OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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March 20, 2011

Canada launches data.gc.ca – what works and what is broken
David Eaves, eaves.ca, March 20, 2011.

Canada has launched an open data portal, which is good news in itself. But, as David Eaves, it could have taken a few pointers on its licensing. "The license on data.gc.ca is deeply, deeply flawed. Some might go so far as to say that the license does not make it data open at all - a critique that I think is fair. I would say this: presently the open data license on data.gc.ca effectively kills any possible business innovation, and severally limits the use in non-profit realms." Overstatement? Consider this clause: "you shall not use the data made available through the GC Open Data Portal in any way which, in the opinion of Canada, may bring disrepute to or prejudice the reputation of Canada." 'Canada', of course, being the government in power. Tsk. See also Michael Geist.

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