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April 18, 2012

Feature Article
Notes from Tallinn
Stephen Downes, April 18, 2012.

Notes from the April 11 talks at the Learning in a Digital Age Conference in Tallinn, Estonia. My presentation at the conference draws largely from these notes.

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Web, the people
Ben Werdmuller, benwerd, April 18, 2012.

Eventually a party like this will get into power, and it will be interesting to see what would dislodge them. Or whether we would ever need to: "Spain’s new political party, the Partido de Internet, is a policy-agnostic political party that makes its decisions based on the will of a community based on Agora, a virtual parliament platform."

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Personal Learning Networks for Professionals – #aitd2012
Joyce Seitzinger, Cat's Pyjamas, April 18, 2012.

Here are some Evernote shared slides on personal learning networks. Note that it's a 20 megabyte PDF.

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Do Now #28: Art and Ecology
Matthew Williams, KQED, April 18, 2012.

This is one of my long-term ambitions for Moncton Free Press (from Matthew Williams): "I recently launched at KQED Public Media in the Bay Area. Each week on KQED Edspace (our education blog) we offer KQED Do Now, an activity for students to engage with current issues using Twitter. Each week, we focus on a specific area - civics, government and policy, science, and arts and cover a story based on that topic. We provide a brief introduction to the topic, embed a media resource, and ask a question for students to discuss... It is an excellent opportunity for educators to integrate civic engagement and digital citizenship skills into the curriculum." Of course - I see a bit further, where students source and write their own stories, and the role of the professional journalist changes from someone who writes the news to someone who orchestrates community coverage of the news (a much harder task).

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Thoughts on European JRC report on Future Learning
Tim Bush, Microsoft UK Schools Blog, April 17, 2012.

Tim Bush reports on the European JRC report on Future Learning - a "solid read", he says. "The key, say the report’s authors, lies with personalisation, collaboration and informalisation. It’s acknowledged that these aren’t new ideas, but now they have to move centre-stage, and become guiding principles for the whole of life-wide and lifelong learning – 'A central learning paradigm…shaped by the ubiquity of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)'" Yes, we've heard it all before, but the message has fallen mostly on unbelieving ears. Maybe now? Unrelated: Miscrosoft surveyed me about its cloud software, which will (presumably?) replace traditional Office offerings. I wasn't asked, but if I could offer my views on software I have to pay for every month, on pain of losing access? Goodness, no. The last thing I need should I lose my income is to also lose all my software.

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Personalization, European Union, Information, Paradigm Shift]

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Broadcast Coalition Targets CBC's Free Music Streaming Site
Michael Geise, Weblog, April 17, 2012.

Michael Geist reports: "A coalition of radio broadcasters have targeted CBC and its free music streaming site with a complaint to the federal government and the prospect of a further complaint to the CRTC." I've tried to warn about this, but who listens?

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