OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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March 15, 2013

Online learning: Campus 2.0
M. Mitchell Waldrop, Nature, March 15, 2013

Revisionist history. Here is the sum total of our contributions, according to Nature: "the term MOOCs, which had been circulating quietly in educational circles since it was coined in 2008, took off."

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Are Third-Party Cookies Worth Saving?
Brian Morrissey, Digiday, March 15, 2013

While we normally think of browser add-ons that disable tracking cookies, the case is not so clearcut. With Firefox now blocking the cookies in the browser itself, a debate has erupted in the content and advertising industry. "Yesterday, IAB CEO Randall Rothenberg made the case that Mozilla’s move to block third-party cookies in the new version of Firefox is a war on small publishers.... The Association of National Advertisers has joined this fight... Yet many publishers, large and small, disagree." This disagreement represents, it seems, a deeper division between the branch of the industry that focuses on branding and awareness, and the brach that focuses on direct response.

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Branding, Books, Marketing]

Where Did Google Reader’s Users Go? Check Your Phone
Sarah Kessler, Fast Company, March 15, 2013

So why is Google killing Reader? Here's some relevant data: "In 2011, Google Reader accounted for 16% of Mediafed RSS feed readership on March 14. On the same date last year, it accounted for 13%. And by this Thursday, the day that Google announced that it would withdraw its support, for the reader, that percentage had dwindled to 8%." But this does not mean, says MediaFeed's Ashley Harrison, that RSS is dead. It has just gone mobile. "As Google Reader traffic for Mediafed's partner RSS feeds has declined, mobile traffic on the same RSS feeds has increased 32% to 40% in the last year."

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Google, RSS]

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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