OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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October 25, 2011

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The open access debate
George Siemens, elearnspace, October 25, 2011.

George Siemens writes, 'While on the surface openness is gaining traction through scholarship and publication, content providers and journal publishers are starting to push back. During the talk, he used the image below (from this article – .pdf) to argue that journal publishers have a monopoly. The surface progress of openness belies a deeper, more dramatic period of conflict around openness that is only now beginning."

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Connectivism, Books, Project Based Learning, Open Access]

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Takeaways from #SketchCamp Chicago
Aaron Silvers, AES, October 25, 2011.

Oh, this SketchCamp would have been so much fun! It's set up on the MOOC model, expect without the Massive and Online, and cost $25, so I guess it's not open, and it was an 'uncourse', so except for all that it was like a MOOC. In all the ways that count, really. And there's this: "With different speakers throughout the day and different ways of saying it, this became an emergent theme: sketching is acting is prototyping." Of yeah, I would have loved that. And good Chicago food!

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Instituting Learning Habits
Dave Warlick, 2¢ Worth, October 25, 2011.

files/images/cuebc1.jpg, size: 119584 bytes, type:  image/jpeg Dave Warlick says we need to "instill a learning lifestyle." But what does that hene mean? I follow the link he provides, to here, where he says "One of the big pushes in Canada seems to be 'student engagement.'" But that's hardly a form of literacy - is it? He says, "We need to more fully describe the expanding qualities of literacy that reflects today’s networked, digital and info-abundant environment, and then make sure that learners are utilizing all of these skills as part of their learning practices." I keep feeling I need to revisit the subject of literacy, well beyond what I've posted here.

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Networks, Canada]

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Sta.sh: deviantART's Enhanced Publishing Platform
Various Authors, DeviantArt, October 25, 2011.

Some people are losing interest in Flickr (not so much myself, though the social features and APIs are lacking). So this announcement from DeviantArt may be the harbinger of oncoming competition. "Sta.sh, deviantART's new upload and publishing platform, will be available soon! Sta.sh is the fast and easy way to submit your images, writings, Flash/animations, and everything in between."

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Open Education Resources (OER) for assessment and credit for students project: Towards a logic model and plan for action
Wayne Macintosh, Rory McGreal and Jim Taylor, AU Space, October 25, 2011.

This paper related to the talk I gave yesterday. ""This report documents emergent trends and proposes a high-level logic model for designing a scalable and sustainable international ecosystem for the successful implementation of the OER for assessment and credit for students initiative."

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Open Educational Resources, Project Based Learning, Assessment]

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$64 million for out-of-date and educationally generic textbooks?
Reuven Carlyle, Website, October 18, 2011.

files/images/carlyletextbook.jpgw225h300, size: 28936 bytes, type:   Open educational resources (OERs) are beginning to capture the imagination of some politicians. No wonder, with such big dollars at stake. A state representative in Washington, Reuven Carlyle, observes, "the State of Washington sends $64,344,99.66 from Olympia to our 295 school districts per year to outfit our 1,034,153 students with textbooks." $64 million per year would probably be enough to create and distribute open online textbooks for the entire nation! Carlyle writes, "The apple to apple comparison of cost, per textbook, will be about $6 for Open Education Resources instead of $120-plus for proprietary, commercial textbooks." Related, from David Wiley: The $5 textbook.

[Link] [Comment][Tags: Schools, Open Educational Resources]

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The Top 10 Most Common Mistakes in Consensus Process, and How to Avoid Them
Tree Bressen, How to Save the World, October 18, 2011.

Having a class or work group reach a consensus is a fantastic learning experience and very timely. This guide from Tree Bressen traps a number of the most common errors in the process and provides mechanisms for avoiding them. The article leaves me wondering what an online consensus-building application would look like.

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.