The Sermon Podcast
Remember the odd concept of the
drive-in church? Well, now welcome the church
podcast. As Frank Barnako notes in's Internet Daily, a growing number of ministers are producing podcasts of their weekly sermons. Such "Godcasts" are among the most popular of podcasts.What an amusing idea. Getting your weekly dose of spirituality once devolved into not even getting out of your car; now it can mean not leaving your house or listeni From
Poynter E-Media Tidbits on May 12, 2005 at 10:53 p.m..
danah boyd:I think that it's hard to be interdisciplinary. I think everyone *wants* to be interdisciplinary but that seems to mean draw haphazardly from different disciplines, throw into the blender, add a few spices and voila interdisciplinary gazpacho. I want a chemical reaction dammit. The problem with being interdisciplinary is it that means staying in a state of perpetual identity crisis. I t From
Mathemagenic on May 12, 2005 at 10:51 p.m..
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Reading the comments from the two previous posts, it is abundantly clear that I am under attack. From on May 12, 2005 at 9:57 p.m..
Everything is miscellaneous
Last week, after almost a year and a half of writing, I shipped my book proposal off to publishers. (Yes, my book proposal. The book itself will take about another 1.5 years to write.) My literary agent, David Miller, and I managed to cut it down from 28,000 words to 17,000. That's long for a proposal, especially since I think the book itself will be about 70,000 words. So now I'm in the midst of the multi-week process of seeing if anyone actually wants to publish it. As we say in the writing trade: Ulp. I haven't yet figured out... From
Joho the Blog on May 12, 2005 at 9:48 p.m..
Miscellaneous innovation
To be miscellaneous is to be placed next to things unlike you. Isn't that pretty much a condition for innovation? [Technorati tag: EverythingIsMiscellaneous]... From
Joho the Blog on May 12, 2005 at 9:48 p.m..
Just announced: "IST-EC 2 (Information Societies Technologies Europe-Canada) is a joint Canada-Europe project whose objective is to connect the European and Canadian research communities in key areas of the Information Society Technologies (IST)... Under the project, Canadian and European research and technology developers from both the public and private sectors (university, research centers or SME's), can search for joint projects in which to participate on the basis of mutual benefits." There is an e-learning component to the project, which described in full on the web page. Various
OLDaily on May 12, 2005 at 9:45 p.m..
The Role of Metaphor in Interaction Design
I think metaphor is the foundation of human reason (more accurately, I think similarity is the foundation of human reason). So it should be no surprise that I would be interested in Dan Saffer's essay on the role of metaphor in interaction design. It's a Master's Thesis, but don't let that dissuade you from reading; it is a breezy read, well written and informative. I particularly enjoyed the section on criticisms of metaphor in interaction design and I found the guidelines on the usage of metaphor to be accurate and informative.
OLDaily on May 12, 2005 at 9:45 p.m..
Anticipating Autopoiesis: Personal Construct Psychology and Self-Organizing Systems
Seb Fiedler hits on a nice article that draws out some implications of the psychological theory of constructivism, a theory which holds, essentially, that our understanding of the world is a creative act. "There is no event which could be called 'stark reality' because there is no event which we cannot reconstrue alternately." What's important is how we undertake this process (c.f. my remarks on similarity, below). We are self-organizing systems "a closed network of productions of components that thr From
OLDaily on May 12, 2005 at 9:45 p.m..
Flickr Safety
So I've been spending some time with
Flickr the past couple of days just kind of exploring more deeply what the potentials of the tool are. It's an amazing site, not only because of the really great photos (I got sucked into
this photoset earlier) but because of some of the conversations I found people having around them. Obviously a lot of potential for classroom use. But here's the thing. Today was the first time using Flickr that I ran across something that I felt was inappropr From
weblogged News on May 12, 2005 at 8:47 p.m..
A work colleague of mine from way back, J. Fox Garrison, has written P.S. Julia, the story of her life after a massive brain hemorrhage and stroke. So far I've only read the sample chapter (pdf), but I wasn't expecting to laugh quite so much. I look forward to reading the rest. [Technorati tag: stroke]... From
Joho the Blog on May 12, 2005 at 7:48 p.m..
Computer Journals Cap Top 10 Digital Edition Circulations
More than 100 U.S. magazines, twice the number from a year ago, now count significant numbers of digital editions among their circulation figures, according to the auditing firm BPA Worldwide. Here are the top 10 as of December 2004. eWeek: 65,000 among 400,100 circulation (16.2%) Computer Weekly: 40,065 among 139,817 (28.7%) Microsoft Certified Professional: 39,092 among 119,092 (32.8%) NASA Tech Briefs: 31,179 among 190,428 (16.4%) Electronic Weekly: 16,853 among 43,498 (38.7%) EDN: 16,397 among 134,025 (12.2%) From
Poynter E-Media Tidbits on May 12, 2005 at 5:56 p.m..
Google Snaps Up Hyperlocal Service
If you're wondering where your under-30 readership or viewership has gone, here's one answer: It's gone out for the evening to have a good time. And it probably didn't find your website, newspaper, or TV station particularly helpful in deciding where to go -- because it's not just a matter of which band is playing at which bar. It's a matter of which friends are going to be there.For several years now, the proverbial "two smart guys in a garage" -- Dennis Crowley and Alex Rainert -- have been working on a service called
Poynter E-Media Tidbits on May 12, 2005 at 5:56 p.m..
Blogs y marketing
Comienza a bloguear Antonio Mas, director de Ideup! - Empresa de Desarrollo Internet y Marketing Digital (en su haber proyectos como Amenaencasa, RecordRentacar, Dommo y Ideup! es la empresa que está desarrollando la estrategia de marketing en Internet para... From
eCuaderno v.2.0 on May 12, 2005 at 5:52 p.m..
Ajaxian fun
I had a really great time earlier this week in San Francisco at the
O'Reilly Media and Adaptive Path Ajax Summit. It was just the thing to get my brain jump-started into programming mode, and I feel like for the first time in a very long time, I've got lots of ideas of little apps and do-dads I want to build. Now if only I could find the time! From
megnut on May 12, 2005 at 5:45 p.m..
Creativity index.
Welcome to my collection of pages on varied aspects related to creativity and creative processes. I use many of the following ideas and concepts in my course on creativity creativity index... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:50 p.m..
The Critical Thinking Community
The Foundation and Center for Critical Thinking aim to improve instruction in primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities. We offer conferences and professional development programs, emphasizing assessment, research, instructional strategies, socratic questioning,critical reading and writing, higher order thinking, quality... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:50 p.m..
Content-specific Resources
The Teaching Academy is composed of University of Wisconsin faculty members and instructional staff. We provide leadership to strengthen undergraduate, graduate, and outreach teaching and learning at UWÂMadison. WWW Teaching and Learning Resources... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:50 p.m..
FAQ about Discussion
How can I get a discussion going? Discussions need to be carefully planned. Sometimes we see instructors try to get a discussion going on the spur of the moment, by asking a question they have just thought up. These often... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:50 p.m..
Diversity Web
Welcome to DiversityWeb, the most comprehensive compendium of campus practices and resources about diversity in higher education that you can find anywhere. This site is designed to serve campus practitioners seeking to place diversity at the center of the academy's... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:50 p.m..
Emotional Intelligence
The mission of the Consortium is to aid the advancement of research and practice related to emotional intelligence in organizations. The Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations is currently made up of eight founding members and 30 additional... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:50 p.m..
Center for the Study of Ethics
Educational institutions are microcosms of culture and the society that supports them. As such, they should be bastions of ethical behavior. These institutions should be the training ground for students to determine and practice their personal ethics code which will... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:50 p.m..
The Society for the Advancement of Games and Simulations in Education and Training SAGSET encourages and supports the development of gaming, simulation and other forms of active learning in all aspects of education and training from Primary School to University... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:50 p.m..
This web site is an outgrowth of an op-ed piece that I wrote on grade inflation for the Washington Post, "Where All Grades Are Above Average" In the process of writing that article, I collected data on trends in grading... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:50 p.m..
How People Learn.
In the last 30 years, research has generated new conceptions of learning in five areas. As a result of the accumulation of new kinds of information about human learning, views of how effective learning proceeds have shifted from the... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:50 p.m..
Red Screen of Death
Microsoft has come up with a unique solution to the legendary 'blue screen of death' in the next version of its Windows operating system. With the release of Longhorn, the Redmond behemoth has added a red screen to face users... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:50 p.m..
Dutch academics declare research free-for-all
Scientists from all major Dutch universities officially launched a
website on Tuesday where all their research material can be accessed for free. Interested parties can get hold of a total of 47,000 digital documents from 16 institutions the Digital Academic Repositories. No other nation in the world offers such easy access to its complete academic research output in digital form, the researchers claim. Obviously, commercial publishers are not amused. DAREnet was already launched about a year ago, but for demonst From
Seblogging News on May 12, 2005 at 3:48 p.m..
Fuente RSS completa
Siguiendo los buenos consejos de Eduardo Arcos y de Microsiervos, y con la ayuda de Learning Movable Type: Simple RSS Customizations, he corregido la fuente RDF de eCuaderno para que sirva el contenido completo de las historias. Ahora los lectores... From
eCuaderno v.2.0 on May 12, 2005 at 1:52 p.m..
This just in: Massachusetts survives gay marriages
The Boston Phoenix reports on a new poll that shows that with 5,000 gay marriages in the past year, 48% of the 600 poll respondents say that gay marriage has had no impact on the quality of life in the Commonwealth...and 36% said life has gotten better. Support for the legalization of gay marriage has gone up from 59% last year to 62% now. The issue comes up for popular vote in 2006 when we'll have the chance to amend the constitution to ban gay marriages and permit civil unions. At this point, unless gay marriage is discovered to cause... From
Joho the Blog on May 12, 2005 at 1:49 p.m..
Releasing all your research into the public domain
Thanks Ben for point this out to me. I am liking what is happening here - Dutch academics declare research free-for-all - I am wondering what the knock on effect will be for traditional journals? :: Is there still a... From
ERADC Blog on May 12, 2005 at 12:54 p.m..
Jugando con Google y con Yahoo!
Para comprobar en paralelo el resultado de una búsqueda en Google y en Yahoo! pueden usar YaGoohoo!gle, que anuncia su próxima mudanza a Twingine. En Nodos en la Red descubro Montage-a-Google que elabora collages a partir del Google Image Search... From
eCuaderno v.2.0 on May 12, 2005 at 12:51 p.m..
La importancia de entender al usuario
Blogger fue capaz de responder de forma muy visual a la pregunta ¿Qué es un blog?: Y luego supo explicar en tres pasos el proceso de creación: Ahora, La Coctelera consigue resolver con un menú excelente, la gestión interna del... From
eCuaderno v.2.0 on May 12, 2005 at 11:51 a.m..
Putting a Face on King Tut
CT scan technology helps scientists produce what they say is an accurate facial reconstruction of King Tutankhamun, the boy emperor who ruled Egypt 3,300 years ago. From
Wired News on May 12, 2005 at 11:46 a.m..
Bots Kick Grass in RoboCup Soccer
Programmers turn Sony Aibos and other machines into fierce competitors on the field. The ultimate goal of the international competition: a robot team that can tackle humans by 2050. From
Wired News on May 12, 2005 at 11:46 a.m..
Splice It Yourself
Who needs a geneticist? These days you can build your own DNA lab in the garage. By Rob Carlson from Wired magazine. From
Wired News on May 12, 2005 at 11:46 a.m..
Paralyzed Rats Walk; Humans Next?
Researchers publish the hotly anticipated details of how they got rodents with crushed spinal cords up and walking again. The study reveals a road map to human trials. By Kristen Philipkoski. From
Wired News on May 12, 2005 at 11:46 a.m..
Go Forth and Multiply, Little Bot
Cornell researchers create a robot that can build copies of itself. They hope the modular machine is a step toward self-sustaining, adaptive contraptions. By Stephen Leahy. From
Wired News on May 12, 2005 at 11:46 a.m..
Music Mis-Match?
Yahoo's purchase of Musicmatch last fall means a plunge into the digital download market. So why is it introducing a new, separate digital music service? By Katie Dean. From
Wired News on May 12, 2005 at 11:46 a.m..
National ID Battle Continues
Senators pass legislation that would standardize driver's licenses nationwide, but some of them do so reluctantly. Critics of the Real ID Act vow to continue fighting it. By Kim Zetter. From
Wired News on May 12, 2005 at 11:46 a.m..
Travel plans: Moscow 14-26 May
There are hundred reasons to blog and quite some half-written posts in my head, but no time - I'm flying to Moscow on Saturday, so it's a lot to sort out before that. This trip will be special, both personally and professionally - wondering how things will go... It's also 4,5 months since my last visit - unbearably long comparing to the last couple of years (and - still - I know how lucky I'm to be able to fly frequently). I'm counting days: today - tomorrow - flying - home... Anyway, if you happen to be in Moscow and feel like cappuccino From
Mathemagenic on May 12, 2005 at 10:48 a.m..
Workflow Learning Gets Real
Es gibt (mindestens) zwei Formen des Lernens: Lernen als Intervention, die Routinen unterbricht und einen neuen Prozess startet; und Lernen, das fest in Arbeitsprozesse integriert ist: Workflow Learning. Letzteres rückt immer mehr in den Mittelpunkt. "Future workers will be value-driven... From on May 12, 2005 at 7:50 a.m..
Brain Candy
Das muss hier noch rein, denn es geht um Popkultur, und es geht um's Lernen: Malcolm Gladwell ("The Tipping Point", "Blink") hat ein Buch gelesen und rezensiert. Beide, die Rezension (sage ich) wie das Buch (sagt Gladwell), sind höchst unterhaltsam... From on May 12, 2005 at 7:50 a.m..
Sisyphus, In His Own Words
Welcome to my mountain, Dear Friend. I am Sisyphus, and I am very glad you could join me here. Camus wrote in The Myth of Sisyphus that "One should imagine Sisyphus happy". Whether one imagines it or not, Dear Friend, it is true- I am happy. Indeed I am amongst the happiest and freest of men. I must walk down to the plain now, but if you will come with me I will explain to you why I should be happy, and why it is that your predicament, Dear Friend, is just like mine. As we make our way down this mountain to the rock which I must push back up to the peak only to watch it fall again, you may be From on May 12, 2005 at 7:45 a.m..
Cellphedia (Ross Mayfield)
While you are playing Dodgeball MoSoSo, you should grok Cellphedia. It’s like Dodgeball for trival instead of getting laid, and topical groups instead of friends. It’s not Wikipedia, tho inspired, but like the community behind it that loves to know... From
Corante: Social Software on May 12, 2005 at 6:45 a.m..
Virtual high not a fit for most
Only a limited number of Houston County students who need to retake a class or catch up this summer likely would enroll in the state's new virtual high school, Houston school officials said Monday. Macon Telegraph | 05/10/2005 | Houston... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:46 a.m..
Schools struggle to keep kids connected.
When her three children aren't using the laptop, Clarissa Wann-Bobo is online checking their grades and progress at school. The family frequently competes for time on the computer, one of 2,500 IPS has loaned to students. Schools struggle to keep... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:46 a.m..
Classroom Assessment Techniques
Classroom Assessment is a simple method faculty can use to collect feedback, early and often, on how well their students are learning what they are being taught. The purpose of classroom assessment is to provide faculty and students with information... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:46 a.m..
Doing Collaborative Learning
The goal of this section is to provide the instructor with some starting ideas: Things to consider as you contemplate incorporating collaborative learning structures into your course. This section does not seek to be a complete treatise on collaborative learning.... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:46 a.m..
Constructivism as a Paradigm for Teaching and Learning - From explanation, to demonstration, to exploration and to implementation, follow constructivism "from concept to classroom" in this well-developed site for educators. - Professional Growth Topics: Constructivism [How to...]... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:46 a.m..
Academic Integrity
The Center for Academic Integrity provides a forum to identify, affirm, and promote the values of academic integrity among students, faculty, teachers and administrators. The CAI Web site is divided into a public tier, which contains general information about the... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:46 a.m..
Active Learning On the Web
Active learning isn't a new idea. It goes back at least as far as Socrates and was a major emphasis among progressive educators like John Dewey. And yet, if you peer into many university classrooms, we seem to have forgotten... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:46 a.m..
Blended Learning
This page provides links to some resources on blended learning - that is a learning solution created through a mixture of face-to-face, live e-learning, self-paced learning as well through a mix of media - "the magic is in the mix!"... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:46 a.m..
Bloom's Taxonomy
Beginning in 1948, a group of educators undertook the task of classifying education goals and objectives. The intent was to develop a classification system for three domains: the cognitive, the affective, and the psychomotor. Work on the cognitive domain was... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:46 a.m..
Case Method Website
I would like to draw the attention of the users of this website to a unique and powerful set of teaching materials developed primarily at UC Santa Barbara since 1996-97. Our purpose is to facilitate for teachers around the world... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:46 a.m..
Civility in the Classroom?
"Actions which make the campus environment uncomfortable or hostile for another person are considered serious offenses by the University. Contemporary technology makes it possible for mistakes to be made more rapidly, and spread about more widely, than ever before. The... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:46 a.m..
Five ways to enhance your learning.
As adult learners and teachers, we can ride the crest of the current revolution in brain research. We can learn easier, faster, better, and more enjoyably! The new scientific understanding of our most vital organ can help us improve everything... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on May 12, 2005 at 4:46 a.m..
Put Some Wisdom in Your Pocket
Along the lines of Wikipedia comes its mobile equivalent -- Cellphedia. However, this seems to be more like the those expert-exchange sites on the web. Wired
reports: "Cellphedia lets users sign up to receive updates in one or more categories like architecture, music and technology. When a question is asked in one of those subjects, users receive a text message with the query." From
elearningpost on May 12, 2005 at 2:46 a.m..
Assistant Director, Project Development - Barrhead
Assistant Director, Project Development SENIOR MANAGER Learning Technologies Branch, Education , Barrhead - Learning Technologies Branch (LTB) provides leadership in advancing the use of technology in learning, and is responsible for the design and development of print and electronic learning... From
Rick's Café Canadien on May 12, 2005 at 1:50 a.m..
Project Management Coordinator--Barrhead
Patty Dyjur sends us these two position announcements. Project Management Coordinator EDUCATION 1 Education , Barrhead - We are seeking an Elementary/Junior High educator with strong organizational and communication skills to facilitate the design and development of print and... From
Rick's Café Canadien on May 12, 2005 at 1:50 a.m..
You cannot dictate changes in another's system
Kelly's model of the psychotherapeutic relationship as a creative, co-operative, experiential and experimental process clearly implies that therapy is not something the therapist 'does to' the client. There are no mechanical technologies of influence 'applied to' the person. There is no linear causality that can dictate changes in another's system. Mistakenly believing that there is such causality often leads to therapist hostility toward the client..... [Vincent Kenny] From
Seblogging News on May 12, 2005 at 12:49 a.m..
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Dear Gentle Readers: In order to maintain the high quality of content you have been enjoying at, we have recently begun testing an advertising model on the website. From on May 12, 2005 at 12:00 a.m..
Cuando la mejor polÃtica de comunicación es no decir nada
No suelo hablar mal de ningún profesional ni empresa de comunicación, porque soy consciente (a veces me ha tocado vivirlo en mis carnes) de que detrás de los muchos y cotidianos fallos comunicativos de gran calado que se dan incluso entre las mayores empresas hay, con frecuencia, obstáculos que ni el mejor profesional podrÃa salvar. Y hablo de obstáculos de todo tipo, desde los que son meramente organizativos o de asignación de recursos a los que son ya de mayor calado, de Ãndole estratégica. Pero es que a veces (...) From | Gestión de Contenidos on May 11, 2005 at 11:58 p.m..
Why You Should (or Should Not) Use the Yahoo! Music Engine
I figure that this is about the best marketing blog post ever, and after giving it a read I downloaded Yahoo!'s new music player. The player connects to Yahoo!'s Launch music service, which has been around for a while now (I gave up on it when the ads outnumbered the songs). The download was a breeze, but the player uses Internet Explorer, which fired off a stream of Javascript errors while failing to import my local music. It won't let me search the catalogue unless I subscribe, and it won't let me subscribe unless I live in the United States. Which makes it, to me, junk. From
OLDaily on May 11, 2005 at 11:45 p.m..
mLearnopedia: Your Mobile Learning Resource
eLearnopedia introduces us to mLearningopedia, a comprehensive resource on mobile learning. On the one hand I am an unabashed enthusiast for wireless connectivity and networking. On the other hand, I'm not sure about learning on a two-inch screen. But there's no doubt that mobile learning has caught the latest run of the fad train. There may be something there - but it seems to me that the hype has arrived before the grassroots applications, which suggests to me that something's amiss. Caution. Oh, but do visit this resource, which is quite good. By Judy Brown, May 11, 2005 [
OLDaily on May 11, 2005 at 11:45 p.m..
BBC Eases Rules on News Feed Use
The BBC made some more friends worldwide today as restrictions previously limiting use of their RSS feeds were waived. Even more interesting is todays's announcement of
BBC's Backstage, "the BBC's new developer network, providing content feeds for anyone to build with. Alternatively, share your ideas on new ways to use BBC content. This is your BBC. We want to help you play." Cool. By Unattributed, BBC, May 11, 2005 [
Refer][< From
OLDaily on May 11, 2005 at 11:45 p.m..
EDUCAUSE Podcast on Project Governance
D'Arcy Norman links to
thispodcast by Lisa Kosanovich on project governance.The talks starts out pretty well. She describesadministrivia, that sort of project management that drivesus all nuts, as "a more reactive approach to problemsthat arise" and tracable to things like designproblems "being resolved in a vacuum". Her fourprinciples of project management seem sound to me:assigning roles and responsibilities, creating a changemanagement and scope steward, setting out communicationrules, From
OLDaily on May 11, 2005 at 11:45 p.m..