OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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May 16, 2013

Visualizing a cMOOC
Fred Bartels, YouTube, May 16, 2013


Interetsing 15 minute video demonstrating a graphgical and visual representation of a cMOOC. Its all pretty much what we would expect (and I like how they captured not just the connections between people in the ubiquitous network graph but also the artifacts created by participants during the course). It is important to recognize that every cMOOC is different. But thinking about my recent post on evaluating MOOCs, it's easy to see how we could just look at these representations and recognize whether it was a good MOOC or not - not by 'course outcomes' (properly so-called) but by the design and structure of the MOOC that resulted.

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Yale Joins the MOOC Club; Coursera Looks to Translate Existing Courses
Steve Kolowich, The Chronicle: Wired Campus Blog, May 16, 2013

Beyond pondering the irony of Yale offering an open online course on morality, the timing of their announcement that they will be joining Coursera draws my attention away from other issues facing the college.

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A Manifesto for Community Colleges, Lifelong Learning, and Autodidacts
Sean Michael Morris, Hybrid Pedagogy, May 16, 2013


I don't agree with everything in this column (or even most of it) but feel it's worth sharing. The proposition is, essentially, that universities have failed in their mission, and that we need to reform the system by bringing in the style and methologies of the community college. "Even the community college, always ready and ripe for experimentation, and built as it is upon the notion of community, will face an enormous challenge making room for the new culture of learning." Obviously, Sean Michael Morris went to a different community college than I did (I remember being deeply dissapointed in how much it resembled high school). Morris continues, "if it is not the community college that will lead the charge in the new educational model, someone must. Someone who is willing to stand back from the authority-driven dispensation of learning and create a pedagogy from what happens already, what happens now." I thought we had done that. But maybe not. (Photo by @Doug88888)

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