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Most recent update: May 13, 2005 at 11:41 p.m. Atlantic Time (GMT-4)
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Teaching Evolution - an example for science teacher educators Many young life science teachers struggle with questions about how to teach evolution in schools with parents who see science and evlution in particular as a threat to their religious faith. According to the California Antidogmatism Policy (mirror URL, above) -- The domain of the natural sciences is the natural world. Science is limited by its tools—observable facts and testable hypotheses. Discussions of any scientific fact, hypothesis, or theory related to the origins of the universe, the earth, and life (the how) are appropriate to the science curriculum. Discussions of divine creation, ul From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on May 13, 2005 at 11:30 p.m..

Anzac.govt.nz - a guide to Anzac Day for New Zealanders Launched by the Ministry for Culture and Heritage, to mark the 90th anniversary of the Gallipoli landings, this website includes information on the significance of Anzac Day, how it is commemorated today, and a virtual guide of the Gallipoli peninsula featuring stunning interactive panoramas. It also includes searchable records of all New Zealanders who died at Gallipoli. From EdNA Online on May 13, 2005 at 9:30 a.m..

Revealing Gallipoli: a Studyguide Revealing Gallipoli is a December Films production, produced in association with ABC TV, screened in Australia and New Zealand to coincide with the 90th anniversary of the ANZACs' landing at Gallipoli. The television documentary is a rich resource for learning. It tells the story from the points of view of the different countries involved, and from the perspectives of different groups of people (from politicians and generals to soldiers and sailors). The documentary provides essential learning opportunities for history and geography students. It is also relevant to the arts, English, medi From EdNA Online on May 13, 2005 at 9:30 a.m..

South African Curriculum Wiki This is forms part of material that has been developed to help South African Teachers deliver the content of the South African National Curriculum. The idea is that if readers of the Wiki come across a learning objective that they feel they can explain or give examples of how to deliver these (learning objectives) to students, they would hopefully write a article about it, and link to the learning objective in the Curriculum Statement. From EdNA Online on May 13, 2005 at 9:30 a.m..

E-Learning in Secondary Schools This New Zealand 2005 Education Review Office report focuses on how effectively secondary schools are implementing information and communication technology (ICT) and integrating e-learning into classroom programmes to support students learning. The report found that in 71 percent of schools, the quality of teaching and integration of e-learning opportunities effectively facilitated student engagement in e-learning. However, there were fewer schools where students could describe experiences in e-learning that supported their e-learning goals, and where students could demonstrate that they had d From EdNA Online on May 13, 2005 at 9:30 a.m..

E-Learning in Primary Schools This New Zealand 2005 Education Review Office report looks at how effectively NZ primary schools are implementing information and communication technology (ICT) and integrating e-learning into classroom programmes to support students' learning. The report found that in most schools, the board of trustees and principal could describe a well-founded, coherent vision, rationale and planned direction for e-learning. School policy and planning documentation supported the described vision and direction. Furthermore, in most schools, the infrastructure supported e-learning effectively. However, From EdNA Online on May 13, 2005 at 9:30 a.m..

Bond University - Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine The Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine offers degree programs that include research-based teaching knowledge and supervised professional experience in the specific field the student has chosen. Graduates are prepared for careers in medicine, biomedical sciences, aged care, children's services, sports science and management. From EdNA Online on May 13, 2005 at 8:30 a.m..

Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR) The Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR)(current edition is AACR II) are designed for use in the construction of catalogues and other lists in general libraries of all sizes. The rules cover the description of, and the provision of access points for, all library materials commonly collected at the present time. Part I deals with the provision of information describing the item being catalogued, and Part II deals with the determination and establishment of headings (access points) under which the descriptive information is to be presented to catalogue users, and with the making of references From EdNA Online on May 13, 2005 at 3:30 a.m..

Digital Medievalist Project An international web-based Community of Practice for medievalists working with digital media. It was established in 2003 to help scholars meet the increasingly sophisticated demands faced by designers of contemporary digital projects. The project operates an electronic mailing list and discussion forum, on-line refereed journal, news server for announcements and calls for papers, resource centre, and project wiki. It also organises conference sessions at international medieval and humanities computing congresses. Membership in the Digital Medievalist Project is open to anyone with an interest From EdNA Online on May 13, 2005 at 3:30 a.m..

Joint Steering Committee for Revision of Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules In support of effective cataloguing practice, the Joint Steering Committee develops and maintains the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules according to established principles for bibliographic description and access. To this end, the Committee works in a timely and proactive manner to formulate a cataloguing code that is responsive to user needs and to changes in the information environment, and that results in cost-effective cataloguing. The constituent organizations represented on the Joint Steering Committee are: The American Library Association; The Australian Committee on Cataloguing; The Bri From EdNA Online on May 13, 2005 at 3:30 a.m..

Handheld Educator The Handheld Educator series brings you educator-designed discussions and lessons that explore the integration of handheld computers into administration, teaching and learning. From EdNA Online on May 13, 2005 at 3:30 a.m..

Six nations writers The Six Nations Writers' website is dedicated to the storytelling tradition of the Six Nations of the Grand River area of Canada. As the storytellers of today, the writers' intent is to maintain the continuity of their heritage while contributing to the development of their own stories, by contemporary and traditional means. As a resource, this site offers an insight into ways of reclaiming heritage through writing that seeks both to recover material appropriated away from its origins, and to write for the future. Features of the site are information on the Tuscarora, Seneca, Cayuga, From New Humbul Resources on May 13, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Renaissance attitudes towards Faustus as magician Renaissance Attitudes Towards Faustus as a Magician is an on-line collection of responses to Christopher Marlowe's 'Dr. Faustus', first published 1588, by English students at the University of Georgia. While these are not comprehensive studies and each article is rather brief, the site nevertheless offers some thought-provoking ideas and introductory material for deeper analysis. Aside from the odd spelling error, the site is well-presented and easy to follow, with use of contemporary illustrations of magicians and demons. Topics considered include Elizabethan perspectives on th From New Humbul Resources on May 13, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Online literary criticism collection British : 1500-1700 The Online Literary Criticism Collection is part of the Internet Public Library at the University of Michigan, and this particular page of essays on British works between 1500 and 1700 is comprehensive. Original authors covered include Sir Francis Bacon, Aphra Behn, John Bunyan, Daniel Defoe, Thomas Hobbes, Christopher Marlowe, Andrew Marvell and Sir Edmund Waller, amongst many others, who are listed alphabetically for easy reference. The essay titles are also listed alphabetically, enabling two different methods of searching. Each entry gives a link to the essay, as well as a brief review of From New Humbul Resources on May 13, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

The nature of Islamic art The nature of Islamic art is a The Metropolitan Museum of Art special topic Web site that focuses on the description of the main features of Islamic art as used in architecture, furnishing and general design. The main features include: calligraphy; vegetal patterns; geometric patterns; and figural representation. The site devotes a separate section for each feature and gives a detailed description of its origin and its historical development. Each section is supplied with some superb pictures which can be enlarged. In this site there is also an ample reference to all the historical periods t From New Humbul Resources on May 13, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Topkapi palace museum The Topkapi Palace Museum Web site was developed by Bilkent University (Ankara) History Department to provide a history of this Ottoman palace and a guide to its architectural development. Information is given on the historical background of Topkapi Palace and further reading. The Web site also contains sections with photographs on: the harem; palace attire; imperial treasury; books, maps and calligraphic documents; miniatures from the Topkapi Museum; portraits of the Sultan; clocks; chambers of the Sacred Relics. After the conquest of Constantinapolis in 1453 Mehmed II gave the order for From New Humbul Resources on May 13, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Middle East libraries committee UK (MELCOM) The MELCOM UK (Middle East Libraries Committee UK) Web site gives information on the history, aims and publications of MELCOM UK. MELCOM was founded in the late 1960s as the Middle East Libraries Committee in the context of the expansion of Middle Eastern studies in Britain following the publication of the Hayter Report of 1961. Details of cooperation with other bodies are given. It gives details of the specialist acquisition programmes of the SOAS Library, Durham University Library, Exeter University Library, British Library, Middle East Documentation Unit at Durham, and the Arab World Docume From New Humbul Resources on May 13, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

MIT electronic journal of Middle East studies (MIT-EJMES) The MIT Electronic Journal of Middle East Studies (MIT-EJMES) is an Internet-based journal publishing peer-reviewed scholarly writing related to the modern Middle East. It encourages interdisciplinary work and work within the traditional boundaries of the social sciences and humanities. MIT-EJMES was founded in 2001 and is run mainly by graduate students and young scholars. The site includes the current issue, archive of previous issues (since 2003) and a book reviews section. Users will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to access the freely available full-text articles. This site will be of g From New Humbul Resources on May 13, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Electronic journal of Oriental studies (EJOS) EJOS (the Electronic Journal of Oriental Studies) is an excellent free journal (ISSN 0928-6802) published by Utrecht University in the Netherlands. It publishes articles pertinent to Arabic, Persian and Turkic languages and cultures. There is also special emphasis on the era of Ottoman, Turkish history and culture. The articles are published in several languages, which include: English; Russian; German; French; Italian; Spanish; Arabic; Persian; and Turkish. The Web site is well-organised and the issues of the journal (from 1998-) are available on the site. The articles can be accessed by cl From New Humbul Resources on May 13, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Vita e opere di Pier Paolo Pasolini Vita e opere di Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-1975) is a comprehensive Web site dedicated to the life and works of the Italian author, poet, playwright, and director Pier Paolo Pasolini. The site is divided into sections that concentrate on each of the important areas of Pasolini's career, such as: narrative; poetry; cinema; essays; theatre; and ideology. It includes detailed biographical information and a primary and secondary bibliography. There are newspaper articles, interviews, and critical commentaries and essays on individual works. In a section entitled Listening Room, users may liste From New Humbul Resources on May 13, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Lectures in medieval history Lectures in Medieval History is precisely what its title suggests - a comprehensive online collection of lectures offered for open access by Dr. Lynn Stanley, manager of the Kansas Heritage Gateway and Emeritus Professor of Medieval History, the University of Kansas. The lectures were prepared as basic resource material concentrating on major events and areas of medieval history to equip students for more detailed later study. They are grouped under broad headings, for example, 'The Roman Empire at its Height', 'The Feudalism and Reform of the Church' and 'The Twelfth From New Humbul Resources on May 13, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Kate Chopin : a re-awakening Kate Chopin : A Re-Awakening is the website for a documentary presented by actress Kelly McGillis, dedicated to the work of nineteenth century feminist writer, Kate Chopin (1850-1904). As well as her most famous and controversial work, 'The Awakening', this site includes readings from Chopin's short stories and accompanying interviews about the context in which she wrote. Produced by Louisiana Public Broadcasting, the documentary can be accessed as a transcript, while extracts may be played via Real Player. To complement the documentary, the site also has useful background on Ch From New Humbul Resources on May 13, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Sonnet central Sonnet Central is a web-based archive of English-language sonnets, with commentaries and useful web links. It is also a forum for poets to share and discuss their own work. As a resource for English students up to undergraduate level, this site offers easy access to the sonnets themselves and basic research information. The sonnets are grouped by period, and country of origin, but can also be accessed via an alphabetical author's list, or the java navigation page. However, researchers should note that all of the sonnets on this site, and some of those in the links, are aimed at the gener From New Humbul Resources on May 13, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

The journal of pre-raphaelite studies This website is an index to the Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies, which is published in hard copy semi-annually by York University, Ontario, Canada. The site includes a full contents listing, including author details, for each issue between Spring 1992 and Fall 2004. As the journal is not available on-line, this site will be of use to researchers in helping to locate research material on a specific subject or academic author in Pre-Raphaelite studies. The journal is refereed by an Editorial Advisory Board of international scholars, and authors include Stephen Spender, Jan Marsh and David Lath From New Humbul Resources on May 13, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

New York Times featured author Arthur Miller This page of the New York Times website 'Books' section, features archive material on the plays of Arthur Miller, published between 1944 and 2000. This is a rich resource for students and researchers interested in the plays in performance. It also offers insights into the author from his own writing, and that of critics. Performance reviews of 'The Man Who Had All The Luck', 'All My Sons', 'Death of A Salesman', 'The Crucible', and 'A View from the Bridge', amongst others, are included. As they cover an extensive period, some plays ar From New Humbul Resources on May 13, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Role of Metaphor in Interaction Design A thesis submitted for candidacy for the degree of Master of Design in Interaction Design, The School of Design, Carnegie Mellon University. The author explores how designers can use metaphor in their work: first in the process of interaction design and secondly within interactive products. From EdNA Online on May 13, 2005 at 1:30 a.m..

EDUCAUSE Quarterly (EQ), Volume 28, Number 2 2005 A practitioner's journal for college and university managers and users of information resources - information, technology, and services - published quarterly by EDUCAUSE. In this issue: At Least One Way to Add Value to Conferences. Warren J. Wilson; Trends in Current Issues, Y2K–2005. Leslie Maltz, Peter B. DeBlois, the EDUCAUSE Current Issues Committee; Whose System Is It, Anyway? Partnering with Faculty in Administrative System Projects. Lea Pennock, Rick Bunt; Software Agents to Assist in Distance Learning Environments. Sheung-On Choy, Sin-Chun Ng, Yiu-Chung Tsang; Arts Go the Distanc From EdNA Online on May 13, 2005 at 1:30 a.m..

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