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by Stephen Downes
Jul 22, 2016

Share This or My Blog Will Self-Distruct: A mini-lesson on digital citizenship
Heather M. Ross, McToonish, 2016/07/22


As you can see, I wasn't willing to see Heather Ross's blog self-destruct. More to the point, I wanted to share her thoughts on digital citizenship, thoughts which go well beyond digital literacy. She cites Mike Ribble’s list of the Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship, a list which includes digital access, digital commerce, digital communication, and more. She ends with "video about the 'filter bubble' that explains why you see a lot of what you as an individual see online." I don't really experience the filter bubble - there are days when I wish I did. But this isn't one of the posts I'd filter.

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Adaptive Learners, Not Adaptive Learning
George Siemens, elearnspace, 2016/07/22

George Siemens gets this right. "This is where adaptive learning fails today: the future of work is about process attributes whereas the focus of adaptive learning is on product skills and low-level memorizable knowledge. I’ll take it a step further: today’s adaptive software robs learners of the development of the key attributes needed for continual learning – metacognitive, goal setting, and self-regulation – because it makes those decisions on behalf of the learner." As I (and no doubt many other people) have been saying, learning is about becoming a certain sort of person, not acquiring a certain body of content. So learning management is not a content selection and delivery problem.

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HundrEd Interview with Stephen Heppell
Andrew Robertson, Microsoft UK Schools Blog, 2016/07/22


Stephen Heppell is Professor of New Media Environments at Bournemouth University and has a long and good reputation in the field. "Lots of people spend time talking about 21st century skills," he says. "I don’t think any  of that has changed very much.  In the last century we thought about  20th century skills. I think pace is  the thing that has changed, the speed of change is so great... I think the role of the teacher is to be passionate about learning. If you look around the world, teachers have become more and more driven to just deliver the curriculum, mark the books, organise  the children, to do governance, and some of that passion has been lost."

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Copyright 2016 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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