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Most recent update: May 19, 2005 at 11:00 p.m. Atlantic Time (GMT-4)
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Cool Crystallography The University of Michigan Virtual Reality Laboratory explains and illustrates the planes of Miller Indices here - including 2 models in VRML. The crystal structural planes can be visualized to learn key concepts for semiconductor processing and other applications. The lab is hosted by the College of Engineering and offers many other cool explorations of [...] From Golden Swamp on May 19, 2005 at 12:30 p.m..

Moonstruck Drama Bookstore This site provides encyclopedia-style biographies of a large number of playwrights, from Aeschylus to Wycherley. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on May 19, 2005 at 11:30 a.m..

TheatreHistory.com A large collection of short articles on a wide range of theatre topics from out-of-copyright encyclopedias and textbooks. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on May 19, 2005 at 11:30 a.m..

The Development of Scenic Spectacle A site devoted to the study of Renaissance and Baroque theatrical spectacle, including a large number of computer animations simulating historical stage effects such as changing scenery, sea scenes, and flying machines. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on May 19, 2005 at 11:30 a.m..

KryssTals's Introduction to Numbers Site worth exploring...varied and interesting From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on May 19, 2005 at 11:30 a.m..

WebTycho Online Courseware WebTycho is one of the widely used courseware, which serves as a platform to deliver your Web-based courses. The site provides an introduction to understand the basics of and working with the WebTycho. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on May 19, 2005 at 11:30 a.m..

Australian Network of Industry Careers Advisers : Directions Paper This paper outlines the policy directions for implementation of the Australian Network of Industry Careers Advisers (ANICA) initiative. ANICA will provide a comprehensive national career and transition support network for all young Australians from 13 to 19 years of age, delivered through Local Community Partnerships (LCPs). The initiative comprises three parts: enhanced career and transition capacity for Local Community Partnerships; improving the professional standards of career advice; and extending industry leadership through regional industry career advisers. From EdNA Online on May 19, 2005 at 10:30 a.m..

MedlinePlus: Mental Health MedLinePlus is a joint collaboration between the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health that provides high-quality health-related materials to the Web-browsing public. This particular area of the MedLinePlus site is devoted to providing materials about mental health. Here visitors can learn about various related topics by browsing through the top-level sections that include Alternative Therapy, Coping, and Nutrition. Within each area, visitors will be directed to links provided by a host of sources, including the Mayo Foundation, the Surgeon General, the Americ From EdNA Online on May 19, 2005 at 7:55 a.m..

Delivering Next-Generation Mobile Content With mobile phones attaining almost universal coverage in Europe, the focus has now shifted to providing the next generation of content-rich applications and services to end users. From EdNA Online on May 19, 2005 at 7:55 a.m..

Year Book Australia: Education and Training - Primary and Secondary Education This section from the Australian Bureau of Statistics 'Year Book Australia' provides a description of primary and secondary schooling in Australia with statistical data on attendance from 2003. From EdNA Online on May 19, 2005 at 7:55 a.m..

Australian Overseas Foundation The Australian Overseas Foundation presents annual Australian Overseas Foundation Awards to New Apprentices to study overseas for 12 months. The aim is to provide opportunities for work and study experience to outstanding young people who had completed a certificate of vocational studies, an apprenticeship or traineeship. Case studies, selection criteria and application forms are available on the website. From EdNA Online on May 19, 2005 at 6:56 a.m..

Crestwood High School Crestwood High School is a comprehensive co-educational, inclusive government secondary school in Baulkham Hills, New South Wales. It is designed to facilitate co-operative learning and create different spaces for students and teachers to use inside and outside the buildings, including a school farm, water watch and agriculture curriculum. It caters for physically and intellectually disabled students. From EdNA Online on May 19, 2005 at 6:56 a.m..

A Quantitative Analysis of MB Usage in a Theatre Class A report of usage of MB usage in an undergraduate theatre play analysis course, to determine how alternative methods of weekly assessment (besides quizzes) can be used in theatre classes. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on May 18, 2005 at 11:30 p.m..

Vaudeville! A Dazzling Display of Heterogenous Splendor This site is designed as a hypertext extension of Alan Trachtenberg's The Incorporation of America: Culture and Society in the Gilded Age. This site was not designed in anyway to present a complete history of American Vaudeville. Instead, I've tried to provide a lense through which to view vaudeville, a cultural phenomenon inextricably linked to the process of incorporation. However, unfamiliarity with Trachtenberg's text should not prevent visitors from using or enjoying this site. The casual browser will not find galleries of stars or a great deal of information relating to th From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on May 18, 2005 at 11:30 p.m..

American Variety Stage: Vaudeville and Popular Entertainment 1870-1920 The American Variety Stage is a multimedia anthology selected from various Library of Congress holdings. This collection illustrates the vibrant and diverse forms of popular entertainment, especially vaudeville, that thrived from 1870-1920. Included are 334 English- and Yiddish-language playscripts, 146 theater playbills and programs, 61 motion pictures, 10 sound recordings and 143 photographs and 29 memorabilia items documenting the life and career of Harry Houdini. Groups of theater posters and additional sound recordings will be added to this anthology in the future. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on May 18, 2005 at 11:30 p.m..

Sebastiao Salgado Photo gallery of the works of the award-winning Brazilian photographer Sebastiao Salgado. His photographs provide substantial material for discussion in language, culture and civilization classes. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on May 18, 2005 at 11:30 p.m..

Conceptual Frameworks Learning Object The site guides a student through an introduction to conceptual frameworks, help in forming a research question, the process, steps and examples of creating and refining an appropriate conceptual research framework for a study. The text and related resources provide an overview, but the site is brought to life by the videoclips of a student describing, in detail, her struggles and success at creating a conceptual framework for her education thesis. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on May 18, 2005 at 11:30 p.m..

Virtual Vaudeville Virtual Vaudeville transports you back to the nineteenth century on your PC. Watch a 3D simulation of a complete act by legendary vaudeville comedian Frank Bush and observe the reactions of the historical spectators. Take an interactive 3D tour of an extravagant Victorian theater. Virtual Vaudeville consists of two online Shockwave applications, one featuring a series of streaming 3D computer animations and the second offering an immersive 3D experience. Both applications provide extensive historical notes and commentary. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on May 18, 2005 at 11:30 p.m..

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