OLDaily, by Stephen Downes

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January 17, 2011

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Stances: Do you have them?
Lisa Neale, Lisa's Learning, January 17, 2011.

To have a 'stance' is to take on a perspective, a role, or a point of view. The concept of the 'stance' was probably first popularized by Daniel Dennett's The Intentional Stance, in which we adopt the language of folk psychology, using terms like 'knowledge', 'beliefs', 'hope', etc., rather than more precise descriptions of the underlying neural processes we are really talking about. Sometimes taking these stances are necessary; a neurosurgeon will probably use the intentional stance to discuss her work with her grandmother. Teachers, similarly, may take on different stances, as different roles or perspectives come intop play. But it is not true that "All stances are circled by trust and rapport." Different stances have different attributes.

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Challenges and Failure are Great Tools for Learning
Sumeet Moghe, The Learning Generalist, January 17, 2011.

files/images/IOS20to20Droid.png, size: 199203 bytes, type:  image/png The more I work and learn with technology, the more I have come to consider the oft-repeated (especially by teachers) requirement for 'training' in new technology to be code for "I don't want to use this." After all, when we consider how much of current technology we have managed to learn without training, the demand for training becomes more and more facetious over time. This post considers the learning involved in the transition from iPhone to Android. " Not surprisingly, all the information I needed was available when I needed it. A quick tour of the HTC Sense interface came with the setup application on the phone. Information about really useful Android apps came to me through a Google search. Even when I was planning to buy the phone, I got all the information I needed by searching through reviews on the internet."

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Innovating without permission
Daniel Lemire, Weblog, January 17, 2011.

Nice post on the concept of 'innovation without permission'. I can totally relate.

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Preaching doesn't convert
Zachary Chase, Autodizactic, January 17, 2011.

Zachary Chase has embarked on an interesting daily post project, started January 1 and to date keeping pace with the calendar. The series is titled 'Things I know' and each day he posts something he has learned over the years and explains why. As with anything, it takes a few dozen tries to get into the swing of things, and so the posts have been a bit hit or miss. Today's was the first that really clicked with me.

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Speak Out on Copyright: The Bill C-32 Edition
Michael Geist, Weblog, January 17, 2011.

As Michael Geist says, "Even if you have spoken out before, it is important to speak out again." Here's what he has to say to the committee:
- Initial Comments from June, 2010
- Opening Statement to the C-32 Committee
- A Compromise Position
The elements of the compromise position are worth restating:
- clarify that it is only a violation to circumvent a digital lock where the underlying purpose is to infringe copyright.
- codifying the six-part fair dealing text within the Copyright Act: (1) the purpose of the dealing; (2) the character of the dealing; (3) the amount of the dealing; (4) alternatives to the dealing; (5) the nature of the work; and (6) the effect of the dealing on the work.
- identify alternative mechanisms for providing financial supportive to Canadian creators.

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Copyright 2010 Stephen Downes Contact: stephen@downes.ca

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