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Most recent update: June 1, 2005 at 11:00 p.m. Atlantic Time (GMT-4)
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Discover Engineering Engineering creates much of the world we experience yet 61% of people don’t know much about what it is. Learn what they do here from engineers. “Scientists discover the world that exists; engineers create the world that never was,” says aerospace engineer Theodore Von Karman, quoted in the introduction. This handsome site is the work [...] From Golden Swamp on June 1, 2005 at 9:30 a.m..

Source IT: Guide to Open Source Software for Australian Government Agencies This Guide seeks to assist government agencies by providing practical information and approaches for agencies to consider when assessing open source solutions. Risk management procedures and the different contractual considerations that can apply to open source software issues are addressed in the Guide, as are cost of ownership issues. From EdNA Online on June 1, 2005 at 6:18 a.m..

Growing Up in Australia: the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children: Annual Report The Annual Report of the 'Growing Up in Australia: the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children' project presents information on the project and highlights from the Wave 1 data on Australian infants and 4-5 year old children. From EdNA Online on June 1, 2005 at 6:18 a.m..

Academia International Academia International is a Registered Training Organisation in Melbourne Victoria providing a range of vocational courses for Australian and International students in hospitality management, commercial cookery, patisserie, hairdressing. From EdNA Online on June 1, 2005 at 6:18 a.m..

UNIJOBS - University Employment Pages A listing of Australian universities' listings of employment opportunities. From EdNA Online on June 1, 2005 at 3:36 a.m..

New Technology, Training and Public Funding: the Case for Greater Flexibility This report investigates the views of enterprises that are using new technology and how they respond to new technology training requirements. The report also investigates the views of trainers in public and private RTOs and the difficulties faced when they attempt to meet the requirements of industry for new technology training through the restrictions of publicly funded vocational education and training. From EdNA Online on June 1, 2005 at 2:36 a.m..

Sackville Academy The Sackville Academy is a distance education provider that offers courses in: business studies; creative design; health, lifestyle and beauty; hospitality and tourism; personal and professional development; and writing. The site includes course information, an online enrolment service and a newsletter. From EdNA Online on June 1, 2005 at 2:36 a.m..

MIT World (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) MIT World is a free, open streaming media web site of the most significant public events at MIT. It features the most recent speakers and guests from across the campus and around the world. It is a project of the Professional Education Programs at MIT's School of Engineering. From EdNA Online on June 1, 2005 at 2:36 a.m..

The World is Flat - a Video Lecture A video lecture (1hr 15min) by Thomas L. Friedman on his book - The World is Flat. Provided by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT World - a free, open streaming media web site of the most significant public events at MIT. It features the most recent speakers and guests from across the campus and around the world. It is a project of the Professional Education Programs at MIT's School of Engineering. The videos in MIT World require Real Player. From EdNA Online on June 1, 2005 at 2:36 a.m..

National Report on Schooling in Australia 2003 This website, and the associated hard copy reports, informs the Australian people on progress towards the achievement of the National Goals for Schooling in Australia. 'National Report on Schooling in Australia 2003'. From EdNA Online on June 1, 2005 at 2:36 a.m..

National Report on Schooling in Australia 2003 This website, and the associated hard copy reports, informs the Australian people on progress towards the achievement of the National Goals for Schooling in Australia. 'National Report on Schooling in Australia 2003'. From EdNA Online on June 1, 2005 at 1:30 a.m..

Broadband in Education: Availability, Initiatives and Issues This discussion paper was prepared by NOIE for the second meeting of the Broadband Advisory Group (BAG) to provide a basis for discussion of the issues involved in the use of broadband in education - in the schools sector, vocational education and training sector and the higher education sector. From EdNA Online on June 1, 2005 at 1:30 a.m..

Australian National Broadband Strategy The National Broadband Strategy provides a policy framework for broadband development in Australia agreed by all levels of government. It is a mechanism to inform future policy development in broadband and coordinate activities across government. From EdNA Online on June 1, 2005 at 1:30 a.m..

Central Ranges Local Learning and Employment Network The mission of the Central Ranges Local Learning and Employment Network is to lead and support the development of local, sustainable and meaningful partnerships in education and training that will lead to opportunities for young people, as well as directly supporting the needs of industries, companies or small to medium enterprises important to local or regional prosperity. From EdNA Online on June 1, 2005 at 1:30 a.m..

Commercialisation of Research in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences This is the first of a series of research projects foreshadowed by Dr Brendan Nelson, Minister for Education, Science and Training, on 16 June 2004. The report describes the commercial activities and examines the impediments and incentives facing humanities, arts and social sciences (HASS) researchers and educators at the tertiary level in Australia. It is a snapshot of who is commercialising research and how they approach this task, based on the findings of focus groups and questionnaires. From EdNA Online on June 1, 2005 at 12:30 a.m..

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