Barbara Fister - Scholarship in a Read/Write World - ACRLog
Discussion of the idea that the wisdom of crowds could be used to evaluate academic work, including discussion of (and a link to) a commentary in Nature. I find it interesting to note that while there's a lot of commentary in the responses to the Nature article about "the mob's" lack of credentials, the writers have no hesitation to comment on a phenomenon they have obviously not investigated. One wonders, additionally, how many peers review articles that are beyond their competence to comprehend. [
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OLDaily on June 30, 2006 at 6:45 p.m..
Various authors - SmartBrief
So what might OLDaily look like if it were a commercial publication. Tze was good enough to send me this link to a product called a SmartBrief, and in particular, the SmartBrief offered by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) -
here's the direct link, though it may cease functioning in the future (coded URLs tend to do that). What you'll notice first is how nice it looks. The professionally designed piece uses a stand From
OLDaily on June 30, 2006 at 6:45 p.m..
Various authors - LearnServe Ethiopia 2006
This is one of those examples you really like to see. In this blog, the entries, "all written by students, describe the experiences of LearnServe Ethiopia x" a group of 17 high school students and 12 teachers from DC-area public and private schools x" as they experience Ethiopia in the summer of 2006." How great is that? Via GLEF. [
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Online Learning,
Web Logs,
OLDaily on June 30, 2006 at 6:45 p.m..
George Siemens - Knowing Before Doing? - Connectivism Blog
George Siemens observes, "The desire to control and manage communities... [is] at odds with how things need to happen for online spaces to prosper." Quite right. People always seems to feel they need to manage the outcome, even if they don't know what it is they are managing or what outcome they desire. "Instead of trying to force these tools into organizational structures, let them exist for a while. See what happens. Don't decide the entire solution in advance. See the process as more of a dance than a structured enactment of a solution."
OLDaily on June 30, 2006 at 6:45 p.m..
Scott Wilson - More standards? Which? Why? - Scott's Workblog
Scott Wilson reacts to Michael Feldstein's
defense of standards as a way of enabling long tail applications. All very fine, but as Wilson notes, a defense of standards in principle hardly equates to a defense of standards as they have actually evolved: "IMS has a huge back catalogue of released specifications. Some were developed far too early for their target problem space... Some developed too slowly to keep pace with general technology... Some doesn't seem to solve a real problem at all... Some are no From
OLDaily on June 30, 2006 at 6:45 p.m..
Stephen Downes - Identity Networks Are Here - Half an Hour
In the last weeks events have come together enough to say that identity networks have arrived on the seen. It will be months, maybe years, before they impact large numbers of web users. But they're here now. In this article I describe the major systems that have come together to create the identity network. [
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Networks] [
Comment] From
OLDaily on June 30, 2006 at 6:45 p.m..