China vitae China Vitae is an online database containing information on the past and current activities of political, financial, business and academic leaders in China. The site was created by Wen Wei Publishing Company in Hong Kong, and its information has been compiled through official Chinese sources. The database contains biographies of over 2500 Chinese leaders, and tracks their recent official duties and public appearances, along with details of their previous career paths and memberships of institutions. The search facility is divided into two main sections. First, users can search a research centr From New Humbul Resources on April 16, 2005 at 1:58 a.m..
Chinese arts centre The Web site of the Chinese Arts Centre in Manchester offers information on contemporary Chinese art and culture, mostly created by artists of Chinese descent living in the West. The site provides practical information about the gallery (opened in 1986), news of events and exhibitions, and hosts an online gallery of contemporary artworks. Events listed are community based, such as free talks with artists, workshops and Chinese markets. The Centre encourages emerging artists and includes their works in its online gallery, and artists and scholars are encouraged to contribute to future events an From New Humbul Resources on April 16, 2005 at 1:58 a.m..
A visual sourcebook of chinese civilisation The Visual Sourcebook of Chinese Civilization is an online collection of annotated visual sources related to traditional and modern China. Aimed towards teachers and students studying Chinese culture, the site offers visual material for teachers' use in the classroom. It can also be used by students for independent study in conjunction with secondary reading. The site was developed by renowned China scholar Patricia Buckley Ebrey at the University of Washington, and was funded by the Education Division of the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Freeman Foundation and the Chiang Chi From New Humbul Resources on April 16, 2005 at 1:58 a.m..
Asian film connections Asian Film Connections is an online collection of resources focusing on films from Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and Korea made after 1998. The site aims to promote the study and exhibition of East Asian cinema, and is divided into geographically-based sections. Each section features an introduction to the film industry of each nation, lists of recent contemporary films and links to international university departments offering modules in East Asian cinema. Individual films and directors are highlighted, and their entries annotated with additional links, such as: image galleries; fi From New Humbul Resources on April 16, 2005 at 1:58 a.m..
Japanese politics central Japanese Politics Central, a Web site hosted by the University of Virginia, brings together information on various aspects of Japanese politics, including election results; cabinet and party support rates; biographies of Japanese politicians; and bibliographic information. The "bibliography on Japanese politics topics" presents extensive bibliographic resources in alphabetically organized topic areas, and should be useful to anyone embarking on studies in Japanese politics. Links provide information on each of Japan's major parties, as well as poll data from the most recent elections; h From New Humbul Resources on April 16, 2005 at 1:58 a.m..
Japan focus The Web site for Japan focus presents scholarly writing on a broad range of topics relating to Japan and its interactions with the Asia-Pacific and beyond. Material covers many topics within Japanese politics; society; economics; and culture, and includes opinion pieces from within and without Japan; works in translation; reprints of relevant newspaper or scholarly articles; and original works. Specific topics include: nationalism; immigration; agriculture; urban or rural issues; women or gender issues; peace and people's movements; the emperor system; Okinawa; Japanese relations with Ru From New Humbul Resources on April 16, 2005 at 1:58 a.m..
The world and Japan The Web site of the The World and Japan Database Project provides access to databases including: a 20th century chronology of Japan; post World War II (WWII) Japanese politics and diplomacy; the foreign policy of Asia-Pacific nations; and abbreviations of frequently encountered organizations. Though the project's home page is available in English, Japanese and Chinese, among the databases all but the post-war politics and diplomacy section are presented in Japanese alone. Databases are organized by sub-topic areas or searchable by keyword, date, or alphabet, and cover most of the 20th cen From New Humbul Resources on April 16, 2005 at 1:58 a.m..
[Japanese] statistics bureau The English Web site of the Japanese statistics bureau provides searchable access to a full range of census and survey results relating to population; labour (labor); employment; household expenses/income; and others, as well as geographic, economic, and historic data; price indexes; and many more. A Japanese version of the site is also available. A section entitled "Japan in figures" will be of particular use to those seeking a statistical overview of the nation, and helpful information is provided to assist in interpreting all data. A "Monthly statistics of Japan" section provides a monthly- From New Humbul Resources on April 16, 2005 at 1:58 a.m..
National Taiwan university library The Web site of the National Taiwan University offers textual information on library facilities, resources and collections, and provides an online catalogue through which users can search within the library's holdings. The main page is divided into links leading to the library's: electronic resources and databases (although these require library authorisation); special collections; library catalogues; library services; and special projects run by the library. The library has established a special database on women and gender studies, runs a digital project on museums and has a digita From New Humbul Resources on April 16, 2005 at 1:58 a.m..
Digital Palace Museum The Digital Palace Museum is the companion web resource to the Palace Museum (Forbidden City), a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Equally viewable in English, Chinese and Japanese, the site introduces the history of the Palace Museum, Beijing, offers an online interactive guided tour, presents selected items from the museum's collection and gives the latest news about the museum and its exhibitions. An impressive feature of the Web site is its online exhibitions, through which users may view the museum's exhibits and related textual information. A large selection of ceramics, lacquer work From New Humbul Resources on April 16, 2005 at 1:58 a.m..
Foundation for research and promotion [of] Ainu culture (FRPAC) This is the Web site for the Foundation for Research and Promotion [of] Ainu Culture (FRPAC), an organization which promotes cultural events and brings together resources related to the study and understanding of the Ainu (Utari), an aboriginal people indigenous to northern Japan and south-eastern Russia. FRPAC is jointly funded by the Japanese national and HokkaidÅ governments. The Web site is presented in both English and Japanese; however, the Japanese version is considerably more comprehensive, and details the foundation's research and publications, promotional efforts, and mission, From New Humbul Resources on April 16, 2005 at 1:58 a.m..
Transnational China project The Transnational China Project, sponsored by the Baker Institute at Rice University, is an online collection of resources exploring the transformation of contemporary Chinese culture using image archives, texts and commentary on cultural trends, politics and the economy. The site also provides links to essays and curriculum resources for learning and teaching on modern China. Of particular value to researchers of contemporary China is the site's extensive archive of public advertising culture in major Chinese-speaking cities. Although presented with only a brief introduction, these image From New Humbul Resources on April 16, 2005 at 1:58 a.m..
China internet information center The China Internet Information Center is a government-led web resource that provides a gateway to contemporary news and events, and presents factual information on Chinese politics and society displayed in the form of current news articles; short textual introductions; and photographs. The site provides links to content covering government legislation; social issues; religion; and culture. In addition, it includes background information on the structure of China's governmental, legislative and judicial systems. The site has many sections of interest to researchers of Chinese culture, incl From New Humbul Resources on April 16, 2005 at 1:58 a.m..
China culture China culture is an online guide to contemporary Chinese culture, society and customs produced by the Ministry of Culture. Presented in English and Chinese, the site covers cultural news stories and articles about theatre; archaeology; and art and film festivals. It features more detailed articles and photographs on musical traditions; marriage customs; and 'third generation' Chinese film directors. In addition, the Web site provides factual listings of laws and regulations pertaining to cultural activities in China. Also included is a guide to China's cultural institutions, lis From New Humbul Resources on April 16, 2005 at 1:58 a.m..
Women and gender in Chinese studies network The Women and Gender in Chinese Studies Network (WAGnet) is an online international community of scholars, students and researchers with an academic interest in women and gender in Chinese history and contemporary society. The Network is administrated by Maria Jaschok from the University of Oxford, and is supported by the University of Warwick. The main site introduces the aims of the Network and acts as a means of communication between members around the world. The site provides information on members' research interests and publications, and news of past and future events in Europe rele From New Humbul Resources on April 16, 2005 at 1:58 a.m..
EASE History EASE History is a rich learning environment that supports the learning of US history. Over 600 videos and photographs are currently available in EASE History. EASE History has three entry points: Historical Events, Campaign Ads, and Core Values. Learn about US History through the prism of US presidential campaign ads, better understand the complexities of campaign issues and their historical context by looking at historical events, and explore the meanings of core values by examining how these values have been applied in both historical events and campaign ads. Three learning modes, single and From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on April 15, 2005 at 11:30 p.m..
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