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May 29, 2012

Personal, Institutional, Global
Brian Lamb, Abject, May 29, 2012.

I don't know what it is about institutions that they don't want to keep anything online beyond its immediate use, but it's definitely a trend and a worrying one. Everything I ever did at Assiniboine was removed by the college, everything I did at the University of Alberta was again eventually wiped from existence, and if I hadn't preserved bits of these they'd be gone forever. NRC regularly 'prunes' its websites. Not just colleges and universities: the HotWired threads were removed from existence, and these are just some of the many boards and lists I used that have disappeared. Brian Lamb shows us the first UBC wiki that was yanked offline and left in the hallway as garbage. He adds, "George Siemens laments the loss of a wiki he published DIY, that the hosting university has unceremoniously deleted on him." And if people wonder why I don't want to contribute to some community or institutional or company service, that's why. None of the other issues matter. If I can't self-archive it, I'm not interested.

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The Cloud's Killer App? SAP's Bid to Own the Enterprise Social Space
Scott M. Fulton, ReadWriteCloud, May 29, 2012.

What strikes me as odd about this story is the idea that SAP could push its way into social networking, even if it's enterprise social networking. I have the misfortune of using SAP products in the office, because enterprise time recording is mandated. Nothing short of red hot tongs could make me venture anywhere near the company's products to do anything voluntarily, which social networking applications by definition must be. I wouldn't worry about SAP in the enterprise social space. It's not going to happen without a miracle.

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Movies, TV Shows, Songs, and Textbooks
David Wiley, iterating toward openness, May 29, 2012.

David Wiley crunches the numbers and notices that textbooks are terribly out of step (a phenomenon that cannot last):

- Netflix – $7.99/month for access to 20,000 movies and TV shows

- Spotify – $9.99/month for access to 15 million songs

- CoirseSmart - $20.25/month ($121.49/180 days) for access to one biology textbook

"Go on… read that previous paragraph again. The math is correct, but it’s not right. Not in any moral sense of the word “right,” anyway."

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Leadership is an emergent property of a balanced network
Harold Jarche, Weblog, May 29, 2012.

Harold Jarche explains the new democracy: "Culture is an emergent property of people working together. For example, trust only emerges if knowledge is shared and diverse points of view are accepted. As networked, distributed workplaces become the norm, trust will emerge from environments that are open, transparent and diverse. As a result of improved trust, leadership will be seen for what it is; an emergent property of a balanced network and not some special property available to only the select few."

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