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Most recent update: May 12, 2005 at 11:00 p.m. Atlantic Time (GMT-4)
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The Art Zone The collection here on the National Gallery of Art website welcomes kids. It is a wonderful place for youngsters to test several visual ideas. These interactive projects are not childish however. They are superior lessons interfaced under the watchful oversight of a great museum. From Golden Swamp on May 12, 2005 at 10:30 p.m..

International Federation of Alternative Trade (IFAT) The International Federation of Alternative Trade is a fair trade suppliers association, whose mission is to improve the livelihoods and well-being of disadvantaged producers by linking and promoting Fair Trade Organisations, and speaking out for greater justice in world trade. The site provides an outline of the regulations around granting Fair Trade status to companies. From Recent Items on May 12, 2005 at 3:30 p.m..

Case for the Global Economy The great debate on globalization is in full swing. Can, or should, it be stopped? Is it pushing governments to the sidelines? Does it have a human face? Is it a threat to jobs? What are the benefits and what is the downside? ICC is convinced that the emergence of a global market economy, a process that has only just begun, will bring unprecedented prosperity to millions. But the right balance needs to be found between rules and freedom if the global economy is to realise its full potential. This is what this new section of the ICC web site is all about. We make the case for the global economy From Recent Items on May 12, 2005 at 3:30 p.m..

Sweatshops and Globalization This background article on globalisation and working conditions in developing countries by Radley Balko gives pros and cons. 'So what's the story on sweatshops? Are they as bad as globalization critics claim they are? Should we boycott companies that operate them? Can they be stopped? Should they be stopped?' From Recent Items on May 12, 2005 at 3:30 p.m..

Fair Labor Association (FLA) The Fair Labor Association (FLA) is a non-profit organization combining the efforts of industry, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), colleges and universities to promote adherence to international labor standards and improve working conditions worldwide. The FLA conducts independent monitoring and verification to ensure that the FLAÂ’'s Workplace Standards are upheld where FLA company products are produced. Through public reporting, the FLA provides consumers and shareholders with credible information to make responsible buying decisions. From EdNA Online on May 12, 2005 at 1:30 p.m..

Clean Clothes Campaign The Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC) is a coalition of trade unions, consumer organisations, researchers, human rights organisations, womens' organizations and other organisations that aims to improve working conditions in the global garment industry. The site includes a photo gallery, newsletter, FAQ and Codes of Conduct. From Recent Items on May 12, 2005 at 1:30 p.m..

New Age Navigation: Innovative Information Interfaces for Electronic Journals While it is typical for electronic journals to offer conventional search features similar to those provided by electronic databases, a select number of e-journals have also made available higher-level access options as well. This article reviews several novel technologies and implementations that creatively exploit the inherent potential of the digital environment to further facilitate use of e-collections. From EdNA Online on May 12, 2005 at 7:30 a.m..

Why Accessibility? Motivating Learners To Bring About Change The resource, developed by WebAIM at the Center for Persons with Disabilities, Utah State University, discusses reasons for designing with accessibility in mind. There are many reasons why people choose to design with accessibility in mind. These motivations can be roughly categorized into the following: Ethical motivations, Legal & standards-based motivations, Business motivations. From EdNA Online on May 12, 2005 at 7:30 a.m..

Hamlet Works A resource about the play, developed by Eric C. Rasmussen, a professor of English at the University of Nevada at Reno. It includes commentary materials, scholarship publications and criticism about the play, linked to the text in an online database. The database is a high-tech advance in what literary scholars call a variorum, an edition with multiple versions and notes by editors and scholars about the work. From EdNA Online on May 12, 2005 at 7:30 a.m..

DAREnet Digital Academic Repositories (DARE) A joint effort among all Dutch universities, the National Library of the Netherlands, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific, Research. DARE includes 47,000 academic articles and other digital resources, including bibliographic information, full text materials, and audio and video files. DARE harvests all digital available material from local repositories, making it fully searchable. Interested parties can get hold of a total of 47,000 digital documents from 16 institutions the Digital Academic Repositories. From EdNA Online on May 12, 2005 at 5:30 a.m..

Urban Development (World Bank) The World Bank's urban poverty programs include integrated slum upgrading through housing, health services, nutrition and education programs; environment and policy-based programs which take a cross-sectoral approach to issues such as tenure and crime prevention. From Recent Items on May 12, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry. It aims to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. Through volunteer labour and donations of money and materials, Habitat builds and rehabilitates simple, decent houses. Habitat houses are sold to partner families at no profit and financed with affordable, no-interest loans. From Recent Items on May 12, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

UN-HABITAT The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT, is designed to prevent and improve problems that stem from rapid urbanisation, especially in major cities in developing countries. Its mandate is to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities while providing adequate shelter for all. Two of its campaigns are: Global Campaign for Secure Tenure, which aims to improve the conditions of people living and working in slum areas in major urban centres, by promoting security of their residential tenure; and Global Campaign on Urban Governance, which aims to contribute t From Recent Items on May 12, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Urbanization (Youthink) Urbanisation issues page from the World Bank's Youthink site. Cities, large and small, are at the heart of a fast changing global economy and are a cause of and response to world economic growth. From Recent Items on May 12, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Extreme Democracy (the book) Posted By Jon Lebkowsky on May 11th 6:42PM: Edited by Mitch Ratcliffe and Jon Lebkowsky, Extreme Democracy is a collection of writings by leading thinkers about the Internet's impact on media and politics. Authors include Joichi Ito, James F. Moore, Clay Shirky, Mitch Ratcliffe, Steven Johnson, Ken White, Valdis Krebs, Ross Mayfield, David Weinberger, danah boyd, Philip J. Windley, Ph.D., Jon Lebkowsky, Adam Greenfield, Britt Blaser, Aldon Hynes, and Adina Levin. From Common Content: Newest Items on May 12, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

National committee for Latin and Greek This is the website of the National Committee for Latin and Greek (NCLG), a North American organisation which promotes the study of Classics and raises public awareness of classical subjects. The site is also a useful source of support and information for those who teach classical subjects in schools and universities. Much of the material found here is aimed at justifying the study of Classics in the twenty-first century: various articles on the value of teaching Latin, Greek and the classical world are featured, along with links to articles in the media which may help to promote classical sub From New Humbul Resources on May 12, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Pankur : an agora for classics postgraduates Pankur is a website designed to support postgraduates who are engaged in Classics-related research in the UK and Ireland, and to facilitate communication among the postgraduate community on matters relating to research and teaching. Details of theses in progress (added by the thesis authors) are given here, as well as the email addresses of their researchers: this is information which would otherwise only be accessible by contacting individual Classics departments. The site also includes listings of recent and upcoming conferences on classical subjects, and information on funding opportunities From New Humbul Resources on May 12, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Greek language and linguistics gateway This website is primarily a well-annotated gateway providing links to and information about online resources which are specifically related to the study of the Greek language (covering ancient, New Testament and modern Greek). It features sections on: online bibliographies for works on Greek language and linguistics; web-based reference grammars and tutorials; details of lexica (both online and in print); ancient Greek manuscripts on the web; research projects on the Greek language; software links for learning and using Greek; downloadable Greek fonts. Resource links are accompanied by informa From New Humbul Resources on May 12, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

RAI click RAI Click is an online television service offered by the Italian broadcasting network RAI, in association with Fastweb. The Web site allows users to watch RAI television programmes on demand, using Windows Media Player. An Internet connection of at least 300 kbps is necessary. The site presents a freely accessible selection of archived and new programmes from RAI's three main channels (RaiUno, RaiDue, RaiTre) and is updated daily. Programmes are divided into categories such as: cinema; news; sport; history; travel; and knowledge. Daily news broadcasts are a particular highlight. A short d From New Humbul Resources on May 12, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

The hoplite association This is the website of the Hoplite Association, a society dedicated to the re-enactment of ancient Greek battles, and to recreating the lives of the ancient Greek military at war and at rest. The group specialises in the period 490-430 BC, from the Persian Wars to the beginning of the Peloponnesian War. Information can be found here concerning re-enactment events, historical displays and educational activities. Although this is not an 'academic' site, it does have some educational value. The association is keen to base its activities upon real historical evidence, and this is reflect From New Humbul Resources on May 12, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Ploutarchos : the international Plutarch society This is the website of the International Plutarch Society, which aims to further Plutarchan studies and to encourage communication between scholars who are researching various aspects of Plutarch's works. The site gives a page of links to English translations of writings of the Greek biographer, historian, and moral philosopher, (found in the Internet Classics Archive) as well as a large downloadable bibliography of secondary material on Plutarch which, although comprehensive, gives only the title and author of works with no annotation detailing their content. Details of how to become a m From New Humbul Resources on May 12, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Vergilian society This is the website of the Vergilian Society, an organisation which is devoted to promoting the study of Virgil (Latin poet 70-19 BCE) through lectures, conferences and publications. The site gives details of the society's activities, including in particular its summer study programs held in Cumae, Italy, at its 'Villa Vergiliana'. Also detailed here are tours of classical sites, conferences and a calendar of other events. The site provides extensive bibliographies on recent works relating to various aspects of the study of Virgil (divided into sections covering the Aeneid, Eclo From New Humbul Resources on May 12, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Pomoerium : a classics journal This is the website of Pomoerium, an online classics journal. The site allows free access to full-text versions (in PDF format) of all of the journal's articles, which are written in a variety of European languages. Subjects covered include Roman law, classical myth, the translation of ancient texts, Judaism, ancient philosophy and literature (featuring articles on, for example, Aulus Gellius, Isocrates and Ovid). The site also provides a list of recommended new books on classical subjects, although this is of limited use as only publication details are given, without any comments or revi From New Humbul Resources on May 12, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Australian bronze commemorative plaques This site is part of a project to set up bronze plaques on the First World War's Western Front in France and Belgium in order to commemorate significant Australian military involvement. The editor, and funder, is Ross Bastiaan, who has also written the commemorative texts and cast the plaques himself. Clearly the work of an enthusiast, the site is also a rich archive of information about First World War campaigns in which Austrialians were involved. For example, the story of the Gallipoli campaign is recounted in some detail.The site contains photographs and maps, as well as information a From New Humbul Resources on May 12, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Crimeculture Crimeculture is an impressive web site dedicated to the academic study of crime in literature, film and popular culture. The Crime Fiction section offers excellent appraisals of distinct periods within the genre, notably Victorian and Classic detective fiction; American crime fiction from the hard-boiled era to the present day; and British crime writing which went against the grain of the more conventional classic detective tradition. Amongst the crime film genres that are explored are Gangster and Detective films; Film Noir and Neo Noir; and Cop Action Films. There is also a section devoted t From New Humbul Resources on May 12, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Renfrewshire history and archaeology web This Web site is devoted to Renfrewshire local history. Edited by local historian Stephan J Clancy, the site (a product of the Renfrewshire Local History Forum) links together various societies concerned with Renfrewshire heritage. The forum also organises conferences, excavations and lectures, publishes a journal and organises visits to places of archeological interest: Culross, Dunfermline, Biggar, Linlithgow, Birnam and Dunkeld, for example. The site contains information on all these activities, gives membership details, carries photographs and reports on excavations and trips. There is als From New Humbul Resources on May 12, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Futurism : manifestos and other resources Futurism: manifestos and other resources is a popularist and rather irreverent Web site that provides English translations of Futurist manifestos and links to other relevant resources. The 1909 founding manifesto of the Italian Futurist movement is included, as are manifestos on: cinema; architecture; syntax; war; and painting. Authors of the manifestos include: Marinetti; Umberto Boccioni; Carlo Carrà; and Giacomo Balla. The site also displays some Futurist paintings and diagrams. There are links to other online Futurist resources, however some of these were broken at the time of cataloguing From New Humbul Resources on May 12, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Cinema italiano Cinema italiano is a Web site that brings together information on major Italian film and Italian directors. Users can access production information, cast lists, photographs, and comments from an alphabetical list of films and directors. The main period covered is 1940 to 1975. There are links to relevant Web sites, which provide plot summaries and further production details. Some of the directors featured include: Michelangelo Antonioni; Vittorio De Sica; Federico Fellini; Pier Paolo Pasolini; Roberto Rossellini; Paolo and Vittorio Taviani; and Luchino Visconti. The site also makes available v From New Humbul Resources on May 12, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

The Herodotus website The Herodotus Website is devoted to the ancient Greek historian Herodotus (c490-c425 BC) and his history of the Persian Wars. This is a well-organised site which forms a good starting point for finding information on the history of Greece in the late sixth and early fifth centuries BC. As such, it will be of most use to those embarking on the study of Herodotus for the first time, that is, students at undergraduate level and below. As well as providing English translations of Herodotus' Histories and Plutarch's On the Malice of Herodotus, the site has a wide range of explanatory sect From New Humbul Resources on May 12, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Centre for ancient drama and its reception This is the website of the Centre for Ancient Drama and its Reception (CADRE), a research project based at the University of Nottingham's Classics Department. The project aims to further the study of ancient Greek and Roman tragedy and comedy and to look at its influence upon later traditions. Details of project members and collaborators are given here, as well as information on two conferences held by the CADRE: Playing Around Aristophanes and The Oath in Greek Society. The most informative section of the site is concerned with an ongoing project on Sophocles' fragmentary tragedies. From New Humbul Resources on May 12, 2005 at 2:30 a.m..

Australian Network of Industry Careers Advisers Australian Network of Industry Careers Advisers (ANICA) will provide a comprehensive national career and transition support network for all young Australians from 13 to 19 years of age, delivered through Local Community Partnerships (LCPs). The ANICA initiative comprises three parts: enhanced career and transition capacity for Local Community Partnerships; improving the professional standards of career advice; extending industry leadership through regional industry career advisers. From EdNA Online on May 12, 2005 at 1:30 a.m..

Why is "The Diary of Anne Frank" such a popular text? A significant and compelling summary....awaiting content. From OISE/UT's Ask the Experts on May 11, 2005 at 11:22 p.m..

Why should teacher education in Ontario be longer than it is now? From OISE/UT's Ask the Experts on May 11, 2005 at 11:22 p.m..

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