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April 3, 2012

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Another Year, Another Report
Doug Peterson, doug -- off the record, April 3, 2012.

Suppose you are a political lobby group and you really want to emphasize the implementation of some policy in schools, like math testing for example. Here's what you do: you create a mechanism that ranks schools and then include that policy as fundamental to the rankings. Newspapers then report your rankings uncritically, fawning all over them as though they represented Scientific Data. The public gets the (false and misleading) impression that schools not implementing your policy are failing, and administrators rush to implement your favourite policy even though there is not a shred of evidence to support it. And if you are the Fraser Institute, you do this utterly without shame.

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Badgeville Offers Cloud- based Gamification Platform and Expertise
Bill Ives, Portals and KM, April 3, 2012.

One potential application of badges may be in the creation of in-class games. If so, an application such as Badgeville might offer the framework needed to create such games. "Badgeville is a SaaS platform, not an app. It is not an out-of-the-box solution. You customize it to fit the individual needs of your program and it enables your business to track behavior across all of your web and mobile properties." It integrates with other applications such as Salesforce.com and Jive and has a mobile application development kit.

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Advisor Enterprise
Website, BNH Expert Software, April 3, 2012.

Be sure to click on the diagram to explore the flow charts behind the different modules. "ADVISOR Enterprise is a web based decision support tool to help organizations develop and implement effective, efficient training strategies as well as assess their impact." There's a whole world of enterprise tools supporting the commercial and military market; I won't survey all of them (who could?) but I will highlight those that catch my interest. Via CeLEA.

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Connectivism: 21st Century Learning in Action
John Barnett, Vance McPherson, and Rachel Sandieson, University of Western Ontario, April 3, 2012.

Poster (PDF) linking major aspects of a course 'Teaching in the Virtual World' offered within a connectivist framework ("Enhancing one’s knowledge is in developing new connections (neural, social, academic) more than remembering facts, ideas, or concepts"). Conclusion: "Relative diversity of the group was a source of growth, enrichment and cognitive dissonance — in short, each person was important to the learning environment."

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Connectivism, Linking and Deep Linking, Online Learning, Academia]

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What are the main differences among those MOOCs?
Sui Fai John Mak, Learner Weblog, April 3, 2012.

Interesting post looking at most of the MOOCs that have been created thus far (Stanford’s AI, Couresa, Udacity, MobileMOOC, Connectivism and Connective Knowledge MOOC,  Change11 and DS106) and identifying differences between them. Mak lists five types of MOOC: From Knowledge acquisition
- an instructivist approach – Stanford – AI, Machine Learning; Udacity, Khan Academy
- cognitivist approach – EduMOOC
to Knowledge growth and development (pattern recognition), learning as participation and connections, and reflection
- constructivist approach – DS106?, MobileMOOC
- social constructivist approach (with rhizomatic learning) – MOOCs
- connectivist approach – CCKs, PLENK2010, Change11, eduMOOC, MobileMOOC, EduMOOC

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Connectivism, Constructivism]

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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