OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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June 27, 2011

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Bad Teacher Movie Boasts Bad Taste
Scott Janssen, Hiffington Post, June 27, 2011.

I saw Bad Teacher last night. While there will no doubt be dozens of columns (like this one) trying to find some message in the film, my advice is: don't. Bad Teacher isn't saying anything about education, American or otherwise. It is saying some uncomplimentary things about women, from Hollywood's usual ham-handed perspective. It probably shouldn't have been viewed by the theatre full of 12- and 13-year olds who joined us at yesterday's showing (smartphones on every hand, before, after and during the movie) but I guess they see much worse on TV, so I suppose it's OK. But there's no message here, no conclusion to draw, not even good propaganda. Just a dumb movie. That was, I admit, kind of funny.

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Open Educational Resources, Reuse and Sharing
Graham Attwell, Pontydysgu, June 27, 2011.

files/images/pontyflowers.jpg, size: 17772 bytes, type:  image/jpeg I'm linking to this item to make a simple point. Graham Attwell writes "Grainne Conole in her introduction to the workshop had posed a series of questions including why there appears to be so limited reuse of resources and secondly how we can guarantee quality." These to me seem to be the wrong questions. If not interested in reuse, I'm interested in use. The whole 'reuse' dialogue presumes some sort of publishing-teaching paradigm that is at odds with the real value of open educational resources. In the same way, I'm less interested in quality than I am in process. What are the mechanisms for creation and distribution? How do people use open resources to communicate with each other? If nobody reuses a publisher's OER (which cost time and money to create) it's a disaster. If nobody reuses my OER, it's no big deal, because the learning as in the creating and communicating.

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Quote: Publishing may be in trouble but storytelling is not
Derek Morrison, The Auricle, June 27, 2011.

The days of paper-based print publishing are over. Some people don't recognize this yet, but there over. Witness Derek Morrison: "As I find myself reading more and more epublications on various mobile devices (and, yes, actually reading more as a result) it’s easy to empathise (but not sympathise) with the growing sense of panic from traditional publishers who must by now see the latest digital tsunami building mass and momentum off-shore."

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Comparing No-Edit Cloud Based Audio Recording Options #playingwithmedia
Wesley Fryer, Moving at the Speed of Creativity, June 27, 2011.

Good chart comparing features in three major web-based audio recording applications. These are really useful if you just want to record a bit of audio without making a big fuss over it. Noted and logged for this fall's online course.

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The Six Second ECG
Various Authors, Website, June 27, 2011.

I had some fun playing with this and trying to match my heatbeat to the patterns on the screen (and thereby entering and exiting morbid diagnoses of my heart condition).

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Introducing Hapgood
Michael Caulfield, Tran|Script, June 27, 2011.

An interesting phenomenon is beginning to happen, typified by this post from Michael Caulfield, where he writes, "I’ve consigned a lot of my discovery blogging to twitter, which is unsatisfying to me. Here’s a link. I like it. Here’s another link. This guy’s an idiot. Ugh. I don’t work at anything meta on the link, and consequently I devalue it, not only for the recipient of the tweet, but for myself." And so, he writes, he's now doing his short-fom bloggin in longer form over at Tumblr. Of course, last week the number of Tumblr blogs surpassed the number at Wordpress.com. But I think the more significant comparison may be with Twitter. Which, I think, may have peaked. Meanwhile, and possibly related, Facebook activity is down. I log in to Facebook one in a while, and then I am sure to log out, because I don't want Facebook tracking me as I go around the internet (a general Google logout will follow soon, once I get gRSShopper to the point it can replace Google Reader).

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Future of Learning
Various Authors, Course, June 27, 2011.

files/images/logo_klein.jpg, size: 14161 bytes, type:  image/jpeg With more resources attached than I can summarize, this Future of Learning course, in German, started in April and will end in mid-July. Free and open, of course, and accessible (to me, at least) via Google Translate. Or you may prefer the original German. "OpenCourseWare is a networked learning. The infrastructure of open courses is open and decentralized. We offer a starting point as the host and organize an agenda on the net, live sessions with experts and summarize contributions, comments and discussions. They read as participants to comment, ask questions discuss, 'spin' on ideas. You do that where you are at home: your own blog? A Facebook profile or Twitter channel? Wunderbar!"

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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