Recursos Educacionales en EspaƱol para la Medicina Emergencia Comprehensive list of goals and objectives of each program; alphabetical list of each program; and instructions and guides as a curriculum model for those developing emergency medicine courses. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on June 6, 2005 at 5:34 p.m..
Littlefield Technologies Littlefield Technologies is a factory simulator that allows students to compete with each other over the web while developing operations management skills. It has been successfully used at the graduate and undergraduate level by thousands of students in more than 60 industrial engineering and management programs. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on June 6, 2005 at 5:34 p.m..
The Venture Capital Game In the Venture Capital Game, student entrepeneur teams raise money from venture capitalists and invest money in marketing, R&D, and capacity. Depending on the assignment, the venture capitalists may be other student teams or they may be automated. The entrepeneurs' objectives is to maximize founders' value of their firm. Financial statements are continually updated throughout the game. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on June 6, 2005 at 5:34 p.m..
The Supply Chain Game The Supply Chain Game is an online supply network simulator. In a typical setting students are divided into teams and compete against each other in one or two assignments lasting a week each. To meet different demand patterns in five regions, student teams set production and inventory control parameters, transportation choices, and add new factories and warehouses. The objective of the game is to maximize cash position at the end of the game. The game is designed for use in supply chain electives or core courses that emphasize supply chain management. Learning objectives include: forecasting; From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on June 6, 2005 at 5:34 p.m..
English Maze A unique website for students, teachers and schools learning English. The English Maze contains hundreds of dynamic Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing & Grammar activities. Plus Chat, E-pals, Discussion boards, lesson plans + many other free resources. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on June 6, 2005 at 5:34 p.m..
Postpartum Depression From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on June 6, 2005 at 5:34 p.m..
Juvenile Justice: Should Teens Who Commit Serious Crimes Be Tried and Sentenced as Children or Adults? A companion web site for the Frontline (PBS) program of the same name which aired on January 30, 2001. Includes facts and statistics, a review of the "adult vs. child" debate, and four case studies (with video clips). A transcript of the program also is available on the Frontline site. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on June 6, 2005 at 5:34 p.m..
Youth Violence: A Report of the Surgeon General A report on youth violence prepared by the Department of Health and Human Services under the direction of the Office of the Surgeon General, in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Mental Health, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Mental Health Services. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on June 6, 2005 at 5:34 p.m..
Forex and economy Atlas of the world An atlas of the world with maps graphs data and info focused on the economy and issues relevant to those who trade the forex market. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on June 6, 2005 at 5:34 p.m..
WebCT Introduction WebCT 入門 概要 From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on June 6, 2005 at 5:34 p.m..
Galileo Project The great scientist’s perceptive stare in the image at left is from the Galileo Project here. This website from Rice University demonstrates the use of webpages for both presenting knowledge and enriching it over passing months and years. Some of the development team have built and polished this online resource for nearly a decade. From Golden Swamp on June 6, 2005 at 9:30 a.m..
National Report to Parliament on Indigenous Education and Training, 2003 This is the third annual national report to Parliament in relation to Indigenous education and training. This report seeks to give a national overview of progress in improving Indigenous education and training outcomes. Topics covered include: Early childhood education; Equity and access; Higher education statistics; Literacy and numeracy; Performance information (institutions); Resourcing of education; Rural, regional and remote; Student participation and achievement; Teachers (including professional development) From EdNA Online on June 6, 2005 at 6:30 a.m..
Mainstreaming of Online Life This fourteen-page report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, authored by Lee Rainie and John Horrigan, takes a critical look at how the Internet has woven itself into mainstream American life. As might be expected, the report concludes that much of the online world mirrors the activities of the offline world. The report also notes that during the early days of the Internet the average user tended to be young white males with a high income level, and that during the past few years, this pattern has changed dramatically. From EdNA Online on June 6, 2005 at 5:30 a.m..
Reading Next: A Vision for Action and Research in Middle and High School Literacy A report created for the Carnegie Corporation of New York, this paper selected the fifteen key elements of effective adolescent literacy programs. In an ideal world, schools would be able to implement all fifteen elements, but the list may also be used to construct a unique blend of elements suited to the needs of the students they serve. From EdNA Online on June 6, 2005 at 5:30 a.m..
Apple Learning Interchange - Middle School Tour This site contains Apple's Lesson Ideas stored in a growing library of creative ideas for lessons or classroom projects. Check out the quick lessons using Apple's iLife suite of digital media tools: iMovie, iPhoto, iTunes, and iDVD. The site contains materials particularly relevant to middle schooling. From EdNA Online on June 6, 2005 at 5:30 a.m..
Creating Developmentally Appropriate Middle Level Schools As part of its focus on National Middle Level Education Month (March 2005), the US National Association of Secondary School Principals has complied an extensive bibliography on 'Creating Developmentally Appropriate Middle Level Schools.' From EdNA Online on June 6, 2005 at 5:30 a.m..
Defining the Middle Ground This case study describes how a middle school program can be run within a 7-12 school environment. The author is an American middle school principal. He describes the attitudes, understanding and strategies he implemented to establish appropriate middle schooling for adolescent students. From EdNA Online on June 6, 2005 at 5:30 a.m..
Absolute Astronomy General facts and statistical information about planets, moons, constellations, stars, galaxies, and Messier objects. From EdNA Online on June 6, 2005 at 4:30 a.m..
Brain Rummager Brian Barratt's Brain Rummager page provides word fun for school students. It contains puzzles, brain benders, word play, anagrams, code puzzles, and information about the origins of words. From EdNA Online on June 6, 2005 at 4:30 a.m..
Book Week 2005 This page brings together resources for various books nominated for the Australian Children's Book Council Awrads for 2005. There is a worksheet for teachers to print. From EdNA Online on June 6, 2005 at 12:30 a.m..
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