Distributed Learning Object Repository Network

Most recent update: April 9, 2006 at 11:00 p.m. Atlantic Time (GMT-4)
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Classroom Standards Correlations for Nonfiction Paperbacks to Develop Literacy in PreK to Secondary Science and Social Studies C Heinemann-Raintree Classroom books are visually and academically high-quality trade books written with an eye to key curriculum standards. This web resource allows direct online access to standards for all 50 states and how the book titles correlate to them. Whenever state standards change, those changes are immediately reflected here. You can search for Heinemann-Raintree titles for specific criteria in any state, like Grade, Subject, Search Term/Keyword and even ISBN. As a result, you'll get a list of applicable titles with descriptions and links to both the book details and the specifi From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on April 9, 2006 at 8:30 p.m..

Copyright and Fair Use: An Overview The module contained in this site is designed to improve students' understanding of Copyright and Fair Use. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on April 9, 2006 at 8:30 p.m..

Earthquakes Earthquakes are broken down into six sub-categories, and in small groups students research one sub-category. They gather their information from the link that is provided, and then share the information they find with the rest of the class. Grades 4-6. From MERLOT - 10 Most Recent Materials on April 9, 2006 at 7:30 a.m..

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