Geman politicians and weblogs
Here is a short review about some weblogs politicians from Germany are writing. Obviously many have ghost writers and don't write themselves. They don't get it. A weblog is not about updated news in a different way - it is an effective way to personally reach thousands of people. If readers feel the blog is writting by hired ghostwriters, they probably turn away (because it is not the ghostwriters they want to elect). So essentially if they have ghostwriters (a can&apos From
owrede_log on August 12, 2005 at 7:45 p.m..
GlobalVoices grows
Ethan has compiled some amazing figures documenting GlobalVoices' growth, as well as some analysis of whose linking. from where. [Tag: GlobalVoices]... From
Joho the Blog on August 12, 2005 at 2:48 p.m..
Tim Bray on the Bodleian
Tim has a great piece on his visit to the Bodleian Library at Oxford. Cool photos, too. Tim was the architect of the SGML search engine first used by the Oxford English Dictionary, so he's been thinking for a long time about how you organize information digitally. The Bodleian was endowed by Sir Thomas Bodley — Greek scholar, promoter of Hebrew studies, spy — to replace the library that was destroyed in 1549. (Sir Tom sold his plate to raise money to finish the last building.) He insisted that the new catalog be arranged by author. Thomas James, the first... From
Joho the Blog on August 12, 2005 at 1:45 p.m..
New Option for Student Shoppers: E-Books
More on the DRM-enabled e-books being sold as texts by various universities, including Princeton. You save 33 percent, but "access to electronic textbooks will expire upon the completion of the associated class." In addition, the books allow "students to log notes that are linked to a particular section of the book. The notes, though, become inaccessible when the book expires." By, Inside Higher Ed, August 12, 2005 [
OLDaily on August 12, 2005 at 11:45 a.m..
Concrete Steps for a Free Curriculum
Rob Reynolds announces the start of a Free Curriculum Project that "will have, as its stated mission, the creation and distribution of free course materials covering K-20 and lifelong learning curricula." Before going too far, it would be worth looking at similar initiatives that have already been started, such as the free
South African curriculum project,
Library Training From OLDaily on August 12, 2005 at 11:45 a.m..
Blogs vs Lists
I can't really summarize it here, but a fascinating discussion has erupted on ITForum on the subject of using blogs for discussion rather than mailing lists. My own view, included in this discussion, is that the blogosphere isn't ready for this fine degree of filtering yet, but it's just a matter of time. By Various Authors, IT Forum, August, 2005 [
OLDaily on August 12, 2005 at 11:45 a.m..
Smart Classrooms
"The Smart Classrooms strategy brings together the future perspective and the momentum established by the 2002-2005 ICTs for Learning strategy to build the classroom of the future: the smart classroom." Portal with a wide range of resources on the subject. Via edNA. By Various Authors, Queensland Department of Education and the Arts, August, 2005 [
OLDaily on August 12, 2005 at 11:45 a.m..
Principles of Distributed Representation
So anyhow, now that I have finally acclimatized to the high altitude here at Snowmass I am preparing to fly home. So today's newsletter is a bit early. This link is to the text transcript of my talk on Tuesday; it's still pretty rough, having no images or links (these will be added next week). Here's the summary: "Learning object metadata will be rewritten. Or maybe bypassed entirely. It's going to be rewritten because it has to be, because as we work with learning object metadata as it is currently incarnated, unless we're working within a large monolithic entity like From
OLDaily on August 12, 2005 at 11:45 a.m..
Virtual Teams Doorway To Effective Collaboration
To make virtual business-based networked team work effectively we spend way too much time and resources focusing on the technologies and software tools which would best retrofit our needs for improved, faster and more efficient communications. We test, compare, review and experiment tons of new tools searching for features and facilities that can supposedly best support the many different work situations we need to face. But when it comes down to online collaboration, team coordination and management, there are so many human-based variables at play, so many critical components to effective inf From
Robin Good' Sharewood Tidings on August 12, 2005 at 10:46 a.m..
Jerk-O-Meter Rates Phone Chatter
Novel software scrutinizes speech patterns to keep conversations pleasant and pertinent. It could also help turn the tables on telephone bores. From
Wired News on August 12, 2005 at 6:46 a.m..
Cobrasnake Snaps VIPs in Action
A point-and-shoot paparazzo's candid party pix offer a glimpse behind the velvet rope. Now his crude, compelling photoblog is turning into a lifestyle. By Sonia Zjawinski from Wired magazine. From
Wired News on August 12, 2005 at 6:46 a.m..
Camera Game Lacks Focus
EyeToy Play 2 will wow casual gamers with digicam tech that puts your face on the TV screen, but the gameplay is shallow. By Chris Kohler. From
Wired News on August 12, 2005 at 6:46 a.m..
Traffic Hackers Hit Red Light
A transit bill signed into law by President Bush cracks down on boxes that can turn traffic signals from red to green, ending the dreams of millions of frustrated drivers. By Kevin Poulsen. From
Wired News on August 12, 2005 at 6:46 a.m..
Mac Hacks Allow OS X on PCs
Before Apple can bring computers featuring Intel processors to market, hackers get the company's operating system running on generic PC hardware. By Mark Baard. From
Wired News on August 12, 2005 at 6:46 a.m..
The Learned Man! interviews Jay Cross
The Learned Man! ist ein - auf den ersten Blick - interessanter Blog aus Indien, der sich mit e-Learning und der Trainingsindustrie beschäftigt. In diesem Interview erzählt Jay Cross, warum er lieber von performance als von e-Learning spricht, dass er... From on August 12, 2005 at 5:46 a.m..