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Has everybody lost their damn mind?
Alex Usher, Higher Education Strategy Associates, 2017/11/27


I don't always agree with Alex Usher, especially when he's attacking unnamed opponents, but he's exactly right with this one. The incient concerns a TA who showed a news report about a controversial subject in class. A student reported offense, and the TA was berated by the course professor. I'm agreed with Usher here: the case is one of bad mangement and over-reaction, and not always fair-minded over-reaction.

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The End of Ownership
Calum Marsh, Pacific Standard, 2017/11/27


I see these advertisements every time I go to see a movie: "Add a SuperTicket to also own a digital copy for $19.99." They actually stress the word "own" in the theatre. But of course it's a lie. You don't own it. That's what this article discusses. "'Look, there's a mismatch between what people think they're getting and what they are getting," he says. 'We need to be more clear with them when explaining what they're getting for their money.' The short-term solution would be to clarify the language at the point of purchase—to stop using words like 'buy' when what's really meant is 'acquire a time-limited, non-exclusive right to use.' The long-term solution would be to actually let people 'buy these things in some meaningful sense,' as Perzanowski says."

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Unblock Docker for Windows Firewall Issues with Host Volumes
Simon Williams, Kajabity.com, 2017/11/27


We're not yet where stuff runs out of the box. This is a case in point. I spent all day on this issue, and it's basically Norton Firewall blocking access to shared volumes (ie., shared files) between my Windows system and a Docker container. I followed the instructions here (didn't need to execute the PowerShell command at the end) and now it seems to work, at lease with kitematics hello-world-ngnix. Source for this container isn't available, so I'm still trying to find a sample working Dockerfile or compose to make volume sharing work. See also this thread.

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TokyoTechXʼs MOOC Development Toolkit
Nopphon Keerativoranan, Online Education Development Office, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2017/11/27


This is a set of three tools in Python and Excel to support content development in EdX MOOCs. One is a content modification tool, which basically automates cobtent import and export to make it easier to work with entire courses. The second uses a similar functionality to create a course content and outline tool. And the third automates bath uploading of YouTube files, including descriptions and metadata. You can find the tools in their GitHb repository.

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Copyright 2017 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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