Katrina PeopleFinder
This is a great idea: Donated money? Please donate a little time. Join the Katrina PeopleFinder Project. It's easy. All you need is an internet connection and the ability to copy data into a form. After Katrina many friends and family members have been separated and left with no clear way to find each other. Hundreds of internet web sites are gathering hundreds, and probably thousands, of entries about missing persons or persons who want to let others know they're okay. The problem is: the data on these si From
Joho the Blog on September 4, 2005 at 10:48 p.m..
Just how do we create knowledge?
Denham Grey has written an article discussing how knowledge is created. To quote: At the top my list is a community - a group that shares interests, develops a common language, builds trust, shares experiences and engages in dialog. With... From
Column Two on September 4, 2005 at 10:47 p.m..
Web manager: you can't serve everybody
Gerry McGovern has written an article on the impact of adding more content to a site. To quote: Every time you add a piece of content you make it more difficult for another piece of content to be easily found.... From
Column Two on September 4, 2005 at 9:47 p.m..
CNN Newsroom Learning Experience
Elliott describes the situation in the CNN newsroom the day Katrina hit shores and
relates it to an organizational learning strategy. "There were some incredible learnings and observations as I quietly watched the news gathering and assembly process and interviewed the Learning team at CNN. Many of these items relate directly to how organizations will be assembling content in the near future.." From
elearningpost on September 4, 2005 at 9:46 p.m..
Idea Generation Methods
resource to have at hand when you're running low on ideas. "This website lists and explains every idea generation method I've encountered during the past 15 years. It is the result of extensive research; my many sources include books, management journals, websites, academics, consultants and colleagues." From
elearningpost on September 4, 2005 at 9:46 p.m..
A Disaster Map 'Wiki' Is Born
I guess it's true: frustration is the spark for all invention., a giant website collecting Katrina related information on top of Google Maps, is the brainchild of Jonathan Mendez, a 24-year-old computer programmer living in Austin, Texas. Mendez says he grew frustrated combing message boards trying to find out if his family home -- the one his parents and brother had just fled from -- had been destroyed.
This Wired article has more From
elearningpost on September 4, 2005 at 8:45 p.m..
Looking For Lists in New Orleans
If you really want to get your brain around the sheer enormity of what's happening in New Orleans, here's something that spurred me to donate a few more dollars to the relief fund. These are
lists being kept by MSNBC where people are posting requests for information about loved ones that are missing. The sheer number listed already is mind-numbing, but the messages are just gut-wrenching. I can't even imagine what it must be like to be without any way of communicating with loved ones, to be separated from m From
weblogged News on September 4, 2005 at 4:45 p.m..
Zivil courage is
running a site where people can offer housing for the evacuees. And there are entries like this that are kind of amazing: We can provide a family of five or six a place to stay while rebuilding is complete. WE WILL PAY FOR YOU AIRPLANE TICKETS, WE CAN OFFER WORK AND WE WILL ASSIST IN GETTING KIDS INTO SCOOLS. We live on a small farm in a rural setting and can help a working family while things get straightend out. From
owrede_log on September 4, 2005 at 4:45 p.m..
Commodified vs. Commoditized
Strangely enough, this little usage dilemma hasn't been written about in any reference book or website I can find. And my copyeditors at HarperCollins want me to use the word "commodified" exclusively, since it's the only one in Websters. But I see the words as very different, and have issued a big STET on that one. And so I am hereby declaring the proper way for these two words to be used, based on the way I've been hearing them, as well as seeing them used in magazines and books:"Commodification" is a somewhat Marxist idea, referring to the way that ma From on September 4, 2005 at 12:45 p.m..
Craigslist Versus Katrina - Keith Axline, Wired
Local community websites have sprung into action to assist hurricane Katrina survivors with everything from blankets to offers of shelter in their homes. With cell and land-line phones mostly down, the web has emerged as a champion amid the wreckage. E-m From
Techno-News Blog on September 4, 2005 at 8:45 a.m..
Flying back
I'm flying back from Linz today, and then getting on a bus to join my family for Labor Day, which is already in progress. I'm blogging from the Frankfurt airport after the most thorough pat down since my honeymoon. Last night, after the Ars Electronica conference ended for the day, there was a light, sound and airplane extravaganza on the banks of the Danube that defies description. It told the story of a Linzer woman from WWII to the present and featured fly overs by various air craft, very large screen displays on barges, and go-go dancing from the buckets... From
Joho the Blog on September 4, 2005 at 4:45 a.m..