Allen on altruism and group size (Clay Shirky)
Interesting speculation over on Life With Alacrity about Dunbar, Altruistic Punishment, and Meta-Moderation — Allen disucsses work on an agent-based simulation that suggests a phase transition from cooperating groups to Tragedy of the Commons scenarios at ~15 people, a much... From
Corante: Social Software on March 22, 2005 at 9:49 p.m..
Archivalia: Deutsche Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts im WWW Een lijst van zestiende-eeuwse Duitse drukken die op het WWW beschikbaar zijn. De lijst bevat in principe alleen 'individuele' werken, die dus niet zijn gedigitaliseerd als onderdeel van een veel groter digitaliseringsproject. Van die (37!) grotere projecten worden alleen de naam, het adres en soms een korte omschrijving gegeven. Uit het oogpunt van onderhoudbaarheid van deze lijst is die keuze begrijpelijk. Maar als gebruiker word ik hier heel ongelukkig van. Want moet ik dan, als ik een boek zoek, al die 37 projecten langslopen? Als ik op From
CHI weblog elektronisch publiceren on March 22, 2005 at 8:58 p.m..
Web Based Resources Project
The Saskatoon Public School Division in partnership with Saskatchewan Education made a commitment to the development of on-line resources to support teachers in the delivery of Core Curriculum in Saskatchewan schools.The development resulted in the enhanced use of technology as... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on March 22, 2005 at 8:54 p.m..
The Learning Partnership.
The Learning Partnership is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to bringing together business, education, government, labour, policy makers and the community to develop partnerships that strengthen public education in Canada. More than three million students and teachers have participated in one... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on March 22, 2005 at 8:54 p.m..
MLA bundel Electronic Textual Editing gratis beschikbaar Binnenkort publiceert de MLA de bundel Electronic Textual Editing, onder gezamenlijke verantwoordelijkheid van het Text Encoding Initiative en de Modern Language Association's Committee on Scholarly Editions. De volledige tekst is nu (gratis!) beschikbaar op de site van het TEI. Zoals blijkt uit de volgende inhoudsopgave: alle groten van het vak hebben aan de bundel meegewerkt. Het ziet er naar uit dat het hier gaat om een niet te missen werk. Inhoudsopgave: 1. Prefatory material 1. Foreword: G. Thomas Tanselle (Columbia Univ From
CHI weblog elektronisch publiceren on March 22, 2005 at 8:00 p.m..
Women’s Ways of Journalism?
I've long thought that traditional journalism primarily reflects a predominantly male approach to interaction and communication. So I'm wondering, what might journalism look like if it was more evenly tempered with female communication style?... From
Contentious Weblog on March 22, 2005 at 5:54 p.m..
1904: Ley de descanso dominical
El 3 de marzo de 1904, el Congreso de España aprobó la "Ley de descanso dominical", que curiosamente no fue vivida como una conquista por los obreros, sino más bien como una imposición. España, regida por el monarca Alfonso XIII, estaba en aquellos dÃa bajo el gobierno del conservador Francisco Silvela, quien se encontró con la oposición tanto de trabajadores como de empresarios a la medida (era una "inadmisible intromisión" en la libertad de mercado). Hasta el 11 de (...) From | Gestión de Contenidos on March 22, 2005 at 4:55 p.m..
1992: Sudáfrica rechaza el apartheid en referéndum
Los 3 millones de electores blancos de Suráfrica aprueban mayoritariamente la abolición del apartheid, sistema polÃtico vigente en el paÃs desde 1948 y que habÃa institucionalizado la segregación racial y la discriminación de la mayorÃa negra (también de otras minorÃas raciales como los hindúes y los mestizos). Previamente, el 20 de diciembre de 1991, la Convención para una Sudáfrica Democrática (CODESA) inició conversaciones para la elaboración de una nueva Constitución. 19 (...) From | Gestión de Contenidos on March 22, 2005 at 4:55 p.m..
1806: Nace Benito Juárez
Benito Pablo Juárez GarcÃa (21 de marzo, 1806 - 18 de julio de 1872), polÃtico mexicano de origenes indÃgenas, héroe nacional y presidente de México (1861-1872). Nació en San Pablo Guelatao, Oaxaca. De extracción indÃgena, habló solamente zapoteco durante gran parte de su niñez. Gobernador del Estado mexicano de Oaxaca, se distinguió por sus medidas progresistas. Con la presidencia de Santa Anna, fue detenido y deportado a La Habana. Participó en el plan de Ayutla y (...) From | Gestión de Contenidos on March 22, 2005 at 4:55 p.m..
Yet again
A recent press release touts Academici as the "First global online social network for research and higher education". It can be so frustrating when you work away for 14 months on a project sharing as you go along for someone... From
ERADC Blog on March 22, 2005 at 4:54 p.m..
More Female Podcasters
My "Women in Podcasting List" continues to grow. Please check it out if you haven't done so already, and let me know about any female hosted/cohosted podcast shows I don't already have listed. Here are the most recent additions to my list... From
Contentious Weblog on March 22, 2005 at 3:54 p.m..
Google News stops using AFP
The battle between the aggregated news sites and the "old media" is far from over. The French news agency AFP has recently sued
Google News for US$ 17.5 million, for using photos, headlines and leads. According to a
PC World Google has now decided to remove all AFP stories from Google News. The big question is of course, if the rest of the news agencies will follow in AFP's footsteps in order to protect their main business. Where as onl From
Poynter E-Media Tidbits on March 22, 2005 at 3:53 p.m..
Pan-Am e-portfolio event
The Pan-American e-portfolio Working Forum event will be hosted by Lifia in Vancouver, April 18-19 2005. For more information: From
ERADC Blog on March 22, 2005 at 3:53 p.m..
Umfrageergebnisse zur LEARNTEC
Heute Abend sind gleich zwei Rückmeldungen zur diesjährigen LEARNTEC in meinem Postkorb gelandet: CHECKpoint eLearning hat 508 Feedbacks ausgewertet, mit den Organisatoren gesprochen und kommt zu dem Schluss: Alles steht auf dem Prüfstand. "Der Trend zeigt in Richtung eintägiger Besuch.... From on March 22, 2005 at 1:51 p.m..
Displaying RSS Feeds
Content contained in RSS feeds can be added to websites a number of different ways. Each method for displaying the RSS feed has pros and cons associated with it. Webmasters will need to determine which option will best meet their hosting and technology needs. Complete Article -
Displaying RSS Feeds From
RSS Blog on March 22, 2005 at 12:55 p.m..
The Sad Case of Terry Schiavo
It's sad to see a family going through the public agony that Terry Schiavo's husband and parents are enduring. Sadder still to see how politicians from Florida and now to Washington are earning political payback points at the expense of the rights that all of us thought we had when it came to determining the end of our loved ones' lives. Yes, this is a particularly thorny case, with family pitted against family, but despite the bluster, hyperbole, and lies that are issuing from... From
Brain Frieze on March 22, 2005 at 11:55 a.m..
The Sad Case of Terry Schiavo
It's sad to see a family going through the public agony that Terry Schiavo's husband and parents are enduring. Sadder still to see how politicians from Florida and now to Washington are earning political payback points at the expense of the rights that all of us thought we had when it came to determining the end of our loved ones' lives. Yes, this is a particularly thorny case, with family pitted against family, but despite the bluster, hyperbole, and lies that are issuing from... From
Brain Frieze on March 22, 2005 at 11:55 a.m..
Filmmakers hawk new 3-D technology - DAVID GERMAIN, AP
After a brief incarnation in the early 1950s and a short-lived revival in the 1980s, 3-D movies are now getting serious consideration among filmmakers who want to send images leaping off the movie screen and into the audience. "Star Wars" creator George From
Techno-News Blog on March 22, 2005 at 11:49 a.m..
The States of Technology - Stu Hutson, Technology Review
With all the recent news about federal-level battles over emerging technologies, it's easy to forget that states also have a vested interest in these fights. This past week helped refocus the news on the local level. The Associated Press reported that a U From
Techno-News Blog on March 22, 2005 at 11:49 a.m..
Collaboration is the Future
(Cross posted to
ETI.) Ok, so I know I have been on a wiki bender of late, but there's just so much that interests me about the technology, and I think I'm finally getting my brain around the potential. While wide open wikis may not make it in the classroom, creating sites with logins and passwords makes more and more sense to me. Especially when I see what
Lawrence Lessig is doing. Lessig is one of my few heroes out there right now. I am just in awe of the important changes From
weblogged News on March 22, 2005 at 11:47 a.m..
43things - what do you want?
My news feeds have been awash with internet activity the last couple of days. This is one of the more interesting stories (from a couple of weeks ago) - which has been growing in popularity is in fact bankrolled... From
ERADC Blog on March 22, 2005 at 10:53 a.m..
Moving and shaking
There has been alot of moving and shaking lately. You have LiveJournal being acquired by Six Apart - Flickr bought by Yahoo - Yahoo launching Yahoo 360 - ourmedia launched on Monday - rumour: Six Apart to be bought by... From
ERADC Blog on March 22, 2005 at 10:53 a.m..
Algunos eventos en los que se hablará de weblogs: 21 de abril (Bilbao/Zamudio): Weblogs y sindicación de contenidos. Cómo explotar y lograr un mayor impacto de los contenidos en Internet 25 de abril (ParÃs): Les Blogs. Blogs and social software... From
eCuaderno v.2.0 on March 22, 2005 at 10:50 a.m..
RSS SEO And The Opportunity For A Major Category-Based Directory Of RSS Feeds
As an entire industry has evolved around the skills and techniques required to optimize Web page content to rank as high as possible within search engine result pages (see last week Wired article), it is likely that within the same industry traditional SEO firms (search engine optimization), along with new ones, will start addressing more specifically how to best optimize RSS feeds for search engine visibility and exposure. Photo credit: Jim DeLillo RSS is a like a diffusing prism capable of making periodically updated content, news and information multiply its ability to reach multiple audien From
Robin Good' Sharewood Tidings on March 22, 2005 at 10:50 a.m..
On the Road Again...
So I'm back in D.C., this time as a conference participant instead of presenter at the
CoSN. The theme of the get together certainly resonates: "Using Technology for Transformation." I seem to be using the "T" word more and more to describe what's been happening to the Web and, in turn, what can happen in the classroom. Nothing on the schedule that specifically points to blogs or wikis or the like, but it will be interesting to see what's discussed in the "Hot Trends in Technology" and "Emerging Technologies: What's Working? From
weblogged News on March 22, 2005 at 10:46 a.m..
Steamboy Rages Against Machines
Anime legend Katsuhiro Otomo explores the corrupting power of science in Steamboy, a sci-fi fable set in Victorian England. The ambitious animated film is a gorgeous action movie, though ultimately overwhelmed by its own machinery. By Jason Silverman. From
Wired News on March 22, 2005 at 10:45 a.m..
Marketers Feverish Over Viral Ads
Flushed with the success of several word-of-mouth ad campaigns, advertisers are abuzz about how to get consumers to do their work for them. By Daniel Terdiman. From
Wired News on March 22, 2005 at 10:45 a.m..
Hackers Tilt PowerBook for Tricks
The motion sensor in the latest Mac portables is supposed to be used to minimize hard drive damage, but creative developers are tapping it for some cool effects. By Ian Betteridge. From
Wired News on March 22, 2005 at 10:45 a.m..
P2P: Music's Death Knell or Boon?
Technology optimists and pessimists duke it out at the South by Southwest conference. While some music insiders have high hopes for new revenue streams, others say peer-to-peer song sharing continues to wreak havoc. Michael Grebb reports from Austin, Texas. From
Wired News on March 22, 2005 at 10:45 a.m..
IA good; UX bad?
It is very interesting to contrast two blog entries today: The first has Lou Rosenfeld talking about happy times for IA. To quote: It's been a couple weeks now, but yet another IA Summit observation: just about everyone I spoke... From
Column Two on March 22, 2005 at 7:47 a.m..
Feedback on Staff Directories report
We've had some positive feedback on our recently-released Staff Directories report: Step Two does it again. This consultancy focuses on the real world strategies that make intranets work. With its latest report, Staff Directories: Designing and implementing an effective online... From
Column Two on March 22, 2005 at 7:47 a.m..
Good Riddance to Bad Tech
The K5 article Useful Dead Technologies highlighted some older, now gone (or nearly gone) technologies I sorely miss. "McGrew," the Kurobots squealed, "You're a geezer! A crazy old, ranting coot! A Luddite! Aren't there any technologies you're glad are gone?" Actually, there are. Here are a few of them, and like the useful dead technologies, some of these inventions (like the power pile and gravity furnace) were before my time, and I only knew this technology from being in the possession of an antique something or other like a house, or just reading about them. Please f From on March 22, 2005 at 6:45 a.m..
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
As I was walking through the cemetery the other day, it occurred to me that, unlike the movies, cemeteries are not that spooky. From on March 22, 2005 at 5:57 a.m..
Deuterolearning and the Lifetime Personal Webspace
Summary: Learning to learn, aka metalearning or deuterolearning, is an important and still unusual intentionally chosen product of teaching endeavors. To so set a learning situation such that metalearning is highly likely and at the same time occurs in an evolving fashion based on each person's unique series of works (weblog entries on a personal website) ?? To facilitate and document this over the course of a lifetime of work? WOW!! This is what George Siemens is talking about in a recent entry. Coincidentally, I just finished watching an interview in which an only-child actre From
Connectivity: Spike Hall's RU Weblog on March 22, 2005 at 5:48 a.m..
How to read
I spent the whole period "close reading" a few pararaphs with a class today, on the premise that reading in college is a set of particular skills that can be named and practiced. Nothing profound, just practical, I hope. It's a writing class, so I don't care at all whether the students understand this particular reading, but I care quite a bit whether they know how to understand a reading. We talked about previewing the text, about the power of rereading in which you fill out... From
Weblogs in Higher Education on March 22, 2005 at 4:52 a.m..
Cyber School Finds Growing Demand
This is our cyber school... In a small room lined with computers and nestled in Holy Cross High School, a group of teachers tap away at their keyboards, responding to queries from the more than 1,400 students enrolled in the... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on March 22, 2005 at 3:53 a.m..
Teaching and Learning Resources
Teaching requires a wealth of skills. This section will provide you with the just-in-time tools you need to be successful in the classroom, online or at a distance. BCIT ~ Learning Resources Unit | Resources... From
Teaching and Developing Online. on March 22, 2005 at 3:53 a.m..
Blogging Toward Learner Autonomy
Yesterday I presented some of my ideas on learner autonomy and blogging at
TappedIn as part of the weekly Blogstreams Salon, with
Barbara (Bee) Dieu and
Graham Stanley. I enjoyed the resulting conversation with everyone very much, but as Bee rightly pointed out afterwards, I should have offered more specific practical examples of how to use blogs in ESL/EFL classrooms in such a way as to encourage a movement toward learner autonomy. What I pr From
apcampbell News on March 22, 2005 at 2:52 a.m..
The Sloan Consortium
The purpose of the Sloan Consortium (Sloan-C) is to help learning organizations continually improve the quality, scale, and breadth of their online programs according to their own distinctive missions, so that education will become a part of everyday life, accessible and affordable for anyone, anywhere, at any time, in a wide variety of disciplines. From
eLearnopedia on March 22, 2005 at 1:48 a.m..
The Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks
The Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks describes original work in asynchronous learning networks (ALN), including experimental results. Our mission is to provide practitioners in online education with knowledge about the very best research in online learning. From
eLearnopedia on March 22, 2005 at 1:48 a.m..
The Sloan-C View
The Sloan-C View provides useful information about online learning, commentaries about the field and pointers to more details about the work of the Sloan Consortium. The Consortium currently has approximately 1066 active organizational members, including colleges, universities, consortia, and vendors. From
eLearnopedia on March 22, 2005 at 1:48 a.m..
[pcf05] EVDB
Brian BrianStorms Dear introduces his new company, EVDB (Events & Venues database). Calendars are a poor metaphor for publishing events on the Web, he says. They scroll off the page, they're inconsistent. And there's no structured data. And there's no way of getting notified about an event you would have gone to "had you known." EVDB is event focused and aims at being a web service, not a portal, he says. The business model: Targeted advertising, commercial use of API, and used by "powered by" apps (web and mobile). Brian shows a demo. We see a conference schedule. Every session From
Joho the Blog on March 21, 2005 at 11:48 p.m..
Shifting Mindsets: The Changing Work Roles of Vocational Education and Training Practitioners
Role expansion, role diversification, changing balance and tension: these are the changes in workplace being experienced by vocational education and praining practitioners as documented in this newly released report. Change, influenced by worldwide trends and reflected in new policy, has been sweeping through the system and has had an impact on how these practitioners do their jobs. And, for the most part, practitioners have welcomed the changes and adapted, though some - such as managers - less readily than others. "The size and complexity of the VET sector demand a rethinking of a 'one From
OLDaily on March 21, 2005 at 11:45 p.m..
ActiveWidgets Grid 1.0
Just a place to store this Javascript and CSS code for future use - a way to embed dynamic tables in web pages. File this under learning object design. By Various Authors, Active Widgets, March, 2004 [
Reflect] From
OLDaily on March 21, 2005 at 11:45 p.m..
Computers 'Can Harm Learning'
Once again the Woessmann-Fuchs study that I criticized
last November is getting media play (they must have hired a publicist), this time because it is being presented at the Royal Economic Society's annual conference. I wish someone would go down tot he conference and heckle. By Louise Gray, The Scotsman, March 21, 2005 [
OLDaily on March 21, 2005 at 11:45 p.m..
New Paradigms for Learning
How's this for cynicism? "The canned-learning supply chain is easy to manage and control, which is more important than any ultimate impact on business performance." Still, when we observe that "corporate employees, particularly knowledge workers, learn three times more from informal experiences than they do in formal courses," then we need some explanation of the emphasis on formal learning, however cyncial. Via
elearnspace. By Godfrey Parkin, Parkin's Lot, March 18, 2005 [
OLDaily on March 21, 2005 at 11:45 p.m..
Is the Semantic Web Hype?
Let's start here: "There are many cognitive costs associated with adding formalized information to a computer system. Foremost, users must learn a system s formal language," from Shipman and Marshall,
Formality Considered Harmful. Scott Leslie writes, "dryly academic but still useful." Now let's get to the current item: "In the Semantic Web, someone has to provide a mapping to allow different vocabularies to interoperate." Worse, these mappings are highly formal and arcane; a recipe for disaster. What do we need? "If we From
OLDaily on March 21, 2005 at 11:45 p.m..
Pedagogy-Agnostic Standards and a Much Needed Rant
I've said before that I like David Wiley's writing better when he's on a rant, and this weekend's submission only reinforces that. IMS Learning Design, writes Wiley, "not only pedagogically-neutral, it is pedagogically agnostic HYPHEN capable of modeling in machine interpretable format the wide range of human activities." So is this good or bad? Well - why would we automate human activities? "In asking over 2,000 people now if, when they need support, they choose the autoamted system or a real-live human support engineer, guess how many hands I have seen go up for the autoa From
OLDaily on March 21, 2005 at 11:45 p.m..