Bloggers: ¿periodistas o intrusos?
El gremio periodÃstico ha mirado siempre con indisimulada envidia a colectivos como los médicos, arquitectos o abogados, a todos aquellos sectores profesionales que han conseguido consolidar unas estrictas normas de admisión y en los que la legislación no admite duda sobre lo que es y lo que no es intrusismo. AsÃ, en España al menos, nadie puede defenderse a sà mismo o a otros en un juicio si no es abogado colegiado; es imposible construir una vivienda sin la firma de un arquitecto, o conseguir una receta (...) From | Gestión de Contenidos on May 22, 2005 at 10:55 p.m..
1627: Fallece Luis de Góngora
El 23 de mayo de 1627 fallece el poeta cordobés Luis de Góngora y Argote (1561-1627). Ha sido catalogado por algunos como el más grande poeta de España y sus obras fueron objeto de exégesis ya en el Siglo de Oro. BiografÃa Estudió en Salamanca y fue beneficiado de la catedral cordobesa, en cuyo cometido viajó en diversas comisiones de su cabildo por Galicia, Navarra y ambas Castillas. Felipe III le nombró capellán real y para desempeñar tal cargo vivió en la corte hasta 1626, arruinándose para conseguir cargos y prebendas (...) From | Gestión de Contenidos on May 22, 2005 at 10:55 p.m..
60 Second Story: Take a Minute to Tell a Decent Story
60 second story The 60 Second Story web site takes submissions of 60 seconds or less. They are works of fiction 1 minute and 1 second or less in duration told in low-bandwith video clips. They're easy and and fun to make, and make the web one story richer. This is the homepage of the 60 story competition. Write one, record it, and submit it today.... From
Education/Technology - Tim Lauer on May 22, 2005 at 8:48 p.m..
The curse of friends
Marilyn "World's Smartest Person" vos Savant today in Parade agrees with a letter writer that it's reasonable to drop friends who curse. Writes vos Savant: I notice that none of my friends use bad language! I guess I've never found an interesting person with a foul mouth. Wow. Some of my best friends curse like sailors in a croc pond. And some of the best writers do also. Heck, I even know a chief blogging officer who's been known to have a mouth on him, and no one has ever ever called him not interesting. [Technorati tag: misc]... From
Joho the Blog on May 22, 2005 at 7:49 p.m..
Here's a puzzle I read in A Beautiful Mind — wow, is the movie a lie! — as expressed at The Ultimate Puzzle Site: Consider a road with two cars, at a distance of 100 kilometers, driving towards each other. The left car drives at a speed of forty kilometers per hour and the right car at a speed of sixty kilometers per hour. A bird starts at the same location as the right car and flies at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. When it reaches the left car it turns its direction, and when it reaches the... From
Joho the Blog on May 22, 2005 at 5:48 p.m..
Gamers' machines
Steam, the obnoxious wave of the future when it comes to delivering games, has been asking players to participate in a hardware survey. You can see the 1,000,000+ results tabulated here. You'll see a profile of what the power-hungry side of the market looks like: Lots of RAM, lots of disk, lots of cycles. Marketers take note: The amount of installed HD space is far higher than the amount of unused HD space. It'd be a good time to launch those teradrives you're stockpiling... [Technorati tag: games]... From
Joho the Blog on May 22, 2005 at 4:48 p.m..
Manila 9.5
All I want is one screen creation of news items with linked extension into longer stories, which I don't think is coming. But you never know: UserLand is pleased to announce that the
Manila 9.5 Beta has been frozen for release. ... Our currently scheduled public release date is Tuesday, May 24, 2005. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post them on this site. From
homoLudens III on May 22, 2005 at 4:45 p.m..
Web Apps Compendium v1.0
The way we surf the web has changed dramatically since the early days. I remember using arrow keys and Lynx to ferret out data for hours on end. Then came Mosaic, and I was in awe. From there we got Netscape. Then Internet Explorer. While those two browsers were going head to head, we saw a lot of improvements. Today, with tools like Firefox, we're able to do a lot more on the web. This article is a short but comprehensive compilation of web apps I've come across that make my browsing and web design experience better. Enjoy. From on May 22, 2005 at 3:45 p.m..
Skills for Access
This web site provides you with a comprehensive resource on issues relating to multimedia, e-learning and accessibility. From
eLearnopedia on May 22, 2005 at 2:48 p.m..
NYTimes Multimedia: Kaifeng-on-the-Hudson
Kaifeng-on-the-Hudson: "Nicholas D. Kristof says the Big Apple could go the way Kaifeng, China, if the U.S. doesn't make some bold changes."Today, The New York Times has a multimedia piece (Flash Movie) from Nicholas D. Kristof discussing the furture of New York and comparing it to Kaifeng, a city in central China that in the year 1000 would of been considered the New York City of its day. He looks at its decline and wonders about the future of New York. It is an interesting piece, but I am writing about it because of how it is constructed. It's total... From
Education/Technology - Tim Lauer on May 22, 2005 at 2:45 p.m..
Conceptual Framework Learning Object
You will learn about conceptual frameworks and how to make them by navigating through this object, watching the video clips, reading and reflecting on the text, and applying the knowledge you acquire. From
eLearnopedia on May 22, 2005 at 12:52 p.m..
CAN-SPAM Changes Seen as Fair - Kevin Newcomb, ClickZ
The proposed changes to the CAN-SPAM Act the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) put forth last week are being welcomed by marketers, even though there are likely to be disagreements over some of the details. With the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), the From
Techno-News Blog on May 22, 2005 at 12:49 p.m..
Sober awakening on Monday? - CNET Security Blog
PCs infected with a recent variant of the Sober worm are set to reactivate on Monday, according to Germany's Federal Office for Information Security. However, it is unclear what payload the reactivation will have, according to a statement (in German) fro From
Techno-News Blog on May 22, 2005 at 12:49 p.m..
'...the best websites are those which do what they promise to do, and do it well...' (What Are the Webs Hidden Gems? - Guardian Onlineblog : December 07, 2004) From
wwwtools on May 22, 2005 at 11:52 a.m..
Location based services
Until now the topic of »location based services« has been more a theoretical discussion about geological references to online data. Now there are obvioulsy a number of developments (and some rumors) that try to create datasets with longitude/latitude metadata. First of all hardware: The problem if tagging information with geological locations could be solved by hardware very soon. Cheap GPS hardware could be integrated in mobile phones, digital cameras and laptops. In fact there is a rumor that Apple is going to integrate GPS hardware into the next generat From
owrede_log on May 22, 2005 at 10:45 a.m..
Guidelines for e-democracy
On page 12 of the 39 page
pdf file explaining the goals for e-democracy in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, I find what I suspect is the yardstick by which all e-democracy plans should be measured. Where, they ask, should web-based, information-rich, participatory democracy be accessible? the four item list starts with homes, libraries, and workplaces, and... From
Weblogs in Higher Education on May 22, 2005 at 8:46 a.m..
Measure twice, cut once, backup three times
Today I found out why I make two backups every night. It's because, sure as snow gets in your boots, when you really really need a backup, one of them is going to turn out to be corrupt. Fanaticism has its rewards.... From
Joho the Blog on May 22, 2005 at 1:45 a.m..