OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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January 19, 2012

Farewell, obscure objects of desire
Matthew Reisz, Times Higher Education, January 19, 2012.

Times Higher Education reports "Open-access publishing models will end once and for all the outdated and expensive production of little-read monographs that "exist for the purposes of existing". What gets me are the absurd economics of the existing system. "Of these, about 300 are sold to rich universities in the US, where they may attract a handful of readers each. On any reasonable estimate of the cost of producing this knowledge [which may have required five years' research], every act of reading must cost - what can we say? - £20,000."

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Presentation Tube
Various Authors, Website, January 19, 2012.

files/images/Presentation_Tube.PNG, size: 493228 bytes, type:  image/png This is an interesting service wirth some potential. It looks like it's brand new, fresh out of its wrappers. So, no promises, but worth a look. "PresentationTube provides an easy-to-use desktop software that synchronizes and record your webcam video, PowerPoint slides, freehand drawings, and screen text typing presentation... a simple online wizard to help presenters upload and publish their video presentations to our high-speed streaming media server." I tried it, but 'Create FLV failed' for some unknown reason. Maybe you'll have better luck.

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Branding, Books, Video]

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