OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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by Stephen Downes
Nov 14, 2014

How Online Journals Increase Student Communication Skills
Patricia Fioriello, Kids Learn to Blog, 2014/11/14


Oh hey, remember when blogging was the next great thing to help kids learn to communicate on the web? They still are! The trick is to get started. "We encourage starting things simply. Have your child start by describing his day. What did he eat for breakfast? What did he and his friends talk about at recess? Did anything good happen today? Bad? This will get the child in the writing mood and get the basics down quickly." Nothing fancy. Just write. It doesn't have to be good. Just write. This applies to everyone, not just kids.

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Keep on Co-Claiming
Alan Levine, CogDogBlog, 2014/11/14


I don't know whether "co-claim the web' will earn as much traction as "reclaim the web" but I enjoy Alan Levine's efforts to find something like a middle ground here. The middle ground is more or less what I do as well - I still use services like Flickr and Twitter and Facebook but I would not be lost or despondent should they suddenly shut down. Anything I actually value that I host on those services is well backed-up elsewhere. And so I can use them for their primary purpose: to share, to intermingle, to fine weirdness and serendipity (like the 'default' tag on Flickr).

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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