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by Stephen Downes
Mar 30, 2016

Instagram changes cause growing backlash among posters
BBC News, 2016/03/30


There's an interesting lesson to be found in the backlash to changes being implemented by Instagram. The photo sharing site has traditionally employed a reverse-chronological listing of recent photos. This way, users could see everything. The change employs an algorithm to select the photos deems 'most interesting' to the user, and displays those. Gone is the serendipity of seeing, well, whatever. Users were outraged. Now celebrities and people who use Instagram are urging users to 'turn on notifications' to ensure they don't miss a photo. But user's don't want that either. "I'm tired of everyone telling me what to do on Instagram today," tweeted one US-based user. Choice, autonomy, diversity... who knew this would be what people want in a social network?

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Hyper Island Toolbox
Hyper Island, 2016/03/30


I'm always on the lookoput for collections of things that would be useful (if unexpected) things to import into a personal learning environment. This, I think, qualifies. How would these work? I'm not sure. But a meeting or event planner should certainly be part of a PLE, and these are the sort of resources I would want to have available when undertaking such a task. I think I'd put them under the heading of 'scaffolds', though I'd want to make them more interactive in order to fit with a proper event planning tool. Ah, the possibilities. Via Doug Belshaw.

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