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June 30, 2012

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Comparison of MOOCs and MOOC-like initiatives
Unattributed, MediaSite, June 30, 2012.

Why would this list comparing MOOCs and MOOC-like initiatives not even mention the connectivist MOOCs? It's not like they don't know we exist. There's an inherent bias in a lot of the discussion toward US-based and commercial initiatives. Then later we will be told the field was invented by US-based and commercial initiatives.

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Teach the world online at Learn It Live
Various Authors, LearnItLive, June 30, 2012.

I received an email today encouraging me to become an instructor at LearnItLive. "Learn It Live provides the platform, tools, and support that make online learning as flexible and impactful as in-person learning." Specifically, it provides some marketing and enrollment management and an interface to a Blackboard Collaborate environment. It's well done, most of the courses are free, and there's a revenue-sharing plan should you decide to charge for access to your courses. There are also tools, which I haven't examined, to track learner engagement and to manage certification. For my money, free access to a relaible Collaborate site is itself worth the time to look into this some more.

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Traditional and Online Courses, Blackboard Inc., Marketing, Online Learning]

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It's the Pedagogy, Stupid: Lessons from an iPad Lending Program
Heather Beattey Johnston and Carolyn J. Stoll, eLaern Magazine, June 30, 2012.

This article sounds like it's saying the iPad won't make any difference in education. "The appear of the iPad in the classroom isn't its potential for re-imagining pedagogy, regardless of how loudly, vigorously and often advocates proclaim it is." But then cracks begin to appear in that position. "The main campus humanities and social science teachers ended up telling us how they would view content on the iPad, the branch campus STEM teachers were able to tell us how they would manipulate the content." By the end, it is clear the iPad will change education, if you use it for that purpose. "The differences rest in the ability to do things with the iPad that you can't do easily or at all with other devices."

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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