Five Lenses: Towards a Toolkit for Interaction Design
The autor begins with a definition, and illustrate his approach to partitioning the terrain of interaction design using five conceptual "lenses." In so doing, he covers most of what he sees as the theoretical roots of interaction design. He then turns to the role of theory in interaction design, and suggest that a good way to begin is to assemble a toolkit of concepts for interaction design that consists of appropriately sized theoretical constructs. From
eLearnopedia on March 20, 2005 at 10:52 p.m..
Packaging and Publishing Learning Objects: Best Practice Guidelines
This set of best practice guidelines has been developed in consultation with representatives of the e-learning industry to provide a framework for the achievement of learning content that is accessible, durable, reusable and interoperable across learning platforms used in education. From
eLearnopedia on March 20, 2005 at 9:52 p.m..
Hyperlinks in Print...
if:book: hyperlinks in print ifBook discusses David Foster Wallace's cover story about talk radio in the April issue of The Atlantic Monthly. The print version utilizes an interesting approach to footnotes and endnotes by including them along side the text. A screengrab of what this looks like in the print version is available on the if:Book web site. The online version at The Atlantic utilizes traditional hyperlinks. The full article is only available to subscribers, but if you follow the comments in the ifBook post you might find a link to the whole article in PDF...... From
Education/Technology - Tim Lauer on March 20, 2005 at 9:50 p.m..
Using Off The Shelf Tools To Construct a Course Space...
Liz Lane Lawley is teaching a graduate course entitled Current Themes in Information Technology. It’s a distance learning course and she is using a course weblog to organize and present content and is having her students create weblogs where they post their assignments. She has subscribed to their RSS feeds so can easily see when students "turn in" assignments. Office hours are via instant messenger and class discussions take place on IRC. By using "off the shelf" tools such as weblogs, IM and IRC, she has constructed a course space at a fraction of what it would cost to use... From
Education/Technology - Tim Lauer on March 20, 2005 at 8:46 p.m..
Yahoo Acquires Flickr...
FlickrBlog Holy smokes, SOMEBODY out there is bad at keeping secrets!! Yes! We can finally confirm that Yahoo has made a definitive agreement to acquire Flickr and us, Ludicorp. Smack the tattlers and pop the champagne corks! Well, guess we'll see if this turn out to be a good thing or a bad thing soon enough... Am wondering how they have hooked it into Yahoo! 360....... From
Education/Technology - Tim Lauer on March 20, 2005 at 8:46 p.m..
Sakai Collaboration and Learning Environment
Sakai Public Software Release - Program RC1: "The Sakai Project today releases its open source Collaboration and Learning Environment (CLE) software to the public. Members of the Sakai Educational Partners Program (SEPP) have been reviewing the beta version of the software since their highly successful conference with 170 attendees in June. This release to the public is Sakai Release Candidate 1 (RC1), and it puts the full code in the hands of any institution that wishes to begin using or understanding the Sakai software. From
Serious Instructional Technology on March 20, 2005 at 6:46 p.m..
Jeremy Zawodny With More About Yahoo! 360
Jeremy Zawodny's blog 360 was not designed to be YASNS (Yet Another Social Networking Service). The goal is not to amass as many "friends" as possible, unlike Friendster, Orkut, and others. It's about making it easier to share stuff with people who really are you friends--tne ones you already talk to, email, IM, etc. Jeremy also has links to several articles about the new service and has some thoughts on ETech... Yahoo! 360 is currently by invitation only, but is expected to go live on March 29...... From
Education/Technology - Tim Lauer on March 20, 2005 at 3:47 p.m..
WiMAX on Trial - Colin C. Haley, Internet News
Expanding an existing partnership, network equipment giant Nortel and handset maker LG Electronics will jointly develop and market WiMAX products. The agreement, announced here at the CTIA Wireless 2005 trade show, will combine Nortel's carrier packet net From
Techno-News Blog on March 20, 2005 at 12:49 p.m..
The real digital divide
Kann e-Learning, oder besser: der offene Zugang zu Lernprogrammen und Bildung, die "digitale Kluft" zwischen Arm und Reich schließen? Weit gefehlt, urteilt der Economist, und gibt auch dem jüngsten Projekt der UNO, dem "Digital Solidarity Fund", wenig Chancen, daran etwas... From on March 20, 2005 at 10:50 a.m..
A Coder in Courierland
Once upon a time, I was a coder not unlike yourself. My day consisted of coffee, perl and java hacking, meetings, and e-mail. I had a cubicle with fluorescent lighting, my own bookshelf and two computers. And I traded it all in. Even before Office Space, white collar workers peered out the window (if they were so lucky) and imagined a more romantic life doing real work out under the sun. Well, having no children, no great career ambition and no financial obligations more pressing than a crippling student loan, a year and a half ago, I decided to live this dream. I became a bicycle messenger From on March 20, 2005 at 10:45 a.m..