The color of nouns
I'm not sure if I've got this right, but this page did image searches for tens of thousands of English nouns. Those that got fewer than 50 hits at Yahoo! Search they ignored. For the others, they color-averaged the images and came up with a color for each of 33,096 nouns. Then they arranged them by meaning (although you can also arrange them by color) and put them on an interactive chart. Oh, what the hell, go there and start clicking randomly. [Tags: taxonomy EverythingIsMiscellaneous]... From
Joho the Blog on October 15, 2005 at 5:48 p.m..
Shining remix
This is a very funny remix of The Shining. (Thanks to Joi for the link) [Tags: remix humor]... From
Joho the Blog on October 15, 2005 at 5:48 p.m..
Yummy diners from the Sterns
Jane and Michael Stern, who write a monthly column for Gourmet about road food have a list of
America's Top Ten Diners at Sadly, there is nothing in New York City (if only the Jones Diner hadn't been torn down!). They do recommend Wasp's Snack Bar in Woodstock, VT, which I happened to drive by just the either day! I noticed it (it was closed) and thought, "Huh, that place looks pretty cool." I will have to go back for sure. From
megnut on October 15, 2005 at 5:45 p.m..
Joshua Schachter to talk at the Berkman Center's own Joshua Schachter is going to give a lunchtime talk at the Berkman Center on October 25, and that evening he'll be my guest at a "Web of Ideas" open discussion. Both events are open to the public, although the lunchtime one requires an RSVP; check the Berkman page for details as they become available. [Tags: tagging JoshuaSchachter berkman]... From
Joho the Blog on October 15, 2005 at 4:48 p.m..
The scoop behind Massachusetts putting Microsoft into the Commonwealth Ejection Seat
David Berlind has a massively detailed account of how Massachusetts decided to exclude Microsoft's Office products from the list of apps acceptable for purchase by the state government. He's got the back and forth, the in and out, the he-said/she-said of the whole deal, with careful considerations of the claims and counterclaims. It's a must read if you care about open source and the future of Microsoft. One important conclusion: In fact, one important point that has so far gotten no attention in the coverage of the Massachusetts decision is that the door is actually still open From
Joho the Blog on October 15, 2005 at 4:48 p.m..
Mapmixing it up
MapMix ( in beta) lets you say where you are on a Google map and then shows you a map positioning others who have done the same. You can specify your gender, sexual orientation and relationship status so that you only see similarly categorized people. Click on one and you can do an IM/SMS thing called Quick Message (which wasn't working for me when I tried it a few minutes ago). It's more dating oriented than I am. And the profile probably ought to include which languages you speak. But that's what betas are for. [Tags: mapmix google]... From
Joho the Blog on October 15, 2005 at 4:48 p.m..
M2.0M (Ross Mayfield)
Comments seem to be broken here, so I’m replying to danah’s existential post here. Wrestling with the same issue, I’ve found it’s difficult to decide what to contribute here, because topics are being commercially exhausted. We went through a period... From
Corante: Social Software on October 15, 2005 at 3:46 p.m..
War on self?
Interestingly there is a whole armada of things keeping us under pressure: you got to be more productive, faster, better organized, and so on. The computer has not only enhanced our productivity: ubiquitous computing also means there will be no excuse to be unproductive (except when you »deserved« a break)? There are already many people working almost round the hour - from early morning when they wake up to late night when they fall asleep. For those there is now »aid« available: Glen Rhodes
owrede_log on October 15, 2005 at 1:47 p.m..
One more blog
I stumbled across the Camp Katrina blog by National Guardperson SPC Van Treuren today. He's been on Katrina relief duty. His blog is funny and gives a different insight into the world. What's not to like? [Tags: CampKatrina blogs katrina]... From
Joho the Blog on October 15, 2005 at 12:48 p.m..
The missing half of Web 2.0
Anil Dash notices that judging from the Web 2.0 conference, half of the Web is missing. Shelley, in the wonderfully titled post, "A sudden weight was felt in the room," finds it "ironic...that it took a post by Anil Dash to push the issue of lack of diversity at O'Reilly conferences into the hot tech issues page. [Tags: diversity gender web2 ShelleyPowers AnilDash]... From
Joho the Blog on October 15, 2005 at 11:46 a.m..
A Google Wallet Tale Unfolds - Ben Charny, eWeek
There are fresh signs that Google is preparing an online payment service, code-named Google Wallet, that would compete with Internet stalwarts eBay and PayPal. GoogleRumors, a Web log (blog), recently reported that a computer file Google uses to scour th From
Techno-News Blog on October 15, 2005 at 3:46 a.m..