Studying weblogs at Microsoft: almost done
Just finished presenting still a bit raw results of my study of weblogs at Microsoft. It's recorded, but available only to Microsoft employees -
link to the video and slides on Microsoft intranet. Eventually it will be published, but I guess I'll find a way to blog bits and pieces of it before that... The most interesting things for me are: general patterns of weblog adoption - factors, forces and speed certain patterns of blogging overepresented in internal "media" +&n From
Mathemagenic on September 8, 2005 at 10:49 p.m..
Free meds for Katrina victims
Until September 16, Pfizer is offering free prescriptions for people affected by Katrina. This is the message they sent to Britt Blaser: From: Huw Gilbert Subject: Pfizer Katrina Relief Date: September 8, 2005 3:40:44 PM EDT Britt, We are trying to get the information below out as widely as possible. Would you be willing to find a way put it on Escapable Logic and/or New York Done Right? The information below is on our site here. Thanks!!! Hurricane Katrina Survivors: Visit a nearby pharmacy to receive an emergency supply of your Pfizer medicines. Victims of Hurricane Katrina who have lost... From
Joho the Blog on September 8, 2005 at 9:45 p.m..
The Gayminator
Gov. Arnold, is vetoing the California gay marriage law. Here's a place where you can let him know that you disagree with him. PS: It seems to be working out pretty well here in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. [Technorati tags: GayMarriage california schwartzenegger]... From
Joho the Blog on September 8, 2005 at 9:45 p.m..
The Horizon Report
Ein interessanter Blick in die nahe Zukunft: Der jährliche Horizon Report, herausgegeben vom New Media Consortium, "seeks to identify and describe emerging technologies likely to have a large impact on teaching, learning, or creative expression within higher education." Sechs... From on September 8, 2005 at 6:49 p.m..
Fun With Screencasts
So in the craziness of the first two days of school, I've been running around trying to visit/support our 33 teachers who are piloting Tablet PCs in their classrooms. The good news is that they're already doing very cool things, and we've only had two units that crashed. (Some weird thing where all of a sudden the stylus stops working.) Anyway, I'm trying to keep them motivated, so I did a
quick hopefully motivational screencast/congratulations for them on my own tablet using Windows Media Enc From
weblogged News on September 8, 2005 at 6:45 p.m..
Metadata meltdown
Pardon my language, but after wrestling with the LOM for real over the last few months I now fucking HATE metadata. Really. Sorry. It had to be said. From
EdTechPost on September 8, 2005 at 3:47 p.m..
Being Poor
Now that Katrina has surfaced the poor that have dropped from the national conversation — Didn't the Clinton welfare bill take care of that problem? — John Scalzi lists some of what it means to be poor. And then there are lots and lots of comments and stories. (Thanks to Kevin for the link.) [Technorati tags: HurricaneKatrina]... From
Joho the Blog on September 8, 2005 at 12:48 p.m..
Accessible Content Management Systems
I like the idea of using
a content management system for on some projects. However, if accessibility is a priority then options are quickly go from many to far fewer. Fortunately, many of the larger open source content management systems have taken on a goal of achieving some level of accessibility, if only as a byproduct of being standards compliant.The question of whether a content management is accessible is a complicated one, regardless of what measure of accessibility someone chooses to use. Every content manag From
Curb Cut Learning on September 8, 2005 at 11:52 a.m..
eBay Rules Sponsored Links
Retail goods and Web media hold the highest market share in sponsored links with a substantial volume of impressions. From
ClickZ Stats on September 8, 2005 at 11:45 a.m..
Skype and Tellme: Voice recognition for Skype
Tellme provides speech-recognition services to large apps like AT&T's 411 service. While riding down to a conference with Don Jackson, Tellme's VP of Advanced Telephony, yesterday, I asked him about today's joint Skype-Tellme announcement. (Of course, the current rumor that eBay is buying Skype — presumably for its customer base since it could get VOIP technology for $1.50 at this point — is over-shadowing the Skype-Tellme announcement.) Q: What's the deal? A: Today we're announcing a deal with Skype where independent software developers will be able to From
Joho the Blog on September 8, 2005 at 9:48 a.m..
A morning insight
I discovered this morning that, when it comes to coffee's power to wake us up and make us alert, it is even more effective when applied topically. [Tags: humor]... From
Joho the Blog on September 8, 2005 at 9:48 a.m..
Adobe GoLive CS2 Try-out
I had a look at the
try-out version of Adobe GoLive CS 2 - and it didn't even get much of a chance from my behalf. It is ridiculously slow. It needs 10 seconds to switch from a layout view of a HTML document to the source view (on my 1.33 Ghz G4 PowerBook). The beach ball is around half of the time. It's practically impossible to work with such an application. From
owrede_log on September 8, 2005 at 9:47 a.m..
A tiny robot called the "Bat-Bot" can use echolocation just like flesh-and-blood bats to distinguish one type of plant from another -- something most of us couldn't do with a guidebook and magnifying glass. Although Bat-Bot doesn't fly, it's a major step From
Techno-News Blog on September 8, 2005 at 8:45 a.m..
Corredores que escriben y bloguers que corren
A partir del post sobre jogging comencé a armar una lista de blogs de corredores y de bloguers que corren: But, what´s going on in London? Calle 42.195 Corredor perezoso Diario de un corredor de fondo Diario de un trotón... From
eCuaderno v.2.0 on September 8, 2005 at 6:53 a.m..
ITunes Coming to a Phone Near You
Apple's Steve Jobs shows off a new music-playing phone -- loaded with iTunes software and capable of storing about 100 songs -- as well as the pencil-thin iPod Nano, which will replace the iPod Mini. PLUS: Leander Kahney's take on the Nano on the Cult of Mac blog. From
Wired News on September 8, 2005 at 6:46 a.m..
Exec: Microsoft Bungled in China
As Google and Microsoft mud wrestle in court, a former Gatesian executive now employed by Google testifies that Microsoft's attempt to penetrate the Chinese market has been undermined by incompetence, confusion and unkept promises. From
Wired News on September 8, 2005 at 6:46 a.m..
Legal Showdown in Search Fracas
When a search-engine-optimization company launches a legal attack against a small web publisher, onlookers smell something fishy. Commentary by Adam Penenberg. From
Wired News on September 8, 2005 at 6:46 a.m..
PayPal Freezes Out Katrina Aid
Humanitarians hoping to raise cash for hurricane-relief efforts hit a brick wall: PayPal appears to be locking accounts to protect against fraud. By Cyrus Farivar. From
Wired News on September 8, 2005 at 6:46 a.m..
Radiata Stories Is One Funny RPG
It's not as deep as Final Fantasy, but Square Enix's latest role-playing game wins you over by going straight for the funny bone. Game review by Chris Kohler. From
Wired News on September 8, 2005 at 6:46 a.m..
Terrorists Don't Do Movie Plots
Al-Qaida operatives and natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina don't follow Hollywood scripts. So why do authorities so often pretend that they do? Commentary by Bruce Schneier. From
Wired News on September 8, 2005 at 6:46 a.m..
Hackers Admit to Wave of Attacks
With their ringleader on the run, two cybervandals own up to using an army of compromised PCs to take down sites for commercial gain. By Kevin Poulsen. From
Wired News on September 8, 2005 at 6:46 a.m..
Ads in Feeds
I just started providing Google's AdSense as a part of this feed. Please let me know if that adds value or whatever. Thanks From
thomas n. burg | randgänge on September 8, 2005 at 5:47 a.m..
Troublesome workflow
A little while back, I wrote an article that suggested that in some cases workflow is the wrong solution within content management systems (CMS). This week I've been sitting in on four different vendor demos, as part of helping a... From
Column Two on September 8, 2005 at 4:45 a.m..
Accessible Content Management Systems
I like the idea of using
a content management system for on some projects. However, if accessibility is a priority then options are quickly go from many to far fewer. Fortunately, many of the larger open source content management systems have taken on a goal of achieving some level of accessibility, if only as a byproduct of being standards compliant.The question of whether a content management is accessible is a complicated one, regardless of what measure of accessibility someone chooses to use. Every content manag From
Curb Cut Learning on September 8, 2005 at 2:52 a.m..
In this paper we describe the developments in the K-12 sector, the arguments around learning object characteristics and the development of an assessment profile. We applied this instrument in two separate analyses of learning objects and found it useful in identifying characteristics of importance to teachers. From
eLearnopedia on September 7, 2005 at 11:46 p.m..