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July 26, 2012

Building a Mobile Strategy - Part 1a
Wendy Wickham, In the Middle of the Curve, July 26, 2012.

converses with the 'mobility guru'. The best bit:

"Stated goal (cribbed from the Strategic Plan for IT) - "Lead the Mobility Expectations for the Organization".  Apparently, this is defined as the following:

    • Improve mobile access (which I guess means get rid of dead spots in our physical space)
    • Engage in outreach (no idea what this means)
    • Content-focused  (which is probably "get our existing stuff mobile-friendly")

Real goal - Not have the Super Muck get yelled at by VP and board member types. I can respect that."

It's always wise to recognize that different people in an organization have different goals (and often very personal goals). That's why advice like that offered today by Harold Jarche is well-meaning but misleading. On the one hand we hear that we should "draw on as many different perspectives as possible; diversity is non-optional," and similar such things. But "a compelling vision which is shared by all partners in the whole system" is the exact opposite of that. Embrace the different visions people have and understand your role in shaping and influencing them - even to the point of not having people dread going into meetings with you.

What does this have to do with mobile learning and working? Everything. Mobile is deeply personal - homogenizing it breaks it. Authoritarianism undermines it - and is undermined by it.

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Mozilla Persona
Various Authors, Website, July 26, 2012.

OK, this is really interesting. I have long argued that a person's ID should be stored in their browser. When OpenID was launched just a few days after I released my own system, it opted instead to require users to type their OpenID URL in any time they wanted to login. Now we have Mozilla Persona, which I see for the first time today. It builds on other Mozilla synchronization features, like schema. It looks like it's cross-browser, though - I tested it on Chrome. The implementation looks drop-dead simple and almost exactly like my old mIDm system. Here's the developer guide. I'm leaving on vacation shortly so I won't be able to explore this in detail until the fall - but it's definitely worth exploring.

[Link] [Comment][Tags: OpenID, Schemas, Google Chrome, Semantic Web]

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“Amplifying” Education…Not
Will Richardson, Weblogg-Ed, July 26, 2012.

Reacting to the Murdoch announcemenmt, Will Richardson echoes the feelings of an unrtold number of educators: "I don’t begrudge businesses making money. My struggle here is with the thinking that would move schools and boards to work with these folks to try to layer technology onto an outdated delivery model." Me, I just don't think Murdoch should be in charge of anyone's education, no matter what the model. I mean, isn't that obvious?

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Schools, Online Learning]

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Why I probably won’t be upgrading to Mountain Lion
Chris Betcher, Betchablog, July 25, 2012.

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I'm in the process of moving out of the Apple universe, so like Chris Betcher I will not be upgrading anything to Mountain Lion, Apple's next operating system. I think Apple is done innovating and is moving into the "lock in" phase of the business cycle. As nearly as I can tell, Mountain Lion continues Apple's efforts to push its users toward its dysfunctional cloud environment (seriously: me.com has been nothing but slowness and headaches) and limits on what sort of sotware I can run on my computer. Yes, I'm still using the MacBook Pro laptop, but my next laptop will probably be something else. My phone/iPod is already Android, which I like a lot. And I'm dealing with Windows 7 on my desktop (not sor sure about Windows 8 though). More on Mountain Lion from Steve Borsch.

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Portable Computers, Microsoft, Apple Inc., Operating Systems]

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Using Peer Learning Strategies To Build A Network
Beth Kanter, Beth's Blog, July 25, 2012.

It's interesting how the worlds of online learning and non-profit organizations overlap. I have written elsewhere (not published yet) that the new generation has a different objective when compared with the old. It's no longer about remembering things and amassing a store of knowledge; it's about empowering individuals and enabling action (typically to create change in business or society). That's exactly the aim of a non-profit organization!

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Books, Online Learning]

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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