The microarchaeology of social practice The microarchaeology of social practice is a website that presents an archaeological theory developed by a research group based at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Microarchaeology is based on Sartres' theory of serial action, Foucaults' "archaeology" and the structuration theory of Giddens. It is built upon poststructuralist theory and contains elements from constructionism. Microarchaeology aims to analyse structurating practices within small spatial and chronological boundaries. It examines material evidence for evidence of social activity, which is then interconnected to rec From New Humbul Resources on August 5, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..
Indians of the Great Basin This website was originally intended as a series of course notes on Native Americans. Several sections present various arguments, from the environment to the material culture, art, religion and history of the Native Americans in the Great Basin of America. The site is dated 1996 and this is evident in the simplicity of the Web site, the included bibliography and the use of the name "Indians" for Native Americans. The texts do not contain pictures, but the arguments remain valid and overall this site is a good presentation to this subject for undergraduate students. (Andrea Vianello) From New Humbul Resources on August 5, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..
Southwestern rock art This website is a collection of pictures by photographer and amateur archaeologist Doak Heyser. The colour pictures have been taken at rock art sites in the soutwestern region of the United States of America. The rock art has been produced by Native Americans at sites such as Rochester Creek, Barrier Canyon, Fremont, Three Rivers and Ute. There is a gallery of pictures of Anasazi petroglyphs and Pueblo Bonito at Chaco Canyon. Another gallery focuses on negative, painted and stamped handprints. There are only a few short comments in some sections. These outstanding high resolution pictures of N From New Humbul Resources on August 5, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..
DVRAC - the deer valley rock art center This is the official website of the research and preservation team of the Hedgpeth Hills petroglyph site, which has over 1,500 petroglyphs on nearly 600 rocks. The website presents an introduction to rock art, a searchable database of the petroglyphs, a few spreadsheets and some black and white pictures. Most of the website is unfinished, but the research database, along with some of the pictures, can be useful to researchers of rock art. The Deer Valley Rock Art Center is today associated with the Department of Anthropology at Arizona State University. (Andrea Vianello) From New Humbul Resources on August 5, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..
Books from the past Books from the past is a project that aims to make freely available on the web books in English and Welsh that 'have long been out of print and are unlikely to be reprinted by traditional means'. The books are chosen by the Welsh Books Council. Full bibliographic details are provide. At the time of writing, five books in Welsh and four in English, dating from the early nineteenth to the mid-twentieth centuries, were available for download (in PDF, ASCII and RTF formats), browsing and searching (full text). Moreover, the site was under development, and a further 200 books were schedul From New Humbul Resources on August 5, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..
'The Brus' by John Barbour 'The Brus' is a narrative poem of about 13,000 lines, composed c. 1375 by John Barbour (d. 1395), archdeacon of Aberdeen. This website provides, as a compressed file, the complete text, edited by Emeritus Professor A. A. M. Duncan; moreover, all twenty 'books' can be viewed on screen as web files. There is also an introduction by Professor Duncan. The poem is in Middle Scots. It tells, in octosyllabic rhyming couplets, the story of Robert the Bruce, king of Scotland 1306-29, and of his companions Douglas and Moray, who with William Wallace numbered among the most notable de From New Humbul Resources on August 5, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..
Ainm : Ulster place-name society The website of the Ulster Place-name Society is particulary notable for the details it provides about its journal, 'Ainm' (Irish: 'name'). The journal is dedicated to the study of Irish names. It also includes articles on Celtic personal names and place-names of other countries, and on onomastics in general. As explained in the short introduction to the journal by Nollaig Ó Muráile, 'Ainm' began life in 1952 as the 'Bulletin of the Ulster Place-name Society'. The site provides tables of contents for all back volumes (some of which are out of print). Vo From New Humbul Resources on August 5, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..
Agan Tavas - society for the promotion of the Cornish language Agan Tavas aims to 'promote the Cornish language in all its traditional forms'. Its website has a wealth of downloads and information about Cornish, only some of it restricted to members of Agan Tavas. The site features a database of Cornish place-names compiled by Craig Weatherhill. Also to be found among 'Features and FAQs' is an English-Cornish and a Cornish-English dictionary, each based on the lexicon found in the KERNUAK ES course. At the time of writing, there were 33 items freely available for download, all of them sound and image files. There was also some informat From New Humbul Resources on August 5, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..
Celtic art and cultures This splendid web site was designed as a teaching aid for an art history course, 'Celtic Art and Cultures' taught at the University of North Carolina. It is freely accessible. Its well-illustrated and informative coverage of Celtic art is divided into sections on images, maps and timelines, design, topics and vocabulary. Many of the picture essays include audio files. Specific featured sites and artefacts include the Hallstatt elite burial, Celtic high crosses and Irish monasteries. The 'vocabulary' section provides a glossary of technical terms as a drop-down menu, and six From New Humbul Resources on August 5, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..
Atlas of family names of Ireland The 'Atlas of family names of Ireland' is a research project led by Professor William J. Smyth of the Department of Geography of Unversity College Cork (UCC). This website, which is part of UCC's 'Documents of Ireland' online database, documents Professor Smyth's research project on Irish historical geography. The main sources for this project are Petty's 1659 'census' of Ireland and Griffith's Valuation of 1850-51. The site sets out the aims and methods of the project and presents a number of its results, including distribution maps of Anglici From New Humbul Resources on August 5, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..
Archif Melville Richards - cronfa ddata enwau lleoedd This long-awaited database of Welsh place-names, the Archif Melville Richards (AMR), allows for searching records assembled by Professor Melville Richards (1910-73), who became Professor of Welsh at Bangor in 1965. Professor Richards compiled a great archive of place-name material consisting of 328,778 records kept on paper slips, stored in 159 boxes and kept at the Archives Department of the University of Wales, Bangor. His projected work, a Welsh 'onomasticon', was never completed. More than thirty years after his death, the online AMR, which comprises 214,770 of Professor Melville From New Humbul Resources on August 5, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..
Al-waraq Al-waraq is a free online Arabic dataset of Classical Arabic and Islamic studies. This site was founded in 1998 by a group of academics in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It aims to provide outstanding Classical Arabic and Islamic works to the general public. The main categories of the site are: Heritage Library; Copyright Library; Qur'an Library; and Majalis Al-waraq. The Heritage Library contains a large list of books, on such areas as: literature; history; Hadith; philosophy and logic; linguistics; religion; theology; geography and travel; genealogy; medicine; Sufism; bibliography; and From New Humbul Resources on August 5, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..
Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean world The 'Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean world' Web site is the result of the digitisation of materials held in the Ancient Near East and Classics collections of the University of Chicago library. The project aimed to preserve deteriorated research materials relating to the history, art and archaeology of the ancient Near East and the ancient Mediterranean world, namely: Sumer; Babylonia; Assyria; Egypt; Nubia; Persia; and other ancient peoples of Anatolia and the Fertile Crescent. Topics covered include: archaeology; art; history; language; law; and religions. All of the materia From New Humbul Resources on August 5, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..
Franchthi excavations This website reports on the excavations at Franchthi cave, where the earliest traces of human presence in modern Greece have been found. The cave dates from 20,000 years ago (Palaeolithic), if not earlier, to 3,000 years ago (Final Neolithic). Franchthi cave is very important in Aegean archaeology because there are no other clear stratigraphic sequences in Greece dating earlier than the Neolithic. The cave has yielded many artefacts, including figurines that are the subject of a freely available paper. However, this Web site is most useful for its textual lists of artefacts and the many pictur From New Humbul Resources on August 5, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..
Y Brython (1858-1863) : digitised Welsh language periodical This website reproduces digitally the Welsh-language magazine 'Y Brython', a 'popular non-denominational periodical, devoted to literature, antiquities and folklore, published/printed in Tremadog and edited by Alltud Eifion (1858; 1860-1863) and D. Silvan Evans (1858-1859).' 'Y Brython' appeared between 1858 and 1863. The reproduced material runs to almost 2,500 pages, apparently all of it text. It was digitised both to provide a resource for research into nineteenth-century Welsh society and to assess the feasibility of digitising further periodicals held on micr From New Humbul Resources on August 5, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..
Programmieren in C++: Einfuehrung Posted By Boris on Mar 4th 3:15AM: In diesem Online-Buch lernen Sie die Programmiersprache C++ kennen. Ihnen werden Vorteile und Einsatzbereiche dieser Programmiersprache aufgezeigt. Sie lernen, wie Sie selber einfache C++-Anwendungen erstellen. Es wird auf die Bestandteile Variablen, Operatoren, Kontrollstrukturen, Funktionen, Strukturen und Zeiger von C++ und den Praeprozessor eingegangen. Somit besitzen Sie ausreichend Basiswissen, um sich dann mit den objektorientierten Konzepten der Programmiersprache auseinanderzusetzen. Das letzte Kapitel enthaelt hierfuer einen Ausblick auf Klassen un From Common Content: Newest Items on August 5, 2005 at 7:30 p.m..
Programmieren in Java: Aufbau Posted By Boris on Mar 4th 3:14AM: In diesem Online-Buch werden Ihnen verschiedene Hilfsmittel der Java Standard Bibliothek ausfuehrlich vorgestellt. Sie erfahren, wie Sie mit AWT und den fortgeschritteneren Swing-Klassen professionelle grafische Benutzerschnittstellen erstellen. Sie lernen, wie Sie Multimedia-Effekte programmieren und Grafik und Sound in Java einsetzen. Sie erfahren, wie Sie mit Hilfe von Streams Daten zwischen einem Programm und seiner Umgebung, zum Beispiel einer Datei, austauschen. Der Zugriff auf Datenbanken und die System-Umgebung wird jeweils in einem eigenen Kapitel v From Common Content: Newest Items on August 5, 2005 at 7:30 p.m..
Programmieren in Java: Einfuehrung Posted By Boris on Mar 4th 3:12AM: Dieses Online-Buch fuehrt Sie in die Programmiersprache Java ein. Sie naehern sich dieser objektorientierten Sprache nicht aus theoretischer Sicht, sondern erlernen Java dank vieler Beispiele und Uebungsaufgaben praxisorientiert. In den ersten beiden Kapiteln werden Sie in Java eingefuehrt und erhalten einen Ueberblick ueber Anwendungsgebiete von Java. Die darauffolgenden Kapitel stellen jeweils einen Bestandteil der Programmiersprache Java naeher vor und zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie ihn einsetzen koennen. Dieses Online-Buch umfasst saemtliche wichtigen Bestandteil From Common Content: Newest Items on August 5, 2005 at 7:30 p.m..
Allgemeine Grundlagen der Programmierung Posted By Boris on Mar 4th 3:05AM: Dieses Online-Buch fuehrt Sie langsam und verstaendlich in die Thematik der Programmierung ein. Ihnen wird erklaert, was Programmiersprachen sind, aus welchen einzelnen Bestandteilen sie bestehen und wie Sie sie einsetzen, um einfache kleine Programme zu schreiben. Ausserdem werden Sie in die Geheimnisse der Zahlensysteme eingeweiht und lernen, wie man Zahlen vom Dezimalsystem ins Binaer- und Hexadezimalsystem umrechnet und zurueck. Eine Einfuehrung in den Aufbau elektronischer Schaltungen wird Ihnen zeigen, warum Computer ueberhaupt in der Lage sind, Berech From Common Content: Newest Items on August 5, 2005 at 7:30 p.m..
The Vast Right-Wing Whatever Posted By Alexei and Cory Panshin on Mar 3rd 11:01PM: Not only are dirty tricks endemic to right-wing politics, but they all seem to be connected. The people carrying out fund-raising scams are the same as the people organizing political smears, and they in turn are close to the very heart of the Republican Party. From Common Content: Newest Items on August 5, 2005 at 7:30 p.m..
verbum vanum Posted By NB on Mar 10th 6:06AM: VerbumVanum is a site for free online storage and distribution of written knowledge, art and literature; thesises, books, endworks, researchpapers, etc... From Common Content: Newest Items on August 5, 2005 at 7:30 p.m..
Laboratorio di Web Content Posted By Federico Venturini on Mar 9th 9:43AM: Blog collaborativo degli studenti del laboratorio di Web Content, Universitàdegli studi di Urbino "Carlo Bo", Facoltàdi Sociologia, CdL in Comunicazione Pubblicitaria From Common Content: Newest Items on August 5, 2005 at 7:30 p.m..
Will's Journal Posted By William W. Ferrell on Mar 8th 9:09PM: A boring life made interesting by good writing. From Common Content: Newest Items on August 5, 2005 at 7:30 p.m..
PiroTekniks Posted By Piro C. on Mar 8th 12:29AM: Texts, poems, short novels, 3D and 2D design plus some other stuff by a french writer From Common Content: Newest Items on August 5, 2005 at 7:30 p.m..
ali rofu Posted By Michael Ebert on Mar 7th 8:13AM: Music and Snippets (CC-Samples) by ali rofu (Berlin/Germany). Breakbeat and Electronic Music. From Common Content: Newest Items on August 5, 2005 at 7:30 p.m..
Frame By Frame Posted By Chris Vincent on Mar 6th 11:04PM: Victor Johnson talks about digital video and related topics. From Common Content: Newest Items on August 5, 2005 at 7:30 p.m..
Der moderne Softwareentwicklungsprozess mit UML Posted By Boris on Mar 4th 3:21AM: Dieses Online-Buch fuehrt Sie in die Modellierungssprache UML ein, die objektorientierten Softwareentwicklern als effektives Planungs- und Kontrollinstrument zur Seite stehen will. Hierzu definiert die UML insgesamt 13 Diagrammtypen, in denen grafisch verschiedene Aspekte einer Software hervorgehoben und Zusammenhaenge uebersichtlich dargestellt werden. Die Modellierung einer Software soll die Effizienz des Entwicklungsprozesses erhoehen, indem mit der Implementierung erst dann begonnen wird, wenn die Planung zur Implementierung abgeschlossen ist. From Golden Swamp on August 5, 2005 at 3:30 p.m..
Executive Class - The Portege S100 The Portege S100 is a quality thin and light notebook from Toshiba. From Read laptop reviews and notebook news at the laptops weblog - Laptopical on August 5, 2005 at 1:30 p.m..
UNIX Tutorial for Beginners This series of tutorials are concerned with UNIX. Topics covered include listing files and directories, making directories, filename conventions, file system security (access rights), and UNIX commands. Also included are links to further guides, FAQs, and an article outlining the history of UNIX. From EEVL New Learning Materials on August 5, 2005 at 10:30 a.m..
Teacher - Scholastic Free Tools & Resources for your Classroom is an award winning portal for school based professionals including teachers, administrators, librarians, families and kids. Featuring rich content, community and live events, productivity and communication tools, and e-commerce, helps teachers integrate technology into the classroom and supports the way today's students learn. It also provides a unique link between the home and the classroom to enable parents to supplement their child's education at home. From EdNA Online on August 5, 2005 at 3:44 a.m..
Innovation and the National Training System: Core Ideas A summary of the core ideas of the report Emerging Futures: Innovation in Teaching and Learning in VET (Mitchell 2003), summarising different ways in which VET practitioners are innovative and ideas that will support the implementation of a national training system. From EdNA Online on August 5, 2005 at 3:44 a.m..
Literacy Center Education Network - Play & Learn The Literacy Center aims to provide instructional material for early childhood students and also English as a second language students. From EdNA Online on August 5, 2005 at 3:44 a.m..
Ariadne, Issue 44, July 2005 Ariadne is published every three months by UK Electronic Libraries Programme (UKOLN) to report on information service developments and information networking issues worldwide, keeping practitioners abreast of current digital library initiatives. In this edition: One Day We All Learn the Hard Way. Richard Waller; Creative Archive. Paul Gerhardt; Accessibility: The Current Situation and New Directions. Kevin Carey; Involving Users in the Development of a Web Accessibility Tool. Jenny Craven, Mikael Snaprud; Web Accessibility Revealed: The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council Audit. Marcus Wei From EdNA Online on August 5, 2005 at 3:30 a.m..
Basic Music Theory An Introduction to reading music and basic music theory. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on August 5, 2005 at 3:30 a.m..
Education HQ Education HQ is an information web site focused on Education. Topics are listed alphabetically, ranging from Early Childhood, Learning Theories and Distance Education. From EdNA Online on August 5, 2005 at 1:30 a.m..
Catholic Primary Schools - ACT A list of Catholic Primary Schools in the ACT together with names and contact details for principals, shool websites and email addresses. From EdNA Online on August 5, 2005 at 12:30 a.m.. is a free, publicly available web portal allowing access to numerous scientific journals and public science databases. It allows students, teachers, professors, researchers, and the general public to access science information quickly and easily. From EdNA Online on August 5, 2005 at 12:30 a.m..
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