[foo] Tags and facets
Marti Hearst talks briefly about Flamenco, an early faceted classification system. HB Siegel points us at IMDB's tagging system, which is well hidden: Stewart Butterfield of Flickr and Tantek Çelik of technorati are also here. Stewart points to the difference a plural makes: Check tags/wing/clusters and tags/wing/cluster. Very interesting discussion... [Technorati tags: foo05]... From
Joho the Blog on August 20, 2005 at 9:45 p.m..
[foo] Eric Bonabeau - Hunch Engine
Eric Bonabeau, of Icosystem, says that there's much in life we recognize without being able to explain why. He says we're great at detecting patterns but terrible at exploring alternatives. Let computers search and the humans do the evaluation. The computer then generates new alternatives reflecting the humans' choices. He gives examples from car companies creating new designs, pharmaceuticals generating new drugs, etc. He also shows live demos of interaction with flickr and then Amazon: Select the closest results from a search and it generates returns that are closer and closer From
Joho the Blog on August 20, 2005 at 7:48 p.m..
[foo] How fucked are we
Susan Crawford and I sort of moderated a discussion about how desperate is the situation and what we can do about it. Much of the talk centered on Susan's idea for Net Day, the equivalent of Earth Day: How to talk about the day, how to get it out into the real world. (No time for details right now...) [Technorati tags: foo05]... From
Joho the Blog on August 20, 2005 at 6:48 p.m..
Ruppert: Crossing the rubicon
Crossing the Rubicon« claims to be the second largest selling book about the attacks on September 11th after the official Kean Commission report. Michael C. Ruppert (who is running the website summarizes the claims he is making in this book: In my book I make several key points:1. I name Vice President Richard Cheney as the prime suspect in the mass murders of 9/11 and will establish that, not only was he a planner i From
owrede_log on August 20, 2005 at 5:46 p.m..
[foo] Julie Leung - Blogs and masks
Julie gives a talk called "Making Masks: Blogging as a Social Tool and Family Lifestyle" about the public and the private we choose to expose through our blogs. Are we projecting new personas? Julie wrestles with the problem of how much to expose. She keeps some secrets because: 1. She wants to preserve the relationships in her lives; family members can feel betrayed by posts. 2. She wants to protect herself and her family. 3. There's a place for privacy and secrecy. "There are moments to raw and personal to be trusted with others." So, why take the risk at... From
Joho the Blog on August 20, 2005 at 4:48 p.m..
Peak oil ads: No easy answers
Everybody needs to understand peak oil. Chevron started
a campain called "Will you join us": Energy will be one of the defining issues of this century. One thing is clear: the era of easy oli is over. What we do next will determine how well we meet the energy needs of the entire world in this century and beyond. So we incite you to join us for a series of discussions on some very important issues. Financial Times reports Saudi officials saying that within the next 10 or 15 years OPEC will not be able to compensate
owrede_log on August 20, 2005 at 4:46 p.m..
[foo] Squid Labs
Squid Labs makes cool stuff, including electronic rope with sensors woven into the braid so the tension can be measured; if the rope has gone slack, has been cut or is abrading, it can let you know. [Possible application: Hang-proof nooses. Great for us anti-capital-punishment types.] Also, they're working on a lens molding process that creates eyeglass lenses in 5-10 minutes from a single mold surface. Eric Wilhelm talks about and — the first is for people to post their individual ideas about kitesurfing, the second is for communities to develop idea From
Joho the Blog on August 20, 2005 at 3:46 p.m..
I found
these guys being kind of fun to watch. I got this from
DTV, but they're publishing their videos through different feeds. Basically they're just reading & commenting on stories
users have rated high on - but they're really into this. If they keep on doing that the next 50 years they probably will become the new Statler & Waldorf in a daily tech talkshow. From
owrede_log on August 20, 2005 at 1:46 p.m..
BBC Extras
If you liked
The Office you might want to see
Extras - a new comedy show by/with
Ricky Gervais. The main idea: it swaps the roles of stars and extras so that the extras are the stars of the show and the stars are the extras (kind of). But anyway without the stars appearing as extras the show might not be interesting at all (and I wouldn't even have blogged it). From
owrede_log on August 20, 2005 at 1:46 p.m..
[foo] Friday night at Foo
After the big meeting where we filled up the 8' x 4' board with session topics, we got to hang out, talk, drink, play, retreat into the world of email, etc. It's quite a social group. I got to spend a long time talking with Paul Graham; we both used to work for Interleaf and have kept in touch intermittently through email, but I think we haven't actually seen each other in many years — we couldn't figure it out. Paul in person is as brilliant and eclectic as his essays. This summer he's brought together and funded young coders... From
Joho the Blog on August 20, 2005 at 12:48 p.m..
[foo] FooHer
Yes, foo is heavily male. On the other hand, the women here are so cool. FWIW, there is going to be a session on the homogeneity of tech. Om Malik, reporting on people pissed at not being invited, says that a bar camp is being planned as a more open version. Sounds like fun. (Tim O'Reilly agrees.) But how about a FooHer — or BarHim :) — camp? Now that sounds like fun. [Tags: foo05]... From
Joho the Blog on August 20, 2005 at 12:48 p.m..
Connectivism: Learning as Network-Creation
George Siemens beschreibt Lernen als einen "connection/ network-forming process". Knotenpunkte ("nodes") und Verbindungen ("connections") stehen im Zentrum dieser Beschreibung von Lernprozessen. Elemente der Social Network Theory werden genauso herangezogen wie handlungstheoretische Positionen (z.B. aus der Theorie der kognitiven Dissonanz). Aus... From on August 20, 2005 at 11:46 a.m..
A conversation with George Siemens
Und noch einmal George Siemens. Diesmal in Form eines Interviews, in dem er sich u.a. folgenden Fragen stellt: "1) With all the new technologies and approaches emerging; wikis, eportfolios, blogs, rss etc - how do you feel they will integrate... From on August 20, 2005 at 11:46 a.m..
Carbon Tube Sheets May Have Many Uses - Associated Press
Transparent sheets made from minute carbon tubes may have uses ranging from artificial muscles to light-producing displays to electronic sensors, according to researchers at the University of Texas at Dallas. The Texas scientists say the newly developed From
Techno-News Blog on August 20, 2005 at 8:45 a.m..
Some Notes on Malware - M. E. Kabay, Ubiquity
Computer organisms are reproducing worldwide. Some are mutating at a furious rate, spawning offspring in the blink of an eye. Aggressive anti-virus programs (AVPs) contend with viruses in memory and on disk. With the help of unethical, immoral, careless, From
Techno-News Blog on August 20, 2005 at 8:45 a.m..
No Sex, Please, We're Repressed
While Sister Furong's 'talent' remains unclear, her sexy internet posts have become a sensation in China. So much so, that the authorities are unnerved and doing everything possible to censor her. From
Wired News on August 20, 2005 at 6:45 a.m..
First Stones bootleg
Andy Carvin has posted a podcast of the Stones rehearsing before their Boston date, recorded in his living room a mile away: Technically, you might be able to argue that this is the very first bootleg of the Stones' 2005 World Tour, but they way I look at it, I see it like this: if I can sit in my apartment and have the Rolling Stones intrude on my personal space, I should be able to record a podcast of it. [Technorati tags: RollingStones AndyCarvin]... From
Joho the Blog on August 20, 2005 at 4:46 a.m..
[foo] Introductions
The opening meeting of Foo is the only time we get together in a single room. After going through the rules, Tim has each of the 200+ of us stand up, say our name, our affiliation and three words to describe what we're doing. Here are just a few of the three-word-phrases that struck me as interesting. (I've made no attempt to be representative): Apple Kool-Aid Drinker Social event calendaring My VC's heartburn Calendars abusing javascript Hacking reality From an old media company person: Old media's fucked From a big company: Big companies suck Making robotic porn Better fu From
Joho the Blog on August 20, 2005 at 1:46 a.m..