OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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August 15, 2012

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HyperCard reflections #hypercard25th
Clark Quinn, Learnlets, August 13, 2012.

I was never a Apple person (I could never afford them) and so was never a hypercard aficionado. But those who liked it, like it a lot. Clark Quin reflects: "it was really ‘programming for the masses’, a tool for the Macintosh that allowed folks to easily build simple, and even complex, applications." Matthew Lasar writes a glowing tribute. But Dave Weinberger cautions that hypercards were box thinking, not network thinking.

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Connectivism and Coursera
jasephase, YouTube, August 13, 2012.

Haven't watched this, but the ndescription is intriguing: "This is a Theory into Practice group project from the University of Minnesota's CI5321, Distance Learning course. In it we apply the theory of connectivism to the online learning environment Coursera.org."

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Morning Meetings, Check-Ins, and Social-Emotional Learning
Jackie Gerstein, User Generated Education, August 13, 2012.

Not directly relevant to e-learning, but as I often talk of how words cannot express what we are feeling, consider this use of non-word entities to express feelings: masks, cards, book covers, magazine covers, bones, of the body, and more. If I say "I'm feeling like a rib today" (and am wearing a Godzilla mask) what am I saying? The technique may be used for special-needs students, who do not have words to express what they feel, but we should think about how it applies to students with other special needs, who have only words to express what they feel.

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Books, Online Learning]

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