OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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April 6, 2012

Who Realy Owns General Education Content (or Can Any Gen Ed Title Really Be Unique)?
Rob Reynolds, e-Literate, April 6, 2012.

"Who owns the scope and sequence (Table of Contents ) of a course?" asks Rob Reynolds, and then answers it the way I would: "I don’t think anyone can legitimately make this claim. More importantly, I suppose, is that fact that such claims will become less relevant int he coming years as we move away from the content collections we call textbooks and into disaggregated content models." Good discussion with some detailed examination of the claims in the recent lawsuit.

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Project Glass
Various Authors, Google, April 6, 2012.

Google introduced its new Google Glasses project Wednesday (in a user-hosting Google+ page) and immediately spawned a wave of news articles and coverage. But rather than following the news coverage, I recommend these videos that reframe Google Glasses through the lens of previous Google services: as advertising vehicles. The version Google shows us contain helpful tips and aids; these videos show the glasses for what they will really be: an inundation of commercial messaging..

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Demystifying Conducting: The Connection Between Gesture and Music
Alan Gilbert, New York Times, April 6, 2012.

This is really interesting - it's too bad it's at the New York Times and will be unavailable to some people (those whop have followed too many links to the Times this week). Now despite what the title says, it won't really demystify the art of orchestra conducting one whit. If anything, it deepens the mystery. On the other hand, it's worth watching simply to see the conductor attempt to put into words phenomena that are ineffable, that cannot be expressed, only experienced. The video graphics help a bit, but not nearly enough. It should be clear that a conversation takes place during a performance between conductor and musician, but what they're saying, well, we can only watch and listen. Via eLearning examples.

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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