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Most recent update: July 7, 2005 at 11:00 p.m. Atlantic Time (GMT-4)
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The Bamburgh Research Project The Bamburgh Research Project website presents information on the archaeological project set up to investigate the archaeology and history of the Bamburgh area in 1996. The project concentrates on the excavations at Bamburgh Castle. The website is divided into sections covering Present day Bamburgh Castle, the history of Bamburgh, the archaeology of Bamburgh and trench updates. There are also pages on Brian Hope Taylor, media, the local heritage initiative and how to get involved. They run a training excavation at Bamburgh Castle each summer and the website contains details of how to join thi From New Humbul Resources on July 7, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

Les hommes des lacs. Vivre à Chalain et à Clairvaux il y a 5000 ans The shores of the lakes at Chalain and Clairvaux have the highest densities of Neolithic and Bronze Age settlements in Western Europe. The remains of these settlements are preserved below the water level in the lakes and are therefore not visible. A programme of excavations was started in 1970 and this web extensive site presents the results of the research. Sections of the site cover the use of the land, lakes and local rivers by the inhabitants, the nature of the settlements and the activities of the inhabitants. The mysteries of why the settlements were on the lake shores and how they d From New Humbul Resources on July 7, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

Photogrammetric Reconstruction of the Geoglyphs of Nasca and Palpa The desert north of the Peruvian town of Nasca contains lines and geoglyphs scratched into the surface 1500 to 2500 years ago. These carvings cover about 450 sq. km. of the desert surface. There are lines several kilometers long, enormous rectangles and trapezoids, and large depictions of men, animals and plants. This web site describes a project that used aerial photogrammetry and geographical information systems to provide solid field data as a basis for the study of these enigmatic features. The goals, procedures and results of the project are presented along with information about the From New Humbul Resources on July 7, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

Caracol Archaeological Project The Caracol Archaeological Project website presents information from excavations at Caracol, the largest Maya archaeological site in Belize, Central America. The site was populated between c. 900BC to 1050AD and covered an area with a radius of 10km. The site is split into sections: about the site, about the excavations, interim reports from the last 9 seasons of work, a student's section used in teaching at the Univesity of Florida, information on the site directors and a Kid's Section. The excavation section alone has a virtual museum, a site journal from the 1999 season, photos a From New Humbul Resources on July 7, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

Computer-assisted Paleoanthropology (CAP) Computer-assisted Paleoanthropology (CAP) illustrates the steps involved in creating cranial reconstructions from hominid fossils. A series of illustrated pages briefly describe data acquisition using Computer Tomography, the creation of 3D computer models from this data and using the models to make solid reconstructions using stereolithography. There is a section describing how this procedure has been used in morphological comparisons of Neanderthal and modern human skulls and in preparing a facial reconstruction of a Neanderthal child. The use of CAP to study non-human fossils and as an a From New Humbul Resources on July 7, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

Laser Scanning Stonehenge Stonehenge Laser Scans is a project to test how well a laser scanner could record some of the known rock art at Stonehenge. The project is a joint venture run by Archaeoptics Ltd and Wessex Archaeology. The web site has images resulting from detailed scans of some of the stones and from a model of the henge produced from scans at a lower resolution. A number of QuickTime animations illustrating experiments with lighting and the levels of detail achieved may be downloaded from the site. Other sections of the site explain the archaeological context of Stonehenge, other archaeological applica From New Humbul Resources on July 7, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

Centre of African studies (CAS) The website of the Centre of African Studies (CAS) at the University of Cambridge provides information about the Centre, such as: its main purposes; research activities; academic events; and projects. The projects are typically linked with the Department or Faculty in which the participants are registered including: Archaeology; Biological Anthropology; Social Anthropology; Social and Political Sciences; Zoology; Architecture; Geography; Land Economy; Economics; and History. At the time of cataloguing, the only project that was elected for explicit mention and assigned its own Web page is &apo From New Humbul Resources on July 7, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

Acoustical society of America This is the Web site of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), a voluntary scientific organisation which is dedicated to study of acoustics and its applications. A variety of fields related to sound are represented, such as: physics; measurement technologies and instrumentation; relevant engineering disciplines; physiology; psychology; and speech and hearing. The site provides information on: the society's history and composition; its membership; grants and fellowships; education and careers; and links to sites of interest. Also offered is free access to: the abstracts from the Journal From New Humbul Resources on July 7, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

The Japanese association for Asian Englishes The Japanese Association for Asian Englishes (JAAE) is an academic association concerned with English as a multinational and multicultural language in Asia. Japanese-English is one of the main areas of the collaborative research pursued by Association members. The Association awards research grants to its members, and the regulations for applications can be downloaded from the site. Both the table of contents for the most recent issue of the journal 'Asian English Studies' and the programme for the next annual national biannual conference can also be accessed here. For those wishing From New Humbul Resources on July 7, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

Grateley 1998 The Grateley 1998 website presents the background and results of a season of excavation carried out there in 1998. The excavation concentrated upon an aisled building within the Roman complex at Grateley. This was part of the Danebury Environs Project. The website is very simple and consists of no more than five separate pages. The main page contains information on the excavation as a whole and the results. There is a 3D reconstruction of the aisled hall which has been turned into a video for ease of viewing on the Internet. There are also still images of the hall and also of a mosaic found t From New Humbul Resources on July 7, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

Computational linguistics of Slavic languages : a hands-on introduction The Web site of the Computational linguistics of Slavic languages is an online course, run by the Russian and East European Studies Center (REESC) in Arizona State University. The course is geared towards the aquisition of skills useful in so-called language industries such as: computer-assisted language learning (CALL); information retrieval (IR); machine translation (MT); and other forms of natural language processing (NLP). The main components of the course focus on various fields of computational linguistics including: CALL; Unicode Standard; digitizing; textual corpora; statistical analys From New Humbul Resources on July 7, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

Archaeology of hand tools exhibit at the Davistown Museum The ‘Archaeology of Hand Tools Exhibit at the Davistown Museum’ website, constitutes the homepage for the Center for the Study of Early Tools at Davistown Museum. The website provides background information about both the Center and the stone tools contained in the museum’s collections. Information is provided for a wide range of periods, from the prehistoric to the historic, and there is also a section on historical paradigms, chronologies and schemas. A definitions section, provides a useful point of reference, as do the sections on tool information, tool examination, trade, manufac From New Humbul Resources on July 7, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

La grotte Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc The cave of Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc contains over 400 paintings of animals dating from the upper paleolithic. The web site offers a virtual visit to the cave. These paintings are unusual in having a high proportion of dangerous animals rather than those hunted for food. Some 30 points in the cave can be selected and photographs of artistic, archaeological and natural features at these points with a short description are presented in pop-up windows. There are also pages describing the discovery, authentification and preservation of the cave and research being carried out there. A section d From New Humbul Resources on July 7, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

Metis Metis is a repository of Quicktime movies of archaeological sites in Greece. Metis was created for educational purposes only. The main page is a catalogue of sites for which movies are avalable. Each site may have more than one movie. A site plan is sometimes available which also links to the movies. There may also be links to articles on the Perseus or Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites web sites. The Metis icon at the top of the pages provides a link back tio the catalogue. A news page (last updated 7th February 2003) records additions to the web site. A highlights page gives From New Humbul Resources on July 7, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

Umm el-Jimal Umm el-Jimal is a well preserved Byzantine/Early Islamic town in the lava lands east of Mafraq, Jordan. There are over a hundred and fifty standing buildings, one to three stories, and several towers up to five and six stories. A programme of excavations has been carried out at Umm el-Jimal by Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan. The web site gives brief descriptions of the results of the excavations plus more detailed field reports and interpretations and there are links to other on-line publications. Thre is a section giveing information on a proposal to develop the site as an archa From New Humbul Resources on July 7, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

Literacy Teachers' Interactions with Instructional Leaders: Students Reap the Benefits This paper by Gary Alger at the University of Bridgeport examines the interactions between literacy teachers and instructional leaders and their effects on students' reading achievement gains. The results of this study have implications for how instructional leaders work with colleagues and how these relationships may impact student achievement. Forty-two suburban elementary and middle school literacy teachers reported the frequency and helpfulness of interactions with their instructional leaders. Findings indicate that curricular and assessment interactions occurred more frequently and w From EdNA Online on July 7, 2005 at 9:30 p.m..

3D viewer of molecular symmetries and mode vibrations Shows 3D molecular symmetries of 32 selected molecules : elements of symmetry AND operation of symmetry. Permits also to see the mode vibrations of the molecule and to know if they are infrared active From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on July 7, 2005 at 3:30 p.m..

Ultraportable with Steel - The Toughbook Elite Billed as the world's first magnesium alloy notebook, the rugged Toughbook Elite from Panasonic is dust, spill and shock proof. From Read laptop reviews and notebook news at the laptops weblog - Laptopical on July 7, 2005 at 11:30 a.m..

Discover Opera Discover Opera is the name of an open content music learning jewel that is part of the website here of the Metropolitan Opera. There are dramatic stories, histories and suggestions for the newcomer to opera. An illustrated timeline called Sight & Sounds of Met History highlights great performances over the decades. Arts From Golden Swamp on July 7, 2005 at 8:30 a.m..

Loan Payment Calculator Video This sixteen minutes Windows Streaming Media Video is a Microsoft Excel Tutorial that demonstrates the following topics: 1. The excel payment function. 2. Applying cell background color. 3. Applying font color. 4. Applying number formatting. 5. Designing formulas with cell referencing. 6. What-if analysis. . From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on July 7, 2005 at 2:52 a.m..

math world this site gives everything needed for math from basic math if your helping a kid all the way to college level and beyond From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on July 7, 2005 at 2:52 a.m..

Fractals An in-depth introduction to fractals (a term coined in 1975 by Benoit Mandelbrot, which from Latin means broken) which were previously known as monster curves. The article discusses very early fractal discoveries such as the Koch snowflake. The article tosses around a lot of vocabulary, terms, and names but has individualized links to each. The site also explains the specific categories and classifications of fractals including definitions and actual examples by means textual example and photo. As an added bonus, links are also listed for fractal generation programs for Mac, Linux and Windows From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on July 7, 2005 at 2:52 a.m..

British Library Direct The British Library Direct document supply service allows users to search for journal articles online. This service provides online searching and ordering of more than 9 million journal articles from 20,000 journals. The database covers the last 5 years is updated frequently. Abstracts are available where one was published in the original journal issue. For a cost can provide delivery online or through the mail for those without access to the fulltext of the journal from a local library service. From EdNA Online on July 6, 2005 at 11:30 p.m..

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