Macromedia integrates Breeze & Captivate
press release: "Trainers and meeting presenters can easily control Captivate playback within a Breeze meeting, either reviewing simulations with all participants at the same time or selecting "un-sync" mode to let each participant interact with the simulation independently. Interactions with Captivate simulation quizzes are fully tracked within the Breeze system for reporting or in-depth analysis." From
elearningpost on July 10, 2005 at 10:46 p.m..
Conducting Successful SME Interviews
This is a good quick reference article on conducting any kind of interview: "Successful SME interviews require careful research and preparation in advance. During the interview, good listening skills, critical analysis, and the ability to maintain control of the range and depth of the interview with appropriate tact are crucial to successful outcomes. After the interview, give prompt attention to notes and any required follow-through. When working with hostile SMEs or those with poor communication skill From
elearningpost on July 10, 2005 at 10:46 p.m..
Infographics Seminar (04 August, Singapore)
Pebble Road (my company) is co-hosting a 1-day seminar on Infographics on the 4th of August in Singapore. We are flying down
Alberto Cairo, editor of the Interactive Graphics Department at El Mundo, which is Spain's leading newspaper and a global leader in infographics. Infographics are visual stories. They are designed to reduce information clutter and bring out insightful patterns that can be easily understood and built upon. The semi From
elearningpost on July 10, 2005 at 10:46 p.m..
Spam-oetry for a Sunday Night
Just cleaning out one of my seriously infected e-mail accounts tonight, it seemed wasteful for just toss all those messages without capturing the great headers that so many of them contain. So, without any attribution to whoever originally decided to turn their spam into poems I offer my own variation, titled: "My Virginity Sluggish" Have count or stigmata, It spell of receipt, Of organise my virginity sluggish, Be leave no verdant. So listen in... From
Brain Frieze on July 10, 2005 at 9:46 p.m..
"Social Machines" and the "information field"
An article that provides a fine round-up of what's going on between people, devices and the web. Nicely written with a sense for historic roots and recent developments. You can almost feel the change that is at our doorsteps. A must-read for those that follow the early adopters and visionaries.
Social Machines: "Web 2.0": the transformation of the original Web of static documents into a collecti From
thomas n. burg | randgänge on July 10, 2005 at 4:46 p.m..
Blogs as a reason not to hire (= Pre-fired for blogging)
The Chronicle of Higher Education runs a piece by Ivan Tribble called Bloggers Need Not Apply about how educators are using applicants' blogs to disqualify them from positions. My take-away from this nasty bit of work: Either colleges have no tolerance for professionals having non-professional lives or blogs are revealing important information relevant to the job for which the colleges should be grateful. Either way, I would have thought that an institution of higher learning would be delighted to have its faculty and staff out in the world wide conversation. I guess I was wrong. By the w From
Joho the Blog on July 10, 2005 at 3:49 p.m..
Strategic e-learning implementation
The reality is that realizing effectiveness, access and efficiency gains requires coordination of development and changes in systems. Such coordination reflects an institutional desire to implement e-learning strategically. But what might strategic e-learning coordination look like? From
eLearnopedia on July 10, 2005 at 2:52 p.m..
GPS, Private Eye
Paul English writes: I was complaining to my brother yesterday that a stereo shop put six miles on my convertible even though there was no need to drive it. He said "that's nothing!" and told me a body shop kept his Acura for one month, supposedly waiting and waiting for various parts, but when he finally got the car back, he looked in the GPS and saw addresses for several towns all over the place! I guess they had a fun time using his ride for the month. Sheesh! He then tells me his friend drives a tow truck and... From
Joho the Blog on July 10, 2005 at 2:48 p.m..
Copyright, fairness, security, and other small matters
Excellent interview with Negativland on copyright. (Thanks to Larry for the link.) Chris Nolan reminds us that BlogHer isn't just for women. Men are welcome, too. What a great chance for men to attend what looks like a really interesting conference while simultaneously seeing what it feels like. I wish I could go but it's smack dab in the middle of my family's two-week vacation. David W. Stephenson on smart mobs for homeland security. [Technorati tags: blogher security copyright DavidWStephenson]... From
Joho the Blog on July 10, 2005 at 1:45 p.m..
Hurricane Season Sucks
Just for the record, living in South Florida has been a wholly different experience with our recent run of hurricanes. Two last year, and now Dennis blows past us giving us blustery weather and a sigh of relief that it didn't come closer. My prayers are with the folks in the Panhandle and Mobile that are getting hammered as I type this. Here on the far eastern edge of the storm we've still felt the effects of Dennis as it rolled through the Gulf. Pushing ahead of it hot and moist... From
Brain Frieze on July 10, 2005 at 9:53 a.m..
Do I need or want more fragmentation?
I begin to ponder (again) if I should start a separate Webpublishing project in German. It is quite easy to illustrate some good reasons for such a move. Last Friday for example we had a doctoral meeting at the
University of Augsburg, where we started to discuss a German sociology article on "Reflexive Moderne". Frank Vohle, who finished his dissertation project last year (and continues From
Seblogging News on July 10, 2005 at 8:46 a.m..
Man Arrested For Stealing Wi-Fi - Associated Press
Police have arrested a man for using someone else's wireless Internet network in one of the first criminal cases involving this fairly common practice. Benjamin Smith III, 41, faces a pretrial hearing this month following his April arrest on charges of u From
Techno-News Blog on July 10, 2005 at 8:45 a.m..
Letter from London
I wasn't going to even attempt to write an article on yesterday's London bombings - but then reading the edit queue made me change my mind. This isn't a story about what happened to me yesterday, or what happened to my friends, relatives or loved ones yesterday. It's a reaction against the tide of opinion flowing out of this site. From on July 10, 2005 at 2:45 a.m..