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Most recent update: February 18, 2005 at 11:47 p.m. Atlantic Time (GMT-4)
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Flagpoles for Schools In June 2004 the Prime Minister announced that from 2005, all primary and secondary schools would need to possess a functioning flagpole as a condition of receiving Australian Government funding. To give all schools an opportunity to comply with this requirement, the Government will provide up to $1500 to schools that do not currently have a functioning flagpole to enable them to purchase one. The website provides guidelines and application forms. From EdNA Online on February 18, 2005 at 8:08 a.m..

2005 Eureka Prizes Entries are invited in the 2005 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes, Australia's premier science awards. A record 23 prizes worth almost a quarter of a million dollars are on offer in 4 categories. From EdNA Online on February 18, 2005 at 8:08 a.m..

NSW Real Estate Training College As a Registered Training Organisation, the NSW Real Estate Training College offers online courses as follows: Certificate of Registration Course; Licensing Course; Buyers Agent Course; Continuing Professional Development and Auctioneers Accreditation. These courses give students the necessary educational qualifications required by the NSW Office of Fair Trading. From EdNA Online on February 18, 2005 at 4:30 a.m..

At Home in Japan This interactive tutorial is aimed at teachers or students interested in Japanese culture or planning to stay in Japan. The goal of the tutorial is to present a program of practical learning that will allow users to go through the process of becoming familiar with Japanese culture, even before they arrive. The learning process in this tutorial replicates the trial-and-error process of 'being there'. The tutorial maps a critical minefield in the learning process, the things that no one thinks to tell a newcomer. The tutorial consists of a series of interactive modules that allow the l From EdNA Online on February 18, 2005 at 3:30 a.m..

Credit Matrix The credit matrix project is steered by the Credit Matrix Board Working Group, a small sub-group of the Victorian Qualifications Authority Board. The credit matrix is a new approach to describing and recording achievement in qualifications and would enable the comparison of different kinds of qualifications. It is an approach that could potentially be applied across all the different kinds of qualifications available in Victoria. The credit matrix would work on levels (for the degree of difficulty or complexity of learning) and points (for the amount or volume of learning involved). The levels From EdNA Online on February 18, 2005 at 3:30 a.m..

AAA FarmBis FarmBis is part of the Agriculture, Advancing Australia (AAA) initiative. FarmBis assists primary producers to participate in business and natural resource management (NRM) training in order to improve the viability and profitability of their business enterprises. This site contains information about assistance for business and NRM training; research projects; surveys and reports; success stories that highlight some of the benefits that can be obtained from taking part in training; and contact details for FarmBis representatives. From EdNA Online on February 18, 2005 at 3:30 a.m..

How to pass a Red Cross written test student strategies for passing a multiple choice exam From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on February 18, 2005 at 3:30 a.m..

Boston College Center for International Higher Education This center functions as a clearninghouse of material on the changing nature and form of higher education. From the mainpage, visitors can view carefully selected lists of weblinks designed for scholars of higher education. The highlight of the site is its online edition of the center's well-regarded newsletter, including archives that date back to the first issue released in May 1995. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on February 18, 2005 at 3:30 a.m..

The Science of Studying Effectively This presentation covers Bjork's Seven Study Techniques. The slide presentation illustrates how these techniques can be applied to the acquisition of skills as well as information. All these points can also be effectively incorporated into teaching. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on February 18, 2005 at 3:30 a.m..

Triggers of an Asthmatic Reaction This article from the US Allergy and Asthma Resource Center describes the triggers that may invoke an asthmatic reaction, including cold air, exercise, air pollution, moulds, pollen, pet dander, aerosols, perfume, dust mites, cockroaches and tobacco smoke. From EdNA Online on February 18, 2005 at 12:30 a.m..

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