utility and traction that can be gained by these kinds of very simple metadata models. More importantly, the economies of scale for many educational institutions and processes frequently demand it. Equally important for this metadata model is that it also accommodate the kind of complexity that is currently available, for example, in the IEEE LOM –b From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 12:30 a.m..

RssReader RssReader is a free RSS reader that aggregates and displays RSS and Atom news feeds. RssReader collects news in the background at user configurable intervals and warns with a popup in the system tray that a new message has arrived. You can click the news headline to see a short description of the news and click or open the original news web page in an RssReader browser or default browser window. From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 12:30 a.m..

What is Metacognition? Metacognition often occurs when learners become aware that their cognition - their ability to comprehend something - has failed them, for example, not being able to understand some textual information or a mathematical formula, and that they have work to do to make sense of it. From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 12:30 a.m..

Innovativeness of Open Source Software Projects The paper addresses an ongoing debate about the innovativeness of open source projects and critically evaluates the innovative potential of 500 most active projects registered by SourceForge.net. The analysis is based on a proposed framework, distinguishing between radical inventions, technology / platform modifications, and marketing innovations. Research findings include relatively low levels of technical newness in the studies sample, alongside high interest of developers and users in the innovative projects. The article discusses the underlying mechanisms, restricting innovativeness of com From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 12:30 a.m..

Call for Proposals - Educause 2006, 9-12 October 2006, Dallas, Texas Focused on the theme Spurring Innovation and Marshalling Resources, the diverse program offers a variety of ways to gather information, engage with peers in the higher education IT community, and hear from leading figures in the field including preconference seminars; track sessions; poster sessions; small group meetings; and corporate exhibits, presentations, and workshops. Proposals must be submitted by 23 January 2006. From EdNA Online on October 31, 2005 at 12:30 a.m..

Students compare Keats to SMS text 46,000 Victorian Year 12 students, in their final English exam recently, were asked to compare an SMS message, "how r u pls 4giv me I luv u xoxoxo O:-)", with a famous Keats love letter, "You fear, sometimes, I do not love you so much as you wish". From EdNA Online on October 30, 2005 at 11:30 p.m..

New Version of 'Face the Facts' Launched 'Face the Facts' provides factual, easy-to-read information about refugees and asylum seekers, migration and multiculturalism and Indigenous people. The new publication has been launched by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner and Race Discrimination Commissioner Tom Calma. It aims to provide clear and accurate information to counter myths and stereotypes that often surrounds debate on these issues. From EdNA Online on October 30, 2005 at 11:30 p.m..

APEA Risk Management Workshop The Affiliation of Professional Education Associations will host a workshop for Risk Management aiming to provide a framework for associations to consider and identify aspects of functionality and ability to be successful in dealing with legal and ethical obligations. Identifying what can go wrong, prevention and strategies to manage risk will be a focus; furthermore succession planning, constitutions and insurance will be addressed. From EdNA Online on October 30, 2005 at 11:30 p.m..

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